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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. When i go to games and i do try to get to 5 or so games a year, no season tix here but when we do go to games, The higher the seats the better in my opinion. I mean, yeah getting tickets right next to the glass would be awesome but that's not gonna happen, sat in the Jets wives and girlfriends section a couple times too and those are pretty good seats (sister knows them and hooked it up) but... really do enjoy watching the Jets game from as close to the top as possible. Good value too really.
  2. Pastrnak, their 1st... a LHD man... That's about it... Jets wouldn't be after wingers or guys like that unless they were young, i don't see them having any interesting in a guy like Eriksson or Krejci or Marchand for that matter... It would be a guy like Pastrnak for sure plus their 1st... If they offered that, i'd have a hard time saying no.
  3. If i had TIX, i'd go to the bomber game. The Jets are playing an edmonton team who is leaving most their roster at home, No McDavid = who cares really. It's pre-season, don't get it really.. Jets pre-season which means nothing or bomber game which means something plus they just played the oilers the other night... I'll flip to the Jets game from home at times but... I'll be watching the bombers for sure.
  4. The JBL and Bischoff interview was very good. Also watched it last night on the network
  5. Fire MB and let's see what MOS does with a capable OC
  6. They really have nothing to offer for buff except a 1st Rd pick.
  7. It's interesting to me that so many people are actually complaining about it... Theres really maybe at most 50 seats that are "obstructed" somewhat, but it seems like theres way more people complaining about it.
  8. Go check out the barclays center in Brooklyn and the hockey set up and then get back to this one.... Now those are obstructed seats and BIG TIME... And it's not just 25 seats like at MTS center, it's 100's if not 1000's. Anyone actually see the set up at the Barclays for Hockey?
  9. For sure, for sure but... she ain't winning the case if it ever got to that... Innocent until proven guilty and i don't think they will prove that kane was guilty.
  10. Lawless is connected for sure, it's just his opinion pieces got pretty annoying to read. Seriously haven't read the free press in a long time, used to go to the bathroom and take the sports section with me, not anymore lol... not anymore. Now if i took it with me, i think the better use for it might be to wipe my ass with it. It's pretty much garbage.
  11. Respected Lawyer in the Buffalo area, probably figured Kanes lawyer would rip him to shreads tomorrow so got out while he could. Probably means that this is done pretty soon and kane will be playing the first game of the year. Can't let Kanes past history come in to things here, little different scenarios, beating up a cab driver and raping a girl are 2 totally different things. Kane is a ****** for sure but... perhaps he's actually the victim in this one.
  12. Just more and more bizarre by the day.. The "victims" lawyer just moments ago has left the case, he said it's basically because he didn't believe the victims mothers story about how she got the evidence bag. This is just crazy.... really starting to look like this girl, maybe being driven by her mother are looking to cash in big time here. Just my 2 cents but.... crazy development for the "victims" lawyer to just quit really because he doesn't believe the mothers story about how she got the evidence bag.
  13. Interesting topic but seems like none of these guys are actually available.
  14. Yeah he did.. Burmi didn't.. Ehlers didn't. Petan didn't. Lemieux didn't. Raffl didn't. Something we maybe over looking is who has been Petans one winger in the pre-season game he played, it was Thorburn.. a 4th line staple. Wouldn't shock me to see Lemieux,Petan,Armia start the year on the 4th line but maybe Lemieux sent down it becomes Thorbs,Petan,Armia.
  15. because " TRUE NORTH". But seriously, it's probably because it seems like it's just a handful of seats.. I dunno, no comment, haven't sat there... for a guy like me, no season tickets but do go to games, It's really irrelevant.
  16. Maybe, but didn't save Chamblin and Taman with Durant (and Glenn for a time) going down. Reading up on the Chamblin Taman stuff... those 2 really screwed the riders hard. 1/3 of that rider team is 30 or older. They have nobody in the pipeline. They have no cap space even with guys on IR. It's not a fair comparison because it was very obvious Chamblin lost the team. It's not obvious here and despite what maybe 2 or 3 people on here say... Mos has not lost the room. Chamblin did.
  17. I like him but that doesn't mean he's more than just depth. Whether you like a player or not is irrelevant.
  18. It hasn't really affected his on ice play... he's just another depth guy.. like postma.
  19. NFL is a spectacle, they talk of a lot of crazy things during games and like CFL broadcasts they beat that dead horse in to the ground... the difference tho is the NFL announcers are better at their jobs and it doesn't sound as forced or scripted, they at times go off script. TSN seems to pick a few guys before the game.. Last game it was Crompton and regardless of what he's doing or not doing on the field, they pump him up so much that by the end of it you are sick of it.. THE NFL does the same however, let's just say they were talking about Tom Brady, but let's say Marcus Mariota is having a good game too, they will talk of him too. The CFL guys will ignore other players, the NFL guys won't. There is a difference, it's subtle but...it's there. NFL announcers are more polished really. Theres no doubt that in both leagues, they have scripts to follow, only real difference is in the NFL, they sometimes don't follow the script.. they go off script really and talk of other things at times, in the CFL.. yeah TSN picks a few names probably from a hat before hand and just go on and on and on about them the entire game.
  20. Another player who was over rated, probably won't even be on Colorados big club this year... massively over rated.
  21. Rarely to never watch that show but... Dave Hodge is annoying, Simmons is ultra annoying, dude knows it all, Damien Cox is just a fool, Arthur has knowledge but he's such a pompous little ass that i just can't stand him... Lawless should fit right in. Who watches that show regularly tho?
  22. Lana as a face is also dreadful... Rusev was a monster and now they turned him in to a *****.
  23. Intermissions aren't long enough to allow Lawless to ask the players questions. hjahahah can you imagine? "Okay, Lowry, let me ask you something, do you feel you were really uh, you know uh pushing the uh...well because let me tell you what I see out there, uh I see the guys, the players, they're out there, they're uh you know, they're skating and their pushing and uh look, this is the bottom line out there, guys pushing, really uh you know, really pushing the play and I see it like this and maybe this is just me and you can disagree or not but what I see in my uh from my, you know my cheap seats up above the 300's is you know, your line working, working uh hard out there and just pushing the play when you're on the ice and really just, uh you know giving it out there. is that how you see it?" "Yes" "Thats all the time we have" Pretty much bang on. Would also take lawless a while to get down to ice level
  24. Postma would get probably something similar to Postma... a guy who has shown some potential but hasn't reached it or even come close to reaching it, maybe a guy who is hyped by that teams fan base like Postma is by ours... Postma is good depth... that's about it. If he's in your top 6, you got some issues for sure. I like Postma but... his value isn't that high at all... I wish i could think of a player similar to him but i can't cuz all those guys are down in the AHL probably.
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