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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. I've personally always hated championships as being THE factor in judging a QB... a championship is the ultimate team accomplishment, especially in football... to downgrade guys like Jim Kelly and Dan Marino because they didn't play on teams as good as the 70s steelers and the 80s 49ers is insanity... yeah it matters, but it shouldn't be the be all end all... I voted for Ploen... mostly based on reputation... since Khari is the only one I ever saw play live...
  2. IIRC Goossen played all five positions at some point in time at SFU.... if Morley can play a few more years at centre and Goossen can play RG... that solidifies the interior line for the foreseeable future.... January - Greaves - Morley - Goossen - new Imp tackle/Neufeld/Jones?
  3. I wouldn't mind see Pointbriand getting more involved in the offence... watching him steam-roll T-Brack a few weeks ago was a thing of beauty... but I'm thinking more like 5 plays a game and the occasional short yardage hand-off
  4. Isn't Manitoba an agriculture province? It very much is... I know quite a few farmers and actually know some people who will become 3rd and 4th generation farmers (for some reason)... I guess the irony makes it funny, at least it does to me!
  5. Hey sucka! Always lovely to see the gutless trolls show up and try to cause a ruckus.Sunseri? He's got to get rid of the frickin ball. Standing around like a statue made the O-line look worse then it was. The TiCat interior defensive line is a beautiful thing (and Nationals too). Offence and special teams were weak sauce. Defence? They had good coverage but Collaros was squeezing the ball into tight coverage all day with a quick release and good scrambling. This is the Collaros the TiCats wanted to see. It's going to be tough without DD but there was plenty of blame to go around. Peace and enjoy the bye week. It'll give you guys a chance to heal up. Also, note that I wasn't on here acting like a jack ass after the Lion/Bomber game. PS Bombers suck I don't normally like to get in on this bit of fun but take a look at the two things I bolded... if you can't see the obvious hypocrisy in your own post... well then there's not much else to say...
  6. clearly not enough people here have experienced Regina...
  7. my first thought is who actually voted yes.... hahaha, then I realized of course the Rider fans would want Elliot to play! I'm sure that 52-0 beauty he produced is still fresh in their minds.... anyways... I can't imagine a scenario (short of injury) that Burris doesn't start for them this season... besides, he just moved into his house in Ottawa so there's no turning back now RB fans.... speaking of which, we could use a token redblack fan on here...
  8. I would say definitely not.... if it was any other injury than throwing shoulder I don't see it being an issue.... last thing we want is a Lulay situation where his career might be in jeopardy... Willy is the QB of the present, but more importantly the future too... Willy hasn't been close to 100% for weeks. Banged his throwing hand on a helmet at least twice during games and once in a practice, and then the ankle/leg thing vs Riders, and then now the shoulder. Point is, it has nothing to do with being 100%...it's "Can Willy go out there and help the team win, or is he going to be a detriment?" I agree with you and I should clarify.... I don't think he should play if his SHOULDER is not 100% (or at least close)... It's probably the most crucial area for a QB... there's no such ting as a pro football player that's 100% healthy after 12 games....
  9. So speaking of free agents... specifically long snappers and d-linemen... anyone know what's up with Chad Rempel and Alex Hall...
  10. I guess the blessing for him, if he doesn't get another NFL shot, is at least he has a decent back-up plan where he can continue to play football at a high level while earning a comfortable wage... rather than start his post-football career at 25....
  11. I would say definitely not.... if it was any other injury than throwing shoulder I don't see it being an issue.... last thing we want is a Lulay situation where his career might be in jeopardy... Willy is the QB of the present, but more importantly the future too...
  12. This kinda seems like an unnecessary attack post.... but anyways I agree with mfranc... week to week is better than out for the year or whatever else it could be.... even if he has to miss the Hamilton game, hopefully a solid 3 weeks of rehab will have him ready by the ottawa game...
  13. Agreed. Our complaining is what raised his game. He actually came over to my house with some freshly baked muffins and apologized to me for not playing the way I wanted him to. What did he bring you? Aw you got muffins!?! I just got a card in the mail with an autographed head shot...
  14. Don't even start this.... I'd be surprised if there's a harder working GM in the league right now...
  15. Woldu deserved the fine. The official was positioned correctly and Woldu could have avoided him. Please. That is the very definition of a stretch. It wasn't like he steam-rolled the ref. He basically brushed into him. Haha actually maybe you should watch the replay again... I don't think he deserved a fine, but he absolutely steam-rolled the ref... I was ok with Morley getting ejected in that game... I don't actually know what happened but he's not the kind of guy to just lose it for no reason... I assume he was sticking up for a teammate, which I'm ok with... the o-linemen gotta be the enforcers...
  16. Nic Lewis.Nik Lewis is a shadow of what he once was and is probably the fifth or sixth best receiver on Calgary. Not the same situation at all. Not to mention he looks like he's pushing 300 these days (before anyone takes this literally I should point out I'm clearly exaggerating)... they could probably like him up at left tackle... be the secret WR on goal line plays
  17. Wicek is digging deep right now.... maybe a good sign that things aren't as bad as they'd like on the field!
  18. This hurts... a lot... I've said it before, I think Zach is our best D-lineman... All the best to him in his recovery...
  19. I know he's still a couple years away but I'm interested to see what this kid can do over the next couple CIS seasons... http://mytoba.ca/sports/bison-defender-david-onyemata-may-be-the-next-big-thing/
  20. I'll reiterate what a few others have already said... even if we "airlifted" in 4 or 5 NFL cuts, the chances of even one of them playing and making a difference at this point in the season is very low...
  21. But do you expect them to from, and I won't even call it worst cause they were beyond 'worst' last year - to Grey Cup contenders overnight? I expected a 6 - 12 season, and if we had some breaks maybe 7 - 11. Now it looks like 8 - 10 will be a solid bet (I'm sure we can win two more games). If, at the end of last season, I'd say we'd be 8 - 10 this year, and compete in every game we played in (except the Edmonton game, we definitely did not compete in that 23 to 3 loss we got steamrolled) everyone here would have been ecstatic. This is a process, and we are definitely on the right track, with the right coach, and the right QB. Don't worry, be happy Completely agree...I wish I knew where it was but I made a post somewhere before the season saying I don't expect this team to win the Grey Cup this year but 8 or 9 wins, being competitive in every game, and fighting for a playoff spot while actually playing a meaningful 18th game would be a huge step forward.... so far that's exactly what we've gotten...
  22. Maybe not if we finish in the coveted 4th place cross over spot!
  23. 2. Willy was fortunate that he didn't throw more interceptions IMO. Most of the catches that were being made were thrown into excellent coverage with the Bomber receivers doing an amazing job with contested catches. When Willy went to the well once too often the Rider secondary made the play. The Rider's defence demonstrated the "bend but don't break" style that so many wanted to attribute to the Bombers in this game. Once again, an exaggeration. The Rider secondary was beat, plain and simple. The ball was severely under thrown. What can be said is that the D-line forced an unbalanced throw that Willy should have eaten or thrown into the dirt. And speaking of this play, for those who were blaming Bryant for not fighting for the ball, the ball was in the air already while Bryant was streaking past the defenders. There was no way for him to stop, and get back to the ball in time. Another second for Willy…and that's a TD. After watching the replay I think I would agree with you... my initial impression was that he shoulda fought back to knock it down... but on further review it looked like there wasn't much he could do...
  24. I agree with most that Riders did not play a perfect game... but they found a way to win and that's what good teams do... like we all agreed on after the Montreal win, winning ugly is better than losing pretty...
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