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Posts posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. MBB Jets’ posters on target today! Well done all, let’s keep the energy up. 

    Have to say again surprised how vocal the contingent of Jets fans were in Seattle last night, and more so in Buffalo last week. When we scored the cheering was quite noticeable. Expecting a healthy dose of Winnipeggers in the crowd in BC tonight. Our fans certainly travel well. 

  2. Not sure how much more of the team’s future I would mortgage for temp fill-ins. Big names are gone, price will be high, and the competition is wide open this year. 5 legit West contenders, not counting the defending champs who just made a big splash themselves in the trade market, and a Kings team that showed how hot it could get in November, and a surging Nashville. Jets have four line depth and the best goalie in the business now, enough to have kept them at the top of the Conference all season. May be enough to take a run as is. We haven’t even considered adding Heinola or McGroarity to the mix yet as depth. 

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