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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. I don't think their writers are very good and i think lots of them have no idea what gets over or doesn't get over in the wrestling business. I think a perfect example of a crappy storyline is the ziggler lana rusev summer rae one... That's hollywood writing BS.. that doesn't work anymore. It's too fake. They need to fire the writers or most of them... and just make it more legit.. obviously it can't ever be legit legit but.. what i mean really is make it echo real life more.. Fans these days are smarter... we all have the internet, we can all look up sites like sescoops or rajah or whatever else is out there, the meltzers of the world even... we all know it exists.. I guess what i'm saying is they need to bring some reality in to these shows and they need to let guys go out there and talk on their own... sink or swim, the cream will rise to the top and the ones who don't.. well screw them really. Austin 316 was not something that was pitched by a writer, Austin came up with that himself... Stone Cold was his ex wife telling him to drink his tea before it gets stone cold.. said stone cold eh, i like it..stone cold steve austin is born really... Need to let them just be who they are and push people who actually deserve to be pushed... Show,Kane,Cena for that matter (I would love to see Heel cena tho) are all stale and boring characters that have been around for ever.. It's time for change. Until vince actually dies, i'm not sure you will see it.
  2. No he wouldn't... Jay Harrison got like a 6th round pick. Postma is not good, he wouldn't get much at all. People need to stop over valuing Postma, jets could put him on waivers today and he'd clear it..guaranteed. He's not good. Not sure why some people constantly over rate our players like that.
  3. Orlesky is still Winnipeg based too, bomber and Jets games for her. Not much will change with Lawless really... He will be doing what he's been doing for some time now on TSN, it's just that he won't be writing for the free press anymore. Still gonna have Lawless and order, still gonna see Lawless being the Winnipeg representative on TSN...
  4. NAh, Postma is basically a plug that for some reason Jets fans have over rated, he's not good... and Thorburn is a waste of a roster spot in todays NHL.. maybe a 5th round pick at most.
  5. Panic in WWE apparently, low ratings have Vince on the war path.... Blaming creative and telling them to come out with better storylines... Silly Vince, you are the one with the final say.. Maybe Stuff pushing guys like CENA, Kane,Show down our throats and start pushing guys the fans want to see pushed like Cesaro,Neville,Owens, etc PS: NOW IS THE TIME TO TURN CENA HEEL.
  6. The only difference, Luger got paid to go on the lex express. Ridiculous angle there, tried to make him in to a huge star and it flopped. BIG TIME.
  7. Probably means his cap hit won't count either...If he's on LTIR.
  8. Chris Thorburn and Paul Postma have also been traded to Carolina for a 6th round pick in 2018 Nah... but one could hope.
  9. The one question i'd have is... no Cole, no Collins... is that a Hall decision? Because... well, I'd imagine he has somewhat of a say there.
  10. Also to clarify Maurices quote, he said 4 guys who didn't play in the NHL last year... That would include Burmistrov Burmi,Ehlers,Petan,Lemieux.
  11. Noel Thorpe.. DC for Montreal.. Neil Thorpe... not sure who that is. Last page here is confusing lol
  12. Pretty much this. Not interested in the Muamba Gong Show tour at all... When he wants to come back and give up on the NFL, i'd be more than happy to pay that man the money.
  13. No. He didn't play in the playoffs. Jim Slater did. Copp got the last game of the season vs Calgary and that's it.
  14. I might be willing to see what a guy like Markus Howell could do as OC... he's been around a while, has played the game... He might just be the answer really. Couldn't be worse than MB and Crowton.
  15. So our scouting is that awful that we were ready to trade for him before he was cut and then he's not even good enough to replace Burnett - I mean what has he done on ST this season? To be fair to Burnett, he did look pretty decent that one game he actually played before getting hurt. Also at the time, Ian Wild wasn't on the team.. I'll take Wild over Simmons every day.
  16. We actually played pretty well vs Calgary both games this year... yeah that last game ended in a blow out but... in the first half, the game was very close, Our O couldn't move the ball, marve threw a pick 6 to start the second half and that was that pretty much. I think if our O can actually move the ball, that's a big IF but IF they do, i think we match up ok against Calgary... It's all about the O tho, cuz our D is good enough to keep it close if they aren't on the field all game.. Keep in mind that was the game where Marve didn't have 100 yards passing through 3 quarters.
  17. Really? Some people want to see LAPO back? Taman too i guess? Let's just bring back everyone that has tried in the past and failed... that should work well. No thanks to LAPO, maybe if he's interested in the OC position but...as head coach, i think he left a lot to be desired. LOTS.. I just don't see how a team can get motivated to play for that guy.. ok, guys, ok, lets go out there, ok and ok... and beat them ok ok ok. That's a lapo pre-game speech.
  18. No i didn't make it up... I was just talking with some friends, who know more about the game than you do and they said it appeared he was dogging it on special teams, these are guys who actually played football, a couple for the bisons for that matter, They just think simmons wasn't really trying that hard on special teams. He wasn't on the Calgary roster cuz he wasn't good on special teams.. if he was, he would have played but he wasn't. Pretty simple. Lots of hype for Simmons but basically did nothing.
  19. I think you put Petan with linemates with skill and don't play him with guys like Thorburn and Raffl and you will see how good the guy is.. He's pretty much NHL ready, he's as ready as he will be, He's a playmaker, he was making plays out there the other game, sent raffl in on a breakway on a nice sauce pass up the middle, had a ton of zone time that he created on his own, his linemates didn't help him. Petan made a big impression on them last year, that matters.
  20. Probably a callup if someone goes down but i don't see Olsen starting with the JETS... I think he could use a full year in AHL again to help him, maybe next season... but i think he's had a good few games but i just think there are other guys who are ahead of him.
  21. You see him playing with the Jets the way he has played in Penticton or last night? I don't. Maurice said they will probably have 4 forwards in the lineup that have never played an NHL game before!!! Ehlers, Armia, Copp and Petan? Wow. Try again... Copp played an NHL game last year Lemieux is the other guy. Ehlers,Petan,Armia,Lemieux Telling you that 4th line is gonna be Lemieux Petan Armia to start...
  22. Where did you hear this rumor? Garth Buchko and Jim Bell told me.
  23. I thought Copp was pretty good defensively and that's all you can ask for from him right now... He was in the right spot for the most part, not sure his linemates were tho
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