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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. So Brady rushes for nearly 100 in the first quarter. Zach is clearly not playing his best ball tonight. But we’ve spent nearly two quarters forcing throws and barely handing the ball of at all…
  2. Well, that sucks. Still leading. **** those guys.
  3. I truly thought Montreal was going to be far and away the worst team in the league this year.
  4. Easily could. Their offence can’t stay on the field to burn clock, so TO will still have plenty of opportunities to score.
  5. He touched the receiver before the ball get there.
  6. No one named Chad should be the face of anything except Axe body spray.
  7. I mean, Montreal’s playing at their absolute best right now. Toronto is way better than them and they’re somehow holding onto a lead.
  8. Toronto coming with pressure because they know Faj can’t handle it.
  9. They needed the running game to carry them but can’t get it going at all. Faj can’t complete a 2nd and long. It’s been a sack every time.
  10. I think their only hope was to stack a big league early, hope that TO was rusty and capitalize on some mistakes. That ship might have already sailed.
  11. Games been entirely played in their half of the field. Won’t hold out long like this.
  12. It's also possible that Zach just decides to throw 5 first half TD passes and ends the game before anyone's first bathroom break.
  13. 1A) Establish Brady, but then use some trickery to using sweeps and fakes to McCrae/Bailey/Demski 2B) I thin we need pressure to keep VAJ off his game. Keep sending it from different places. The Jeff's need to earn their salaries these next two games. 3C) I hope for the best from ST, lol
  14. Yup. Same job. Same money. Abandon the franchise you’ve built from the ground up at the peak of their success right before a home Grey Cup to move to a less successful franchise. Where do I sign, right?
  15. He's mentally trying to prepare himself for the worst to happen because Walters isn't publicly signed yet. It's fine. But you definitely don't need to repeatedly argue on behalf of conjecture as if it's actually fact.
  16. Agree. And I would be shocked to see Walters walk before Grey Cup '25. He's signing at least one more deal with Winnipeg.
  17. Well, that's a disgusting display of ignorance. The narrative has truly pushed competence out the window.
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