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Everything posted by brett_c_b

  1. back to back wins? I would like 1 win please. No need to be greedy
  2. Ottawa has a nice stadium, and great environment in the area before the game. Really enjoyed the game I went to there. Haven't bothered looking much at what the riders are doing so won't compare, but I liked the stadium in Ottawa.
  3. When I was watching the bombers lose in Calgary last year I heard nothing but positive things about Dickenson from fans there
  4. I've lived in a city with the Edmonton Oilers since 2009, and am a Bombers fan, I'm not familiar with what playoffs are.
  5. also in the 0-4 club. Didn't expect winnipeg to win, but had to try
  6. As someone who is only in his early 30's, I have no real memories of the bombers being a dominant, or even consistently good team. Sure we had a brief glimpse of success in the days of Jones and Stegall. Losing games and looking terrible on offense is just my expectation. So the good of this is I get over the losses pretty quickly, as they're expected. The bad being even if we win a couple games it will be hard to enjoy as I'll know the wheels are still going to fall off after another few games. I didn't grow up watching or playing football, wasn't an option to play in a small town. In my teens the likes of Stegall and Brown got me interested and started watching. Then i hit my 20's. The bombers didn't win a labor day game in my 20's. Loss after loss after loss. Every year we bring in new players, every year people are optimistic for the new players. Every year regardless of what coaches/players/Gm we bring in, the team plays like the Bombers, which is a painful experience.
  7. that kick last night will cost him 1300. He's already donating more to charity than I do in a year, and he has 17 games left.
  8. I was considering going, after that depressing mess last night I think I'll be watching from my couch.
  9. This caught my interest. Went to register, draftkings registration unfortunately requires more effort than I'm willing to put in at this moment so I'll pass on it for now.
  10. Just to be a contrarian? Right now there's a gap from 1/2 to 3. The Jets have gone off the board a bit with other first rounders, but I can't see how they do it picking 2nd.
  11. 2009 - 17 games (1 game on PR, 17 started) 2010 - 4 games, cut in favor of prefontaine 2011 - 18 games 2012 - NFL 2013 - NFL 2014 - 18 games 2015 - 18 games Best I can tell he has missed 0 CFL games due to injury
  12. he must have more faith in a Lapo offense than some of us if he thinks he's going to be making shorter kicks than 45 yards.
  13. Medlock is basically 87-90% on FG every year, and makes quite a few long ones. I'm quite happy to have him. Hajrullau's good year is the same as Medlocks worst full season
  14. question based on a comment I saw on twitter. Are the endzones in BMO not the proper depth due to space restrictions? Got the impression that they're 18 yards deep.
  15. i feel the same about both of them. For what it's worth I've been in Edmonton 7.5 years now. I own 0 pieces of Eskimos gear. Last year as bad as the team was I went to Vancouver, Calgary and Ottawa to watch them play. This year the Vancouver bombers trip will be on again, not sure about others.
  16. Wouldn't surprise me if they can't. With the amount of money TSN is paying to air the games, I'd expect something in their preventing the games being made available through any other means outside of TSN.
  17. there's your error, expecting bright moves from a riders fan
  18. Or it's people who just want to wear a Dressler jersey to a Bombers game against Sask hoping he has a monster game in a Bombers blowout victory.
  19. I traded in carbs for steak bacon and cheese, and a bit of pork and chicken. If I want a snack, no more chips, cook a couple pieces of bacon.
  20. I might start buying merch again this year. It has nothing to do with management. It's the first year in a few that I might be able to wear some of it. The bombers don't really sell fat guy sizing. Down 100lbs this CFL off season (technically 98.5 as of this morning, but i'm going with 100), I may be able to get into some bomber gear again. (the secret is bacon, i have spent 0 time in the gym)
  21. pre-season, backups get some opportunity. The starters will make the threads in regular season as you watch from the couch
  22. So did you buy a new jersey because Taman is gone, because there are new jerseys, or because she can't wear her Dressler jersey to games anymore I would expect most teams merch revenue to be up this year with the new jerseys
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