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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Hope so. The line keeps him clean, we win, they lose.
  2. He's going to play but watching him walk tells us nothing. Watching him run tells us everything.
  3. Never mind, can you imagine just being an Argonaut.
  4. As a lifelong Expo fan and my strong hate bias for any stinky Toronto team and to split hairs, Lee was and still is a good funny marches to his own drum beat weird, MBT is unsettling don’t turn your back to him weird.
  5. While nodding my head typing Jessica Chastain into google search.
  6. This is a well used cliche that all teams say in their own ways but I really think MOS and crew have created an environment that players fit-in with this belief thru their actions or f*uck off if their actions run counter to this belief. The result: having the opportunity to win three Grey Cups in a row.
  7. It's called chirping, not harassing. Our apologies to their 12 fans (*updated by @Booch) if their feelings were hurt. We're terribly sorry you don't have a NFL team yet.
  8. And their eight fans. Don't forget about their eight fans.
  9. Interesting which I wasn't even watching for when they showed the replay. For the push to be relevant in not calling rtk, you would think it would have to physically change the trajectory of the player?
  10. New addition to the list: Rupert Murdoch, his family and enablers can royally go f*ck themselves. I don't care it's being reported that grossness isn't backing grossness in his bid for the White House. The amount of f*ckery Murdoch and crew have caused we may never recover from.
  11. I think AH will come in hot on 'I'll let my play do the talking, I really don't care who we are playing I just want to win, you guys are the ones who want to stir this up, not me' and less on sharing his feelings about how he felt he was treated in not being re-signed by the Bombers. Unless of course there is a financial incentive in for him to go full disclosure on his feelings. Just a guess.
  12. Most aren’t just clueing in now. They have always known who he is and what he stands for. That’s who they are as well and Trump gives them that venue to more outwardly display that. But now they’re feeling more heat so it’s time to clutch their fake pearls.
  13. I’m not sure about he could have played the last couple of series. As soon as he began to run out onto the field, he automatically came up somewhat lame, stopped and turned around shaking his head that he was not good to go. His mobility is obviously key to the type of game he plays so he would have been severely limited in what he could usually do if he had to go out there. I’m sure tho the trainers will perform their magic and he will be good to go come Sunday.
  14. And the list continues to grow. Pence can go f*ck himself and while I have him on the line stay the f*uck away from commenting on what woman can and cannot do with their own bodies.
  15. A draft pick and a couple of combines? It was just a thought because anyone coming from our organization probably gets a bit more credence than any other team right now and we might be able to take advantage of that. With that said, you're probably right and let's hope they continue to be stuck on four.
  16. Storyline incoming, AH possible revenge time, MBT finally seen as an Elite QB if they win, ZC's injury, something on weirdo MBT, the weather being a factor, Bombers on paper massive favorites, pressure squarely on them to repeat back to back to back, the history these teams share in GC clashes, something on BB of how he's been misunderstood, he just wants to win (barf) and other stuff I've missed and overlooked. For ratings I would think because of the larger market out East, they'll play to beefing up argoblows not to mention the fact most everyone wants us to lose in a big way. And @iHeart we all love you but with respect you are not allowed within 50 meters of a keyboard if this game is closer than it should be.
  17. Yup I was thinking more kicking the tires on a possible trade.
  18. Yea not sold yet on Dane Evans being a solid starter in this league. Wonder if any interest will be thrown at Dru Brown in the off season?
  19. Yup when the chips are down and players and/or coaches are making mistakes, you ultimately need team cohesion to be successful, i.e., achieving the ultimate goal. I think it was Michael Jordan who put it the best, players win games, teams win championships. Let's ensure the argoblows aren't the exception to this rule come Sunday.
  20. Yup but ZC's unthriving is miles ahead better than MBT's unthriving.
  21. Caught the quick sideline interview he had after their win. My guess is he verbally and non verbally can instantly make people feel awkward, uncomfortable and probably unsafe in his presence. I think his demeanour is perfect for that saying I hear voices and they don’t like you.
  22. Passed out, lying in their own vomit if that first sentence connects to the second? 🙂 What an atmosphere yesterday, responsible for multiple time clock violations, a few illegal procedures and disrupting the ability to run a hurry up offence. True home field advantage.
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