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  1. But he’s good for hockey, he’s a character, he’s blah blah blah Nope he’s a thug, a marketing gimmick to get money out of knuckle draggers.
  2. Honest question here, if you don't like labels being used like lefties and libtards, why is it you continuously use labels like "knuckle draggers"? https://www.morningbigblue.com/community/search/?q=knuckle&quick=1 For the record, I hate the use of all of these labels because all it does is continue to polarize, dehumanize a subset of people. I'm no fan of what a lot of the conservative parties are doing right now and who is running them, but I would not personally classify using derogatory labels to refer to anyone as critical thinking.
  3. Over the years I have seen a number of bench clearing brawls on the sports hilite shows .... but I believe they were mainly all college football games ... If we had a bench clearing brawl last Saturday maybe it would have woke a few people up like the league's governors and the zebras ... maybe the smugness would go away and actual change would be engineered by the powers that govern us ... QB & player safety would happen immediately ... fan entertainment and not partisan advantage might take the forefront ... other knuckle dragging things might finally be addressed "a player that retired a quarter-century ago" ... what does age have to do with manliness and being the family/team protector have to do with age? I would rather lose the Grey Cup than see Zach's career end on a cheap shot Dignity is more important than discipline Discipline without dignity is harlotry... And if we had of lost because all 5 of our O-Linemen jumped on Robertson at once, reducing him to an ink spot, this Saturday would have turned into the greatest most anticipated game of all time in Winnipeg history
  4. Yes true, abviously a lot more complex than I put it here and there is always continuous good news about human beings. However Putin is not the only knuckle dragger causing havoc. Like Trump he has exposed other knuckle draggers amongst us that we thought for sure weren’t still around, hence the regression progression comment.
  5. Whites fgs all look like knuckle balls tnite. offence needs to answer get some mo back
  6. So no answer then as usual, just clutching pearls, All CAPS, projecting and hurling insults. Okay then. Just as a note, I've never used the word crazy to describe extremists. I've used knuckle draggers but have modified my approach to date.
  7. In my defense, it was about 10:30 Knuckle Dragging Time, when I posted it, but yes..... we definitely should have had this done up around midnight!!
  8. I am not here to own the Liberals. I am here simply to present a different viewpoint to the echo chamber. I have not seen many arguments here that are good faith by anyone. That's just straight up fact. All I've seen on these threads are attacks against other posters who don't agree disguised as some kind of moral high ground. Same as what we see out of the modern day Liberals. When someone says they don't like the Liberals or the politics of the left they are not met with facts on the matter, they are met with insults and called knuckle draggers, or angry old men....and that's just the last page of this thread. It's really quite sad how you guys pretend to be having civil discussion when it is anything but that so I will continue on, so that people unacquainted with this forum know that groupthink isn't mandated at this web site. Bad faith argument...sheesh...like saying cutting taxes is the same thing as deficit spending...like there are only two lines on a federal budget. That's a ridiculous bad faith argument perpetrated by the tax and spend community with no basis in mathematics, accounting, or reality. Don't pretend that bad faith is exclusive to the right....I've seen a lot of the left leaning crowd here say some absolutely ridiculous crap.
  9. No, just that anyone willingly supporting modern conservatives is endorsing backwards knuckle dragging policy. Conservatives now are rage farmers with no ideas for governing. They simply stole hate and anger to gain power and that's the end.
  10. The term knuckle-dragger isn't exclusive to those on the right side of the political spectrum. On the other hand, and it's been demonstrated consistently in this thread, the terms lefty and libtard are being used, albeit erroneously, by at least two bad actors when their obviously biased commentary isn't endorsed by others. What's to be gained by derailing a thread and be unwilling to participate in informed, objective, rational, evidence-based discourse as it relates to the political climate in our country? There are those in this country currently holding political office who seem eager to emulate the same regressive, misinformed, sociopathic culture war nonsense that has deteriorated the political landscape of our southern neighbour - and the sad reality is there are Canadians who support and agree with those views. It's the Paradox of Tolerance once again.
  11. Thanks for link and the feedback. I'm not perfect Rich, I tend to label insanity as knuckle dragging. My bad. When I see absurdness that has serious implications and consequences on everyday people from all walks of life and sane ideologies I see where you go with it and I see where I go with it. Probably both has its merits and demerits. But please spare me with your 'I'm above the fray, stop dehumanizing people' lecture. We're not living in a normal world that you think we are where taking the path of least resistance is the way to go. My guess is you and I see the world differently in many aspects and act on things that need to be acted on in a much different way. Fair enough.
  12. That’s what happens when a group believes in a Trump approach. It makes them feel good inside. It’s who they are as people. They are not true conservatives. They’re knuckle draggers who have seized on an opportunity.
  13. No argument from me. Just speculating what goes on inside a knuckle dragging head to rationalize away their absurdness.
  14. The irony of this fake 'life is precious' they spew. Threatening to kill human beings. These same knuckle draggers who advocate for forced birth but after that you're on your own are the same ones who talk about individual rights and freedoms. Mind boggling, exhausting, frustrating. For sure Carl Sagan, the dumbing down of human beings is in full view right now. We are as good as our lowest common denominator.
  15. God's law has been compromised. Superior Authority that permitted this photo to be shown must be challenged with all our might. But seriously we joke because it's a coping mechanism but all you knuckle draggers out there that hide behind religion to spew and act on your drivel make it bad for good people of faith and/or religion. I'm tired of hearing your absurdness and the danger your causing to the sane collective society of humans who just want to co-exist and at times thrive with one another. In this specific instance whether you know it or not or accept it, this is not a discussion with multiple varying different perspectives that add value. It's sane versus insane. You've chosen your side. Insane absurd dangerous drivel is not 'just another perspective'. ffs
  16. I don't know if in this particular instance that's what's the case here. Knuckle dragging men and women aren't going to change their minds if NDP propped up a white male. Sane undecided voters and sane 'I don't like to vote' need to show up to the polls. This is a full scale emergency, this is not a test. There is no room for voter apathy. We will do everything in our power to help you get out and vote. If I was Notley I would be saying this out loud to that specific group.
  17. Yea exactly, where do knuckle draggers think this money is coming from? They better do some digging and jump on the internet, ie Rebel ‘news’.
  18. The people who will be most negatively impacted by this ‘user fees will allow you to take your money to get better service’ disproven theory? The lower middle class knuckle dragging F Trudeau my rights my freedoms crowd that’s who.
  19. Just because you state fact doesn’t make it right said every knuckle dragger ever.
  20. One of many examples knuckle draggers here and everywhere completely dismiss, wave off, don't care to understand an important issue like this that impacts them directly and their inner circles and launch into their usual tirades fed by PP's trump handbook raging. It's mind numbing and also very very embarrassing and dangerous. Owning libtards on social media and driving around their communities with decals and flags is their priority.
  21. Take back Alberta: How dare you put in non junk science measures during a public health emergency that not all answers were/are known but let’s do this together led by the leading research that will adjust as we learn more. How dare you, I’ll make that choice if I want to be socially responsible. It’s my God Given right. How dare you continue to try to work with the Federal government trying to find that sweet spot of taking care of Albertans interests balanced with the needs of other provinces. How dare you, I live in Alberta, that is the only thing that matters to me and my inner circle. How dare you arrest and sanction wingnuts, morons, knuckle draggers hiding behind terms like ‘pastor’ and the Canadian Flag causing harm and disturbance to other Albertans like heath care workers who are trying to do their jobs to help Albertans. How dare you tell me and others that I can’t yell and spit and threaten healthcare care workers based on my google research of conspiracy theories and listening to ‘pastors’ and non public health non anything experts except hockey and figure skating Theo Fleury and Jamie Sale. How dare you put things in place to look beyond my self entitled narrow view on the world entered on me and my inner circle of people. It’s my individual rights that Trump everything else and I, and I only, will make that choice and if anything breaches anything that runs counter to how I see the world and what I want to do, it’s government overreach, fake news, Woke, Socialist **** I will not tolerate. F Trudeau I’m a god fearing patriot. How dare you (I’ve run out of steam but there’s a whole lot more of this, more absurdness of self entitled it’s only about me and only about if I choose to do anything not what anyone else says).
  22. When you think about it, her handlers probably suggested muzzling the media by only allowing only one question per journalist with no follow-ups to help minimize her knuckle dragging absurdness that seeps out of her mouth. In effect, her handlers are muzzling her as the primary target with the media being secondary.
  23. Danielle Smith sets limits on media questions cause ‘it’s election time’. Knuckle draggers here and everywhere will explain this away with their usual yes buts, everyone’s bad nonsensical absurd drivel while attaching a national post link that reports DS is the best option to lead Alberta.
  24. Exactly. Matt Gaetz provides a well-informed well thought out articulate evidence based argument that gives us another side to what is happening in America. If you choose to dismiss this genius insight from MG, you are actually the problem, being divisive, hypocritical and very narrow minded when it comes to how to deal with these ongoing mass killings in America. All you have to do is research it like I just did for you here. This brilliance generously shared by Matt Gaetz should finally put to bed that its just not the RINO's that are bad but proves without question the Democrats are equally bad. A story from Candice Ortiz from Mediaite: Gaetz warned of Big Pharma’s “mind-altering” medications that cause “psychosis.” He even went as far as to say that “the Democrats are telling the trans community… that Republicans are coming after them and they need to defend themselves by killing people who don’t agree with them.” The congressman shared a recent threat he received via voicemail in which the caller threatened to kill him if he continued “coming for the gays.” “So the Democrats are purposefully riling up their nutty shock troops in hopes that they will terrorize normal Americans into submission. Rand Paul was assaulted by his riled up neighbor. A congressional baseball practice was shot up by a riled up Bernie bro,” Gaetz explained. “The Democratic Party and Big Pharma that are unleashing the crazies on you, and nobody seems to have a solution for it. So here’s one. We need to reopen the asylums,” Gaetz said. “There are severely mentally ill people who do not have a right to wander our streets seeking and selecting who they are going to terrorize, whether there is criminal culpability or not.” Did I do this right? I'm F'ing tired of the stupidity, the dumbness, the stubbornness of suggesting stuff like the above that spews out of MG's mouth is no worse than what the other side says and does. Minimizing the severity of what MG and others like him continue to say and do on a range of serious issues and how it fuels up knuckle dragging Americans will continue to cost peoples lives by suggesting these nutbars, these lunatics are no more worse than others. It's like comparing an Apple to (insert something completely not in the realm of an Apple).
  25. Yea until you ask knuckle draggers to explain their ‘side’ in what antifa, woke, socialism, radical left is then it becomes quite challenging for them, especially when you have follow up questions to their nonsensical drivel. And when they’re fumbling away all that’s left is they pull out the you’re just ignorant and not willing to listen to other perspectives, you’re so divisive, echo chamber idiot.
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