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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. I get that players should not be gambling, but given that Gretzky and McDavid are doing commercials in support of gambling sites with the full approval of the NHL, I’d be a bit pissed about the seeming contradiction if I was Pinto.
  2. Jefferson led the league with 13 knockdowns. Deatrick Nichols was second with 12. Holm was 3rd with 11. Betts not on the leaders list.
  3. Jon Cornish had over 2000 yards from scrimmage in 2013…..when he won MOC and MOP. Betts has put up one big fancy stat but has disappeared at times. Brady has carried the Bombers this year, especially late on games when we were grinding out the clock in wins or when Zach was just a bit off. He should get the MOC hands down, and Betts can get the MODP. And it would be crazy to see Brady get the West MOP nom and not the MOC nom since Betts was not considered better than VAJ for that award, so BO>VAJ>Betts if logic prevails. A big ask, I know.
  4. Speaking of nuts in a knot…….lots to unpack in that post of yours, and I don’t really wish to derail this thread responding to a personal beef you said you have with me or posters like me, so if you want a full answer check your PM.
  5. All 32 teams are playing tonight and the league thought it would be neat to stagger start times, apparently.
  6. That first sentence is bang on. And if the argument had stopped there with Booch or Mike, then no one would disagree. It has been acknowledged by everyone here. The point is they didn’t stop there, they went way beyond that, and continued the beat the dead horse, insulting and gaslighting anyone who would disagree that we were ALREADY in severe regression and we were doomed to fail like we have so often before under O’Shea’s watch. And that O’Shea was being defiant and not on the same page as management and the scouts. Well, looking at the “whole season”, the results have shown that, even with poor special teams, even with Zach looking off at times, even with a lesser d-line rotation, even with the o-line looking old a couple of times, and so on, we are precisely where we were last year and the year before that at the end of the regular season. And where we all hoped to be at the start of the year. So it really hasn’t become the critical issue some have made it out to be. Will it be in the future? Well, that’s a future problem, not a now problem.
  7. That’s an awful lot of noise to avoid admitting you were proven wrong by your own words…..again. As for “whole picture”? First place - again. Host West Final - again. Number one in points allowed - again. Rushing champ - again. Number two in points against. All the issues and flaws that some swore would lead us to our downfall imminently at the start of the season have not affected us, looking at the whole picture.
  8. This may be less “wow” than others, but having lived in Manitoba over half a century, I have never caught a fish.
  9. Once again, here are the actual receipts from Mike’s own keyboard. Not hearing any real advocating for keeping him around in this post Mike Posted July 19 I hate to say it, because it seems like such a ridiculous idea and I know it’s never gonna happen anyways but … if O’Shea is going to just blatantly handcuff our roster with his stubbornness and overall mismanagement, are we going to let him just because he won two Grey Cups? Or is Miller actually going to step in and do something? At what point do you tell O’Shea get your **** together or thank you for your services but they are no longer needed? That roster is literally a joke. And we’ve done it to ourselves. A brief collection of your comments on O’Shea this season: ”Smugshea” ”stupid stupid STUPID” ”is a complete idiot” “He’s a stubborn prick” After Mike said the roster was ******* pathetic: “Right? It’s ******* a joke!” “Just sad…..and an utter fail” “If people can’t see that O’Shea is pretty useless…..blind, or just plain obtuse in building your best roster….” ”abomination” Pretty strong language for “not a hater”
  10. Next question: This is in the vein of never have I ever. What is something you have never done or seen that would surprise people? This is meant to be a common occurrence that you assume most people at some point have done, like “I have never flown in a plane/driven a car” or “I have never seen any of the Star Wars movies” for someone who is older than 30.
  11. To be fair to other clubs, fans in seats does not equal fans at the game. Winnipeg sold out against Edmonton, but there were lots of open seats in the upper decks. The concourses are packed, so lots of people attend but don’t sit. It is the same in Saskatchewan, where the open concourses and Pilsner Zone are full as well.
  12. Just my take from the eye test, but looking at the kickoffs, Castillo can get a bit of air under them but then they are getting fielded at the 25 or better by the returner. The average kickoff return will come out at about 23 yards (min 21 max 25 looking at averages throughout the league this season) so with that we are giving teams the 45-50 yard line as a starting point consistently based on the averages. The target line should be the 40 given the move back 5 yards on the kickoff to the 30, so anything beyond the 40 yard line to start a drive is a fail. Now Castillo’s average is actually 66 yards per kickoff, behind only Bede, so he has a leg, but it seems (as seen in the Edmonton return TD) that to get it deeper, like to the 12 yard line as he did on the TD play, he has to line drive it more, and the hang time is not there to get the cover team down the field, and the returner has a chance to get to full speed with lots of room before the first wave arrives. Same issue I find with Sheahan’s punts, lots of his directional ones have little hang time, and if he can’t bounce it past the returner, they have lots of room to get upfield fast before the cover team can arrive and have their lanes protected. So we can have distance but no hang time, or hang time but no distance, and either way it’s costing us field position. JMO from the cheap seats.
  13. I think Calgary has a better chance to beat BC than Sask (have now won 8 of the last 10 meetings in BC) although the Riders seemed to have played the Lions tight this year. But I would much rather face Sask over Calgary if they pulled the upset over BC. So go Riders I guess. Not that it matters to the Bombers. They will fear none of them.
  14. And it’s still up for debate which set of comments was more completely overblown and ultimately wildly inaccurate. 😉
  15. Signed a contract extension with Calgary in January and is with them through 2024.
  16. I know a player has to agree to go on a practice roster, but I did not think they had a say in being pulled off one to go on to another team’s starting roster. But I do know that the original team has the “blocking” option of putting that practice player on their own game day roster first to prevent losing the player to the other team. I am basing this on the 2020 CBA section 3.08, which is online but won’t let me paste here. Anyway, as JBR said, the one game injured list (with full salary) is an option. I still don’t think we will see a mass transfer of PR players on to the game day roster next week.
  17. Do we need that money for off-seasons signings that can go against this year’s cap instead of next? I have no idea where our cap situation is, I don’t have access to the books.
  18. Just remember that for every player pulled off the practice roster to go on the game roster, a player has to be put on the practice roster as well since we can’t exceed active roster numbers. And any practice roster player can be claimed by another team at any time so long as they immediately go on to that team’s active roster. So unless we play the “one game injured reserve” route (which may cause salary cap issues), we would be exposing current starters if we flipped them to the practice roster for a one game audition of another player. Given the size of CFL rosters, I just don’t expect to see the kind of movement others may hope for. Back-ups currently on the game roster will likely get more time, but I think PR guys will pretty much stay there in these last two weeks. At least that is my understanding of the rules. I stand to be corrected.
  19. Jets deserved a better fate tonight, but moral victories count for zero points in the standings.
  20. Given that O’Shea was not shy about declaring Schoen as “out” already on the injury record for the game two days away, I’d say he’s given us a clear update that this is not short-term, given his usual close-to-the-vest approach. I guess we will see, but I am steeling myself for a “questionable” at best come playoff time.
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