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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Where did you hear this rumor? Garth Buchko and Jim Bell told me.
  2. I thought Copp was pretty good defensively and that's all you can ask for from him right now... He was in the right spot for the most part, not sure his linemates were tho
  3. Wasn't good on special teams either, was rumored to be dogging it out there on special teams pretty big time.
  4. I mean, do Jets fans not remember what that 2011 roster looked like? It was basically ladd little and wheeler running things and that's it.. They had really bad goaltending and couldn't play D if their lives depended on it.. That roster was complete crap outside of maybe 5 or 6 players. Took Chevy a couple years, that's when guys like Scheif Trouba and Lowry started to make impacts, Actually last year was the first year all 3 were on the team and not surprisingly it was the best year The Jets/Thrashers/ Bombers comparison kind or works well... It shows you that it actually does take time to build a roster.. In a way, the bombers canadian content cupboards were empty too, it takes time to build that up. I'm a fan of both NHL AND CFL but... the pre-season games mean absolutely nothing really so... i'll be watching the bombers this Friday for sure. Just have a hard time getting excited to watch pre-season hockey... The bomber game means something, despite what some say and what most of us believe, the bombers aren't exactly done yet, the bomber games still mean something, the pre-season jets games... not so much. And in all seriousness, I'll probably tune in to the Jets game at times but... i don't really care about that game at all. McDavid? Big deal really, it's pre-season. If anything I'd love to see him getting hammered out there clean.
  5. Did you miss it bro? He was released a few days ago by the bombers.
  6. Not convinced copp makes it... very good defensively tho Lemieux Petan Armia would be sweet
  7. Not a kane fan but I think he's innocent. No reason just feel he is.
  8. Kosmo sucked. Should be much better than he has been. Not even close to nhl ready Karlstrom peluso Postma many "plugs" haven't played
  9. Drew Willy was hurt. That probably saves MOS. The D has been good. SP teams are up and down... talent not there. O HAS BEEN AWFUL.. oops. MOS is back. MB is done.
  10. I see no need for both peluso and thorburn on the team. It wouldn't shock Me if you see Chevy pull a very minor trade.. peluso and Postma for a draft pick type thing. I also feel and kind of hope that you see more skill on the 4th line. Lemieux Petan Armia would be interesting to see
  11. Not doing Linea but... Petan De Leo Fraser Halischuk kosmo Olson Raffl Albert Walker Lipon plus 2 or 3 more forwards D will be kichton Morrissey one or both of Pardy and Harrison Kostalek melchiori plus who knows . Helle and comrie
  12. No comment really. I don't think MOS will be fired. I think MB will be tho so maybe the question should be who is available for the OC position
  13. Ehlers will be on the team. And wouldn't surprise me if Lemieux and Armia are on the 4th line to start either. Maybe just 7 or 9 gamed for Lemieux but I think they like him.
  14. Not a terrible game for the moose. Pardy really struggled lots. Copp was good. Armia was good. Burmi was good. Lowry didn't do much but his first game
  15. Lawless is a good writer but when he starts talking... I kind of zone out.. basically rambles somewhat incoherently for 3 minutes and doesn't ask a question more like a statement that ends with do you agree. That's his questions really... blah blah blah blah do you agree ??
  16. Lowry been invisible. Burmi playing well. Lipon too. Armia and Copp been good too. Whole bunch of Meh tho.
  17. Real name Lawrence. His friend nicknamed him yogi because after losing baseball games he sat there and looked like a hindou yogi. Look it up.
  18. I don't see much bullying on here. Then again I may have thicker skin and generally try not to take things too serious. After all its just sports. It's entertainment. Guess if some aren't entertained by it and just feel the need to go batshit crazy... so be it but... it is just sports.
  19. The OC is responsible for using Denmark the wrong way.
  20. Pretty weak Line up tonight for the jets. Lowry Burmi Copp Armia and that's about it
  21. I think for the most part they are pretty scripted, but... i think some guys can go out and freelance for sure, at times, if you sit close enough or the mic is in the wrong spot, you can hear guys calling spots.
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