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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. This is where journalism is failing us and where social media has provided a platform for theses creatures to slither on.
  2. I wonder if one replaced Suitor with Lapo one might get a better balance with ying and yang.
  3. The same thing should be said to John Kelly as it's said to like the droves of people like Ann Coulter now coming out against Trump: Shut the F*uck up, slither away under some rock, no one cares what you have to say, you're reputation is forever tarnished, you money grubbing status seeking self centered cowards. If Trump was more successful in his motives they would be there right with him filling their bank accounts and having huge heads with increased status and power Stop interviewing these clowns and if you have to, stop taking their canned responses as truth, hammer them relentlessly, question their motives relentlessly on why they did what they did. Make them not want to be interviewed.
  4. Absolutely but then we need CC to swoop in when any call is missed when it comes to player safety. That’s my issue.
  5. Yea Bailey has really bought in to the role he is asked to play for this team. Not an easy feat sometimes.
  6. All turnovers and touchdowns are reviewed by CC but man they suck at consistency with their calls even with the benefit of super slow mo and multiple angles.
  7. Oh yea forgot about this game. Who won again? Who cares. BB coming for BB and AH. Argoblows. ps Riders suck.
  8. It’s interesting they don’t like helmet on helmet when it come to the qb but fair game on every other player on the field. I know I know but really have to minimize violent head shots no matter the player.
  9. Did they not practice no huddle last week? Not good. Our fans made them pay for it.
  10. Please delete this post. My apologies to the Football Gods.
  11. Being really fussy here but db has to knock that pass down instead of catching it. Better field position as it was third down.
  12. Not going to get it tho. Not with how this game is being called. Hope I’m wrong.
  13. No reply by TSN on that missed headshot as well. Got to keep to the story line.
  14. Where is that call? Surprised a tad MOS doesn’t challenge that head shot.
  15. Yup but no sympathy we’ve been on the other end of that.
  16. That was straight helmet on helmet. What a violent sport. Hope he’s okay.
  17. It could come to it where we consider the two point convert. Might be the smart play.
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