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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Bob Woodward, another to add to the growing pile of ‘besides writing a book, why didn’t you do anything about this **** face?’
  2. Captain obvious here. We have no depth to make up for or at least get close to what Ehlers brings to the dna of this team.
  3. Yes but lets hear both sides on that. Sorry wrong thread. 🙂
  4. And continues to travel around the US grifting, blatantly lying away causing ongoing impactful damage that is also directly impacting others not in the US while we are told by Garland and others no one is above the law, Garland's playing Chess while Trump is playing Checkers. Well if that analogy is accurate, would not checkmate come a lot sooner? Bull **** analogy.
  5. Typing that with one hand with a Pilsner in the other. At the end of the day, that's what it's about.
  6. Or just people who truly don't care about anything other than their own immediate inner circles that come with its own tremendous amounts of dysfunctions and will usually gaslight away to hide that fact. Ironically they protect to the death these dysfunctions. They also bravely lob in grenades from behind their keyboards into the world wide web abyss accusing people from all walks of life, usually with a juvenile non-funny approach but thinking they are being funny, clever and astute, who care about and hold responsibility for other things outside their own immediate inner circles as wokesters, sheep, racists?, radical leftists, communists, socialists, echo chamber, confirmation bias idiots, nasty, cancel culture freaks, not willing to hear all sides etc etc etc. True well adjusted people who lean right must be having a great time with all of this.
  7. And he did a fly by posting of the link with no context then later offers the reason, ‘useful to hear all sides of propaganda’.
  8. Has to said once again. Leafs suck and Riders suck.
  9. What's great about our current situation versus years past is how we are able to attract players to stay or come on over. I will enjoy this to its fullest while it lasts.
  10. When you're the champ (twice over might I add), everyone's coming for yea. Quickly celebrate, then act like you've been there before especially if you're not the defending champs.
  11. I’m not as confident as you. It’s been proven over and over again the Justice system is broken. It’s not a system, it’s just a bunch of parts bumping into each other that allows way to much control and influence by individuals hiding behind fluff words while doing the opposite. It’s basically comes down to relying on the honour system. Nothing of substance has happened to Trump and his band of lunatics, supporters and lurkers in the shadows. Nothing. And to make matters worse, we get knuckle draggers on this site gaslighting away, thinking they are being clever and owning the libtards, wokesters, radical leftists everywhere.
  12. This is not a joking matter. We are using humor to cope and drive home factual points. Unfortunately though humor I find is not built into the DNA of knuckle draggers. For example, most (not all) good stand-up comedians aren't lunatics waving the Trump flag around.
  13. Social responsibility, greater public good are weird terms for knuckle draggers to wrap their head around. For example: 'Public Health Measures (Editors note: based in factual ever evolving science) does not apply to me if I so choose, that's my right dictator'.
  14. Danielle Smith, Public Health Expert and Disease Virologist: (Canadian Press) “I know there’s going to be pressure on our health-care system,” said Smith. “But the way you solve the pressure on your health-care system … is not by shutting down restaurants. And it’s not by shutting down hotels. And it’s not by making the business community be the ones to bear the brunt of it. “We’re not going to be closing schools. We’re not going to be disrupting kids’ activities. “We want to send the message to the world community, and to the investment markets, that this is a place that is open for business, that this is a place that believes in freedom, this is a place that believes in free enterprise.” That announcement was greeted with a smattering of applause.
  15. This is all surreal with the amount of daily carnage and loss of life in the Ukraine mixed with the ongoing onslaught of ugly people from the inside out reeking havoc here and in the States.
  16. One of many common traits PP has with DT is they both have NO sense of humor. None. Can't self-deprecate in any sort of funny way, can easily give out their rage but can't take anything in that may show them in a less than stellar light. When's the last time anyone has seen DT or PP really laugh? Having no sense of humor (and I would add not liking animals) tells you everything you need to know about a person. Wasn't Trump the first US President not take in a family pet . . .
  17. I'm really digging St. Louis's but it might have to do with the model . . .
  18. You’re being kind in calling them feelings.
  19. Yup actual facts are white noise to anti real world people. This is my world, this is the way I see it, all things align with my narrow sense of what is wrong and what needs to be fixed. The end.
  20. Also, knowing where the pendulum of anti Intelligence, anti life long learning, anti just be a well adjusted human being has swung, Marco Rubio got totally destroyed at the debate last night, clearly. However, since 2016 where things began to really regress and to where we find ourselves now, it won’t make a difference and ironically may help him because of stupid, dumb ‘you don’t look and talk like me so I don’t like you’ people.
  21. The trend with people (not all, but a lot) who inherit lots and lots of money don't realize that simply having lots and lots of money that originally you had nothing to do with other than being born into it doesn't make you smart, clever and wise.
  22. And I find these useful idiots present themselves as humble braggers, genuinely believing they are oh so clever and know so much more than us average knuckledraggers. For them to try to explain their wisdom to us simpletons takes a lot of work and giving on their end. Barf.
  23. On paper, especially without Ehlers, this does not look like a crew who can give the Avalanche a run for their money without solid goaltending support
  24. And apparently the fix is to accept Elon Musk's tweet plan on how to resolve this peacefully. What a world we live in.
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