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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. For years they were able to let players walk vis FA and have the "next man up" philosophy. And with the success they were having, player retention was no doubt easier. But this past off season especially, whether by virtue of a dearth of scouting prowess or simply the lack of a Hall of Fame calibre QB for the first time in seemingly decades, players were allowed to walk that they should not have let out the door and they refuses to invest in new FA. A refusal to acknowledge their changing circumstances killed them before this season even started.
  2. I can’t catch them all because life and stuff. But I always watch some of the later games after I put the kiddos to bed. It’s just something to do, lol.
  3. Historical standings are pretty cool!
  4. That’s quite a rabbit hole you’re falling down, Alice.
  5. That’s not defending the Riders, lol. They cut a **** QB that burned all bridges in the end.
  6. This is exactly how I expected this game to go. People thinking one of these teams are going to upset Toronto are nuts.
  7. Really? He shouldn't have been starting at any point this season.
  8. If he's healthy he absolutely does. And they mix Mills in quite a bit too. Nothing wrong with their run game except for the fact that they lean away from it too much these days.
  9. Pathetic fanbase. I appreciate an organization pricing to the market. Wish the Jets would do the same.
  10. I personally don't like when they treat the coach award as a "most improved".
  11. I think Dinwiddie will win Coach, but Brady still takes MOP.
  12. It's the advantage of having vets that have all been together for multiple years. For all the negative things we bring up about guys who have been around too long, there are positives too.
  13. Let's not forget his 500 receiving yards and league leading 13 TDs.
  14. Strev was also released from his contract on an injury settlement. And he wasn't exactly effective in any of his regular season performances.
  15. Seems weird for me to hear posters say TO isn't that good because they only had to beat down on lesser Eastern competition all year, but now predict that those lesser teams are now capable of beating TO. Any given Sunday, etc. But there is no real reason to think TO isn't going to sleep walk their way to the GC.
  16. He clearly thinks Zach should have been our MOP vote and this is his "I'm smarter than Winnipeg voters" commentary.
  17. I've said it already, you can make any contract fit, but does it make your team better? You've just replaced 4 vets with rookies and committed to not adding anyone via FA. Not saying you're wrong, but When Walters adds up all the different scenarios, is that the one that makes the team the best version of itself?
  18. I wouldn't be shocked, but Calgary is really, really bad guys. BC should still wipe the floor with them.
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