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Posts posted by Stickem

  1. Just now, JohnnyAbonny said:

    Literally a 40 point shutout in the 2025 GC is the only way this regime can make up for this. 
    Maybe not the worst, but absolutely the most embarrassing loss in Bomber history. 

    comparing O'Shea to Grant ....which I have read is quite laughable ....This Cup game was the worst called I can remember in a decade ....oops just recalled the last one

  2. 6 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

     It was his team now & not Jim van Pelt's. I wonder if there would have been locker room issues between the 2 had VP come back for the 63 season? 

    Definitely on the issues....but Grant was such a foxy ol coach around the players he would have worked it out ....That's why Grant has a statue outside the stadium.......none better

  3. He came to the Bombers as almost an afterthought and did a helluva job in taking the no 1 pivot job away from Kenny.....He was just too good to have him anything else on the club.....Great passer and very savvy ...If it wasn't for a classless dirty hit out of bounds by Rollie Miles of the Esks, we could have seen the emergence of one of the best qbs. ever to grace this league....

  4. 15 minutes ago, Pete Catan's Ghost said:

    Don't be hasty. I've been kicked out of a view, while shouting, "I don't know who I am!"

    Same thing right?

    That's what Chadwick should have been saying when he claimed an 'out of body experience' in the final.....I think he was really saying that he wasn't the guy that was playing that day and somehow he was/has another persona....Good way to release himself from any type of responsibilty for the loss....I think he will recover from his concussion (lol) eventually and face reality....

  5. Chadwick says he had an 'out of his body' experience and left the game to go to the washroom....Now I don't know about you but I think this guy was hanging around with Macbeth for too long....I think he was in the can waiting for a space ship arrival so he could be on his way....My gawd this whole scenario sounds a little crazy....He was concussed and says he didn't know what he was doing....then why the hell were you on the field....Dimwittie should have pulled him ...What a clown show and a dangerous one IF Kelly was actually concussed....which I doubt

  6. Zack has to have a better Cup game than last year ....plain and simple....Looking at their D, which seems to have come to the forefront lately, I'd say Collaros should be careful throwing into Dequoy's area....He seems to have the knack of disappearing in their defensive scheme and pops up with pics out of the blue.....The other guys on D have to be constrained .....Sankey and the Lemonater are tough to handle but we have the players that can neutralize them to a certain extent....Keeping them out of our backfield is key......Our special teams have to be 'light out' in this one ...I hope they can dig deep and keep Faj in bad field position...cuz we know he gets flusterd easy and tends to cough the ball up....And for cripes sake watch out for this little Letcher guy...He's fast small and slippery and can burn up the field in a nano second....Also shutting down Mack early is certainly key and don't underestimate this little Snead guy...Faj luvs to target them but our DB'S can more than handle what they serve up.....All in all we certainly have a good shot at making up for the one that got away on us last year.....GOBIGBLUE

  7. 1 minute ago, Mark H. said:

    I had not watched him much in the regular season this year.  It's noticeable that he doesn't put enough zip on short yardage throws. The Als were all over his side arm floaters. 

    I have never seen a qb. get so rattled , especially in a playoff game.....He looked panic stricken after he made a few bad throws and it just snowballed ...IF he would have played like that in last years Cup coming off the bench, we would definitely be playing to win our 4th Cup in a row on Sunday....He lost all composure and even the pep talk from Harris on the bench didn't work...I think he'll recover ....if not he'll be relagated to the back-up role in TO

  8. 1 hour ago, Noeller said:

    Cody Fajardo is and has always been awful. If they beat us it will be nothing to do with him.

    Toronto won't have a season next year like they did this year. Yesterday's game broke the glass and they now have been found out.

    Some claim we ruined CoFaj a few years ago....He most likely cringes when he sees BluenGold take the field and I doubt things have changed much

    As far as Chadwick goes if Montreal didn't ruin him yesterday they sure put a dent in his armour....He's definitely been exposed 

  9. So captain Chad took the 'not so good' argo ship into the rocks....That was the worst peformance from a 'supposed to be star' I've seen in a playoff game in quite awhile....Maybe it was the red Mont. colours that threw him off....They stood out prominently as he was quite intent on throwing to them all game......Told you to watch out for their D...Bluto....you're a great Argo fan but you're going to have to eat a lot of crow about some of your commentary, after what it looks like you fluked one on us last year ....Time to really look at that 'poop deck pappy' monicker and adjust to the feeling we had since the last Cup game....We hope to correct that this coming weekend....Too bad your club won't be there

  10. Great feeling this morning knowing we once and for all settled the 'who is number one in the west' deliberation.....Fantastic performance even though our offence was sputtering except when Brady carried the rock in the first half....Went away from him in the second half and the recievers carried the load....I think we're missing Dalton more than we want to admit ....Hope he's good to go in the Cup....Zack was not on his game although a slumping Collaros was twice as good as Vaj.....I noticed Zack had a cloth around his neck....the kind you'd wear when you have a throat problem....He was not a 100 percent and hopefully that disappears before the Cup.....All in all we're looking solid heading into the big game.....Biggie will be missed, although after he went out we had some very good talent fill the void ....Credit the depth...I know Adam calls the signals on the D so we have to count on someone to step up....I have faith that won't be a problem...On to Ham. and bring another one home

  11. Bluto......you better hope that Faj doesn't gulp down a can of spinach and turn into mega-man....He did seem to be a bit better last game against the Cats....I say watch out for the Faj ....IF he doesn't cough one up at a crucial time in the game ....he could end up being your nemesis lol.......In reality I think Mont.'s defence could be your biggest problem ..Anyway if the Argo's fold in this one I suggest you change your handle to poop-deck-pappy  and hide somewhere....

  12. Reduce Vaj's positivity to negativity by getting him off his game early with heavy pressure.....He likes to take off when he can't find a receiver instantly, so we have to be prepared for that ....In other words just 'shut him down' early....The leo's defence doesn't scare anyone and they are very vulnerable to the 'long bomb'...they don't cover well....I like our chances 

  13. 5 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:


    I get that Steinauer is a nice guy, but I don't think he brings the fear factor or respect a coach like O'Shea carries, he's too diplomatic and wants to be liked by everyone.

    The cat's will never have a winner with this guy at the helm.....in 2 positions....The 'caretaker' is blind if he thinks there's ever going to be success with Steinauer....The saying that 'nice guys finish last' is never more truer, when you have Orlando in a CFL conversation

  14. 6 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Listen here sonny boy, I am a board member at my local curling club, a former board member of the MCA, and membership and junior membership have never been higher. You are talking out your ass.

    Sonny Boy....wasn't that a porridge back in the day....lol...IF you are from the prairies curling is brought to you early from grade school on up.....Everybody loves curling no matter how old you are...So there's that

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