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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. The trend with people (not all, but a lot) who inherit lots and lots of money don't realize that simply having lots and lots of money that originally you had nothing to do with other than being born into it doesn't make you smart, clever and wise.
  2. And I find these useful idiots present themselves as humble braggers, genuinely believing they are oh so clever and know so much more than us average knuckledraggers. For them to try to explain their wisdom to us simpletons takes a lot of work and giving on their end. Barf.
  3. On paper, especially without Ehlers, this does not look like a crew who can give the Avalanche a run for their money without solid goaltending support
  4. And apparently the fix is to accept Elon Musk's tweet plan on how to resolve this peacefully. What a world we live in.
  5. Fun fact. 'Riders suck' can be posted into any thread including non sports. It can also be used in-person in whatever situation you find yourself in and regardless of relevance/context.
  6. Yup and the Leafs lost to the Yotes. Softens the blow a bit.
  7. There is no acting with her based on the need of the hour. She is what she portrays. She is one ugly person inside. I could give a rats ass on how she looks on the outside. She and her guild are not good people. There’s no olive branch approaches with her. She takes these branches, burns them and throws the ashes back into your face.
  8. That’s the thing about DB’s when you don’t hear their name called all game, some will ask what he do all game? Oh nothing, just clamped down.
  9. You’re last line is something I say almost daily driving around here in Berta.
  10. Yup some love for Grant tonight for sure.
  11. Yea not his finest moment tonight but two long fg in bc stadium where the air is dead I won’t fault him too much on that.
  12. His throw on the runs while looking off a defender is what caught my attention.
  13. Yup if I’m BC I’d temper my enthusiasm a bit. If you want to stay with us this showing didn’t do that.
  14. But yet he walks freely amongst us, lying, grifting away mocking people everywhere he goes.
  15. I appreciate your last sentence in how to respond to the world didn’t end comment.
  16. Mad respect for the Montreal player trying to keep up the flag official after accidentally bumping into him and making sure he was okay.
  17. My favourite all time show. Brilliant for its time and still is.
  18. Get better soon Rick. You’re time to shine Scott.
  19. Not just anti-vaxxers, anti-science. Actually more than that. Awarding themselves with the crowns of knowledge is not how it works in the real world. Thinking linear in how things progress, this cohort of people are anti-data, anti-information, anti-evidence, anti-knowledge, anti-wisdom.
  20. Lesssss goooooo! I can still hold out hope right?
  21. Not a lawyer don't play one on tv from a prosecution point of view what is going to be done with all of these taking the 5th responses?
  22. Yup for sure but I’m curious if anyone close to him has alerted him to this or if he’s just surrounded by enablers.
  23. I'm sorry but it needs to be said again. Theo Fleury needs help.
  24. Here's an excerpt from a family member tormented by this freak. I'm at a loss of what they must be going thru, the money if it ever comes, won't be anywhere near helping with their grief. Kelly McClure: Erica Lafferty, daughter of slain Sandy Hook Elementary principal, Dawn Hochsprung, spoke to reporters after the reading of the latest verdict saying "I wish that after today, I could just be a daughter grieving her mother and stop worrying about conspiracy theorists sending me threats or worse. But I know that this is not the end of Alex Jones in my life. I know that his hates, his hate, lies and conspiracy theories will follow both me and my family through the rest of our days. But I'm also hopeful for what happened here today. That it may save other families from high-profile tragedies from the cycle of abuse and re-traumatization that we have all been put through as we simply tried to survive the hardest days, weeks, and years of our lives."
  25. And you can make this observation and offer these types on insights on him and still hope he continues to excel (except against us of course) because ultimately he's great for the league. I find it's okay to bring these different lenses together as one. 🙂
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