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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Show the Als fans that you can do chants with words not irritating sounds. 🙂
  2. Nope Ann Coulter can't undo your f*ckery. Yes along with Trump, you shut the f*ck up, forever under some rock where you cometh.
  3. Two refs and two linesmen on the ice but didn’t see it.
  4. Argos suck Als sucks why even play really?
  5. But where you and I part ways is, and I’ve seen it myself different from your experience, a lot of these ‘fence sitters’ aren’t fence sitters, they pretend to be but they aren’t. This current reality has people hiding behind this ruse of fence sitting while voting for this craziness because that’s who they are ultimately and they don’t want anyone to know not because it’s an alternative to the NDP and Liberals
  6. Yea I guess the weird part is implying they are voting for lunacy because the alternative is NDP. Nope I would argue it’s not they are voting for lunacy because the alternative is NDP, they are voting for lunacy because that’s they’re color. They’re not holding their nose, they are breathing it fully in.
  7. We need more of this in the CFL. Gold. Let’s go.
  8. The counter, as this is social media this is all just entertainment, no one is to believe this. And the judge nods their head in agreement.
  9. I find this a weird statement in our latest reality. Maybe in a sane world I get what you’re saying. But in the environment we currently live in now, supporting this type of thing has nothing to do with political ideology, it has to do with who you are as a person. Sorry I know it’s harsh and judgemental to say but it’s true.
  10. As a fellow life long Bomber fan disliking every other team to varying degrees we’ve earned it. Never wavered in wearing our colours thru the lean years. This ain’t going to last forever so let’s enjoy it while it lasts. Oh and Riders suck.
  11. This is where Eilte head coaches and their supporting casts are in high demand. Knowing x's and o's inside out is no where near enough to create healthy working environments where everyone is focused on achieving the same thing. Some just really underestimate the importance of this and ultimately pay the consequences for this underestimation. As I believe Kotter and others have said, Culture eats Strategy for breakfast every day of the week.
  12. Yet another example of no consequences for bad behaviour. Tell them at the ballot box is laughable for them. This is the world we live in, consistently spew lies and half truths virtually and in-person, contradict yourself over and over again, demonstrate blatant hypocrisy wherever you go while successfully accruing capital, status and influence.
  13. Oh I’m sure the mastermind genius is up to something. He’s a billionaire, we are to look up to him. Look how clever he is triggering all those radical lefty libtards.
  14. Not a great scene if you're sane.
  15. And dangerous. Not a great combo.
  16. Yup, because one way to interpret this media gushing has a bit of a David and Goliath feel to it, can rising start Kid Canada and crew knock off the two time Grey Cup champions? I think that's the storyline they take.
  17. I’m not agreeing with you until I hear the big boned person sing.
  18. Howler monkey up by just under 400 votes. Welp.
  19. JC jinxed it. This vile person who hides behind religion and the 2nd amendment while grifting away needs to lose for the love of sanity.
  20. They do get the advantages that come along with being the underdog so we quickly need to let them know why they are the underdog. Don’t let them hang around at all.
  21. Unless I’m missing something, looking at at the current results, I’m not sure why at 6:25am he would tweet this out? Just under 2000 votes separate sanity and insanity with 96% counted. Nail biter.
  22. This is gold. Musk thinks he’s clever, brilliant, this money that was given to me didn’t multiple on its own sort of thing. Sure kudos man. However he’s finding out he ain’t the only clever one rich or not. Keep it rolling internet peeps, continue your full court press on Twitter.
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