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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. I wouldn't mind seeing Anderson line up outside in a 3-4 formation... Westerman - Colins - Anderson
  2. I'm surprised to hear you were there.... Chaosmonkey was pretty was pretty diligent in his protecting of identities...
  3. WOW that's a huge one... similar to Popp/Hawkins.... They could probably trade him for a conditional 7th round pick instead... seems to be the going rate these days...
  4. I heard about this show cuz Phil Aubrey from 92 CITI is narrating it... but it actually does look interesting... I think I'll have to set the PVR...
  5. I agree with whoever mentioned (probably in this thread) that we're using them backwards... it needs to be Marshall getting the bulk of carries to wear down the D... then Walker coming in to hit them with the change of pace...
  6. The only LDC I ever went to was 2012... I can't recall the score but I believe we lost by around 52 points... can't say it was the greatest memory...
  7. Suddenly our QB depth chart is Nichols, Davis, Gale... Marve on 6-game... Brohm no where near a CFL field... not the worst thing I've heard...
  8. Honestly this could be a good thing.... give Brohm one last shot to prove to all of us he's not a completely useless, piece-of-****, excuse for a QB... and when he proves us all right after one quarter, the team will have no excuse to not release him...
  9. Well I gotta say in a week where we were starting to doubt our management they at least are showing they refuse to give up... Sign Walker - not great, but an area of need and can contribute... Trade for Nichols - see above... front runners to sign Lemon - fingers crossed on this one...
  10. Franklin started last game.... and played quite well..
  11. the biggest plus IMO is a legit back up to Willy going forward... assuming is contract is longer than this season...
  12. Absolutely you do, not disagreeing with that at all. And I am nitpicking at this point, I get that. I guess I'm just disappointed that the guy we've been developing was so bad, he got beat that quickly. Or that he wasn't replaced sooner, given the amount of injuries we've had. I'm happy that a guy we just signed is so good that he's already beat out a guy we've been developing for a few months. Great job Kyle!! Glass half empty... Glass half full...
  13. great news... lots of money... but I'm not sure how accurate Lawless's financial quotes usually are...
  14. Three Bomber fans were talking about the sad state of their club; First fan: "I blame the GM; if we could sign better players, we'd be a great club." Second fan: "I blame the players; if they made more effort, I'm sure we would score more." Third fan: "I blame my parents; if I had been born in a different city, I'd be supporting a decent team."
  15. Serious question, if Brohm does indeed start, realistically, what would he have to do, other than win, to continue on with this team? I don't really care how he does it... if he played well enough to win, he should play again...
  16. I think the problem with Hurl is he isn't great is space... which is a major problem for a MLB... that being said, Hall has done a good job of mitigating that weakness by lining up Hurl in specific formations and letting Bass be more like the "in-space" LB... in some sets Bass seems more like a traditional MLB than Hurl...
  17. My guess is game 17... and only if we are sitting at 3-13... any sooner would be a mistake...
  18. Do we have any former Stamps that are friends with Lemon.... quick Stanley Bryant, call up your old pal, stat!
  19. We currently have 5, including Willy... and that's also assuming you consider Brohm a QB...
  20. I don't want Tillman anywhere near my teenage daughter*... but I have less of an issue with him near my football team... *disclaimer: I don't have a teenage daughter
  21. That was a pathetic excuse for an "article/blog"... to summarize: Poor me, Chamblin made my job so hard... Lawless and Penton were both wrong and I was right
  22. @garylawless - "#1 candidate w/ that board is Eric Tillman. They're going to try & get him back in Saskatchewan" #CFL #Riders via @CFLonTSN @garylawless - "I think he's (Eric Tillman) probably the next GM of the Saskatchewan Roughriders." #CFL #Riders via @CFLonTSN Jamie Nye ‏@jamienye 10h10 hours ago Tillman will definitely be talked to by #Riders. No doubt in my mind... but I still think best odds are on O'Day as full-time guy So you're saying Murphy will be available
  23. Like ISO - I'm getting sick of this. And it's deja vu - as I had the same attitude in March - I had pretty much 'officially' dropped the Oilers and decided I was going to go back to cheering for the Jets. However, the draft Lottery and subsequent house cleaning that happened in the Oiler front office has me back on their side (remember folks - the Jets LEFT and even then it took me to the '06 run before I could start investing emotionally in the Oilers and you just don't turn these things 'off'' - at least I don't). Eskimos are slowly growing on me - and the bombers are slowly dying in me. Another year or two of this (and especially if the Eskimos go to another Grey Cup) and I may become a complete sell out and the Eskimos may become my team. I get where you're coming from with this... especially when Edm seems to be very well run for the most part... if I lived in Edm or Cgy I could see myself jumping ship, or at least making them my 1A... but I'd never officially give up on the Bombers... just too emotionally invested my entire life
  24. I've been trying to stay optimistic all season... with every going on this past week... I'm starting to lose it...
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