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Posts posted by Stickem

  1. 10 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    I personally think this is just the greatest thing... His dog rescuing.... But it's interesting, I have some indigenous friends from the Grand Rapids area who are vehemently opposed to it. Believe the dogs are best left in their natural state, as wolves, hunting outdoors. That these so called rescue efforts are more akin to stealing or kidnapping. I've never looked at it that way, but it's an opinion that's out there apparently.

    yeah....indigenous peoples are always close to nature and have a different slant on things....I think the cases that Brady focuses on are the neglected ones....pups and older dogs .....living under porches with little to eat and tied to abandoned fridges without proper shelter....Those types of scenarios tear the heart out of you if you're any kind of pooch lover....I hope Brady keeps it up

  2. 9 minutes ago, Booch said:


    How can anyone not just cheer and love this RB we have....amazing young man....hopefully he retires in Blue and Gold with a buttload of team records

    I'm a dog guy and the work he does for these down (but not out) furry pals amazes me.....This guy is a true winner in every sense of the word

  3. 7 minutes ago, bluto said:

    In fact, I have.

    Well then you know the wimpy crap when some say in this country, they have actually experienced real cold.....My dad said back in the day (tough ol vet)....when you have been born and brought up in Wpg. you can live anywhere else in the world....temp. wise....Seen a guy fry an egg on the pavement when it was 112 fahrenheit in summer  ....  and seen it drop past the minus 40 mark in Jan....Can you say extreme 

  4. 1 hour ago, bluto said:

    He is from Buffalo.

    Long range for the 19th is 10 and rainy.



    EDIT: for those unaware, Buffalo is on the leeward shore of the lake and has double Winnipeg's annual snowfall and bitter cold humid air.

    Ever try a minus forty with highwinds at the corner of Portage and Main.....coldest spot in the country...I know first hand cuz I worked there....   Bitter cold man but exhilarating if you were born in the Peg

  5. 48 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    Hope it’s cold. 
     Gonna be a tale of pass rush and dl/front play. The team with a qb in trouble struggling to run is gonna lose this game. I fully expect it’ll be bc in trouble and is punching our ticket to the gc. 

    It'll be cold.....minus temp. I bet....In any event anything we serve up will be cold to them temp wise....They're not going to be feeling all cozy like they do in Van. with their roof...They'll be sticking around their heater for sure

  6. The Mayor cancelled the meetings for the rest of the year.....Certainly didn't look like the team or qb. that bested the leo's a little while ago...Started out with a bang and then a giant fizzle.....IF you think you are going to beat Vaj, with  constant 3 man pressure .....well you see how that goes.....He just stood in the pocket and carved them up.....Never let this guy feel comfortable....Something for us to ponder in the final

  7. 1 minute ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Kongbo is injured, not dressed.

    But for Bennett, they flipped the ratio to get the 3 import ends on and clearly don't see him as good enough to get reps in that rotation.  So not sure why he'd stick around unless Hamilton cleans house.

    Bennett is an fa ....I'd say he'd be definitely on our radar....bring him home

  8. 2 hours ago, GCn20 said:

    Bighill makes dirty hit every single play, and our OL, ALL 5 OF THEM, are holding on every play. We should have 992 penalties for 8000 yards in penalties this season but the fix is in because Ambrosie lived in Winnipeg a long time ago.

    Signed, Riderfans

    add this from the criders......'The refs in this league just like the Bombers better cuz of their success and ability to win.....I just hate those fuggers


    quote from one of their mental midgets

  9. One of the biggest errors in last years Cup was not adjusting to the switch in qb. when MacBeth was replaced by Kelly....We should have had them right there....instead we let the guy run wild.....next to no pressure and we folded like a cheap lawn chair in a typhoon...Certainly we had no book on the guy but I can't remember when a guy came in off the bench and beat a team of our calibre ...anytime, anywhere in such a high profile game...There were a lot of our guys hanging their heads on the bench after that one, and deservedly so....................

  10. 4 hours ago, blue85gold said:

    The team just added him back to the PR after having previously released him. 

    Like adding Ambles to the PR incase Bailey and Schoen can't go. He's a vet that has won cups. 

    Yeah....forgot Blackmon was released ...I know he was looked upon as worthy when he was first brought in....We have a definite plan in some capacity with this guy and maybe going on into the future 

  11. 1 hour ago, Booch said:

    ...their returner giving them killer field position all yr, and the fact they played Ham..Ott and MTL a combined what 10..11 times??

    ...AND that scares the hell out of me considering the way our special teams have played this year, if we meet them in the Cup...I would be working overtime on that part of our game....You can't let that team run wild on you ..... their back's and/or returners have to be kept in check

  12. 1....Like.....there isn't enough 'trick plays' attempted by the teams as far as I'm concerned....Livens the game up BUT as what has already been said....it has to go 10 yds. to be recovered

    2....Not the final, but in the Cup last year, we could have used a little different look with Brown, especially knowing Zack wasn't 100 percent..Keeps the opposition off balance using a tandem of excellent quarterbacks 

    3...I believe either one of Brown or Streveler will be on our roster next year....Have a feeling that Brown is going to be offered big coin that we can't match which leads me to think Streve will be our back-up

  13. 5 minutes ago, Booch said:

    I dont think Hank will leave his NFL position for that risky circus scenario.....but....his ego may lead him there....be interesting who else and what other names get tossed around as legit candidates

    I think when it comes down to the nitty gritty ...really does it matter who is interested...you know they're headed for a giant fail....I just wonder how many candidates, who have any credibility, actually apply...It'll be an interesting watch

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