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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. They’re an ok team. They showed it all year long. Win against crappy teams, lose against good teams. Any given Sunday rule always applies, but it doesn’t make them better than they have shown themselves to be all year long.
  2. ****, I hate this week so much. Literally everything in that clip was made up and/or nonsensical. They say things like, “with the coaching cap, you can’t keep everyone”. The coaching cap is why we’re able to keep everyone. Other teams can’t come up and offer twice what we’re paying Walters et al, so why leave? And then they state that Walters is just sitting in his office right now, unable to do anything because he’s not yet signed for next year. That’s total BS. Just utter, utter nonsense reporting.
  3. It is what it is. None of them get raises if the cap doesn’t increase.
  4. Well, one, there was no previous information. This is the only thing Walters has said on the matter. Two, extra cap space or not, he’s at the top of his pay scale - where else is he going that will give him a raise?
  5. I have a home Collaros and a road Bighill. But if I was buying today, it would be Brady, no question.
  6. The ultimate goal of course, but right now is just a gaggle of toddlers who are all too needy at the worst possible times.
  7. Yeah, Millar ain't going anywhere until after the Grey Cup. At some point after that, I can see him walking away after successfully turning the franchise around. But that would depend on a number of things too.
  8. If it was just me and my friends, it would be great. Unfortunately, we all had to go out and get married and have kids and it just ruins the whole thing.
  9. I feel bad for JBR because he's never said any of this but Noeller has been running with it like as if he chiseled it on stone tablets.
  10. Honestly. They obviously have to make up a couple Montreal storylines for some balance, but you're talking out of your butt if you think the some anti-Winnipeg narrative out there.
  11. I don't know what you're watching/reading, but I've heard way more references to our 4 straight cups and Zach as the first QB in history to do it than I've heard about anything to do with Montreal.
  12. He doesn't, but the three of them have reportedly been in lockstep during this whole rebuild. I'm fairly sure they all discuss these things together. Not that MOS would reveal to us if Walters wasn't coming back, but him telling us he expects it makes it seem like it's obvious that it is...like most of us expected.
  13. That is the downside of going to my buddies house, where there are families and parents, etc. Me and him are the only ones who TRULY are invested. Many, many distractions.
  14. I won’t be hosting; planning on bringing Rice Krispy treats for all the kiddos and Buffalo Chicken Dip.
  15. This cursed the Bombers for years. You'd get a few wins in a row in front of mid crowds; finally culminating against a sell out crowd in front of a top opponent...and they'd drop an egg. Attendance immediately drops the following game. And you see the opposite this year. We weren't selling out games to start the year, but you build it up, get a good crowd and then get a good win and the crowd continues to build. And then we finish the year with 5 straight sell outs. I would say it sucks that you guys missed out on this opportunity to win over your crowd, but unfortunately it was way funnier for me to see the Argos fall flat on their faces.
  16. And then the receiver doing the half time interview a minute later saying, "No, it was a pure Hail Mary".
  17. Oh, I know. He deserved the flag. VAJ still flopped. And, on the final play, when Holm got the interception, Rhymes intentionally pulled his DB down and then looked up for a flag hoping for a PI. Bunch of *******
  18. I don’t like Prukop in and only getting 5 yards.
  19. I ******* hate when they put him in for anything but a one yard push. Keep Zach in and run the full offence. I bet Brady runs it in easy.
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