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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. I've never noticed CFL_News to be bias.... speaking of anonymous accounts, does anyone know who controls Fake Mark Cohon... love that guy... I suspect he may be a Winnipeg guy...
  2. Agree. Walters miss the boat on Messam. I dont agree that Volny can make the same production as his. With Messam instead of Volny, pretty sure OShea goes for that 3rd and 1... Irrelevant... that play would be QB sneak or nothing...
  3. Uh... what design? It looks like just some binding on the shoulders and that... is it.. A lot better than what we got....
  4. I agree... I'm never one to blame a loss on the refs... this one was on us... but for that Sask o-line to go the entire game without getting called for holding once is an absolute sham....
  5. Hey Green AND Gold.... what a novel concept.... Nothing spectacular about these guys but I'd take this design with our colour scheme any day of the week... http://www.cfl.ca/article/gree-and-gold-look-esks-unveil-signature-uniform
  6. I think Sport Team Nation is a pretty common theme/slogan... that being said, you'd think Ottawa would come up with something more original...
  7. anyone who has called O'Shea a "coward" is completely classless and ignorant.... after the HCs we've seen here over the past, even five years... give your head a shake... he made the low risk call, not the cowardly call...
  8. TH field looks pretty nice... but to suggest it's anywhere near the quality of IGF is laughable...
  9. When this article was originally released I believe there was a bit of conversation about how ridiculous it was... and that's about all the conversation it deserves...
  10. They're nice... but nothing "special" "bold" or "ground-breaking" about them
  11. Stupid is as stupid does. Hello, Brandon Browner & Josh Gordon. You're only fooling with millions of dollars in lost salary or even your careers when you both already know the score... idiots. Are you hinting that smoking dope affects judgement? If so, we'd better make that public knowledge. Between you, me, and the walls I've heard rumours there's legal substances that can have the same effect.... don't tell anyone
  12. I thought the guy with the banjo playing puppet was pretty funny...
  13. So was Goltz. Division 3, versus division 1, 2nd round NFL draft pick. Hell, even on TSN last year they were saying there were reports from Bomber camp that Goltz was STILL reading defences at a division 3 level. Apples and oranges. 2nd round draft pick who lost his job to a 7th rounder. You have to be outstandingly bad for that to happen in the NFL. You clearly don't follow the NFL very closely...
  14. Say what you want about Wade Miller personally... But show me a CEO who is friendly and everyone loves... 9 times out of 10 that man/woman is running an unsuccessful business... Wade has the unfortunate pleasure of being a particularly high-profile CEO...
  15. Yes the MJ rules in the NFL are pretty ridiculous but if I guy is too dumb to not break the rules 3 or 4 times, a hefty suspension is probably appropriate.... it's kinda like driving 80 on kenaston at bishop at 9pm with no workers present.... no one likes the rule, but you'll still get a $400 ticket if you get caught...
  16. I think the billboard in Vancouver is a good idea... drum up some interest, create more of a rivalry.... anyone who thinks the LDC and Banjo Bowl need hyping in Winnipeg or Regina is more clueless than a Riders fan in their first 90 years of existence... putting up a dirty green billboard in Winnipeg is for one reason only... and it's not marketing
  17. He's under contract and suspended.... leads me to believe he would not fall in the same category as LaVon Brazill
  18. I agree that NHL would actually benefit more from contraction rather than expansion... the talent pool is already too watered down and there are several markets that just don't work.... Florida and Phoenix are the obvious ones.... but Dallas struggles when the team isn't successful and SJ and Ana only work if the teams remain good... also I hate to admit it cuz of their storied history but NYI is a struggling franchise right now too.... whatever, we'll see what happens
  19. I didn't think the Bombers would win another game at this time last year ... and hey we ended up winning 2 more!! I think they'll get a least a couple more
  20. As much as I would love to get Dressler... I'd be happy to see him sign anywhere but Sask... just to see the reaction from the Rider fans...
  21. I second Jon Ryan. That guy was a monster. Never used that term when describing a punter before I have a Jon Ryan #14 Gold jersey (2007 Grey Cup style)... A friend borrowed it a few years ago when he went to a Vikings/Seahawks game and got it signed before the game...
  22. jersey report card IMO: BC = A+ Montreal = A Hammy = B+ Sask = C Tor = D Winnipeg = F- FWIW I would have been ok with a Navy Blue bombers jersey... as long as it incorporated gold and didn't have the bird poop helmet and shoulders...
  23. Hopefully this is the end of Dwight Anderson in the league...
  24. Yes, he has a GF in Winnipeg... I know a family member of her's quite well... No, he does not belong on our football team...
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