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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. But do you expect them to from, and I won't even call it worst cause they were beyond 'worst' last year - to Grey Cup contenders overnight? I expected a 6 - 12 season, and if we had some breaks maybe 7 - 11. Now it looks like 8 - 10 will be a solid bet (I'm sure we can win two more games). If, at the end of last season, I'd say we'd be 8 - 10 this year, and compete in every game we played in (except the Edmonton game, we definitely did not compete in that 23 to 3 loss we got steamrolled) everyone here would have been ecstatic. This is a process, and we are definitely on the right track, with the right coach, and the right QB. Don't worry, be happy Completely agree...I wish I knew where it was but I made a post somewhere before the season saying I don't expect this team to win the Grey Cup this year but 8 or 9 wins, being competitive in every game, and fighting for a playoff spot while actually playing a meaningful 18th game would be a huge step forward.... so far that's exactly what we've gotten...
  2. Maybe not if we finish in the coveted 4th place cross over spot!
  3. 2. Willy was fortunate that he didn't throw more interceptions IMO. Most of the catches that were being made were thrown into excellent coverage with the Bomber receivers doing an amazing job with contested catches. When Willy went to the well once too often the Rider secondary made the play. The Rider's defence demonstrated the "bend but don't break" style that so many wanted to attribute to the Bombers in this game. Once again, an exaggeration. The Rider secondary was beat, plain and simple. The ball was severely under thrown. What can be said is that the D-line forced an unbalanced throw that Willy should have eaten or thrown into the dirt. And speaking of this play, for those who were blaming Bryant for not fighting for the ball, the ball was in the air already while Bryant was streaking past the defenders. There was no way for him to stop, and get back to the ball in time. Another second for Willy…and that's a TD. After watching the replay I think I would agree with you... my initial impression was that he shoulda fought back to knock it down... but on further review it looked like there wasn't much he could do...
  4. I agree with most that Riders did not play a perfect game... but they found a way to win and that's what good teams do... like we all agreed on after the Montreal win, winning ugly is better than losing pretty...
  5. What bothers me is the talk about the team falling off the rail and being in a complete tailspin... If we lost 52-0 and 37-3 in consecutive games, that narrative would be understandable.... not that I'm ok with losing, but what I saw in these last two games was 2 fairly evenly matched teams... but one that knows how to win and one that is still learning how to win...
  6. The ironing would be delicious. I'd almost like to see it just to see all the headlines/ story lines. It's always nice to have a crisp, clean shirt on but I'm not really sure how that applies here... and I wouldn't strongly advise against tasting the ironing to see how delicious it is... Dude it's a quote from The Simpson's. Never mind that it's one of the most used lines on the internet. God, I hate people... It just bottles the mind that people continually miss references. What I've learned here is two-fold.... 1. Apparently a lot of people spend far too much time on internet forums to be familiar with "most used lines on the internet".... and 2. some people should learn to take a joke... clearly I was joking (maybe not clear enough, I'll throw one of these or these after so it's more clear next time).... I'm unfamiliar with commonly used internet lines... Also, I'm a little disappointed I missed a Simpsons quote... but on that note, I have always wondered what it would be like to wear a shirt that's been ironed....
  7. This is what happens when the CFL mandates that 189 Canadians need to be dressed every week...
  8. It's funny that a regular human being at 6'5 273 lbs would be a monster... but as an o-lineman my first thought is that guy is tiny and he'll need to put on some weight...
  9. Obviously this is just depth.... but if Pall works out to be even a serviceable rotational D-lineman.... then it's a good move
  10. It think it's spelled "Chez Pierre" and it's a restaurant on Provencher that will be the new provider of the locker room buffet.... **EDIT: I can't believe someone beat me to the Chez Pierre joke!**
  11. The ironing would be delicious. I'd almost like to see it just to see all the headlines/ story lines. It's always nice to have a crisp, clean shirt on but I'm not really sure how that applies here... and I wouldn't strongly advise against tasting the ironing to see how delicious it is...
  12. The funny thing is if they can reel off a couple wins against their east foes.... 5 wins is probably good enough for 2nd in the this year (dare I say even first?!?!)... even at 1-9 I wouldn't say they're done yet...
  13. speaking of other fans anyone heard from Bluto lately?... He appeared for a while to brag after the Argos beat us and then haven't heard from him in a while...
  14. the Duarnt injury could be a blessing for the Riders in this way... maybe they will lose just enough games to finish fourth in the west... which of course would mean the cross-over spot and the automatic bye into the Grey Cup...
  15. If he has taken his last CFL snap... this is quite unfortunate for Travis Lulay, the BC Lions, and the whole CFL
  16. We had one... probably the best in the league... unfortunately he was a little too good and is now a Colt...
  17. There was at least two illegal blocks on the Stoudemire return if one wants to play that game. Haha if you think those are even remotely close than you need to start watching a little more football... Those two "illegal blocks" were border line and maybe called 50/509... the one on the Dressler was blatant, right in front of the ref, and lead directly to the TD... And since you're obviously redirecting, I can presume that you agree it was a blatant missed call?
  18. I can't think of anything more trolly (that's pronounced troll-ee, as in "acting like an internet troll") than going on to another team's fan forum just to brag about your own team... I'll go read what other fans are saying occasionally, just for fun... but to actually sign up just to argue is a new level... that being said... the arguments do have some entertainment value...
  19. I'd be too embarrassed to try and defend that holding on #7's kick return... but nevertheless, one team got the job done and one team didn't...
  20. No question that interception was on Willy... but as soon as he floated it up there I was yelling for Romby to help out his QB... Romby had a chance to at least knock that ball down... not his fault the ball was poorly thrown but some recognition would be nice...
  21. Aaron Kelly is no all-star but the guy is an absolute sponge... he catches anything within his radius... how we're not able to utilize this, combined with his size, more often is beyond me...
  22. Sounds like you're on the ball for most of these... still find it pretty incredible that the Riders o-line didn't have one single holding call for two consecutive games....
  23. While I don't use that language, nor do I condone it... to think it doesn't happen on the football field ALL THE TIME is pretty naive...
  24. Once they see their first rouge, they'll be hooked for life. Wait... so they still get a point even though the kicker screwed up??? Isn't that cute...
  25. 659/30 = 21.96666 yards per game 526/24 = 21.91666 yards per game looks like Stoudermire out ran him by about 2 inches per return...
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