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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. Voting happens in the regular season. So if BC beats us in the playoffs it has no bearing on the Betts chance. It would be a joke if anyone other than Brady won MOC at this point, there is no debate - it should be unanimous (actually Betts vs Demski for runner-up is the only close contest, and Demski may overtake him given where they are now compared to how they started). The only award that factors in the playoffs is coach of the year (or at least it used to when it was awarded in February, they may have changed it).
  2. So of all the posts from today I could have responded to, none of which would have generated anything more than continued barbs being thrown (although the continued angst is getting pretty hilarious to read), I figured this might be one topic we MIGHT generate a good debate on. Coverage woes/horrible position after kickoffs: Where do people think the problems lie? For our return game, it’s easy and most likely correct that it all boils down to Grant being out. For our kicks, is it: a) the kickers b) the cover team (that would include the loss of Miller to injury) c) the coaching scheme d) the rules (moving the hashmarks in) I actually put it largely on (a). O’Shea says they changed the scheme this year. Is that cause or effect? I kind of think it is the latter, as we have new kickers. Sheehan does his weird Aussie thing where he line drives or bounces low kicks end over end, sometimes to the far corner. But he is not allowing hang time with a normal spiral punt for the cover team to get down there, and when he does not kick between the near side numbers and the sidelines the cover team running their lanes have more open field to account for that is in play. Castillo is great at his field goals, but a ton of his kickoffs seem to get no further than the 25 yard line, so opponents seem to routinely start at the 50 or so. Would simply having a deeper kickoff or a proper spiral hang time kick solve our problems, and not necessitate a change in scheme to account for the bad kicking, or does the problem lie elsewhere?
  3. Well best tread lightly then. But it does beg the question if as many players and management share your view about OSH’s smugness, arrogance, or stubborn prick play favorites attitude? Because to the average outsider, he seems to have a love-in and buy in from the whole squad, and there is not much of anything that can be criticized with his results. Maybe all we can do is take OSH’s own words that “I’ll worry about it when we start losing”, which may be a simplistic approach but again can we argue with the results of that approach given our track record? It may be less “he doesn’t tell us anything and we can’t tell what his approach is” and more “I don’t agree with the answers he gives, and wish his approach were different”. I choose to keep the faith in him so long as we are in first and contending for Grey Cups. As always, the playoffs will be where this team’s performance and gets truly measured.
  4. You’re the insider with all the management and player connections. Why not ask them?
  5. Here are the updated standings based on last week’s list: 2 strikes WinnipegGordo MOBomberFan 3 strikes bigg jay 4 strikes TrueBlue4ever Noeller blue85gold coach17 Eliminated this week Wanna-b-fanboy Albertabomberguy Piggy1 Booch Jesse Pete Catan’s Ghost Mr Perfect Wideleft
  6. At what point is Ehlers just not worth it anymore?
  7. Legit curious question, how often are you in the dressing room with the team? And in what capacity of you can say?
  8. The strange thing about Hall’s defences is that the “bend don’t break” almost seems like he is playing soft coverage just to see what the offence is doing for one half, then makes second half adjustments to more aggressiveness. Not sure why it takes a half to get in synch so often this year.
  9. Re: Speed’s point about great teams choking in the playoffs: just a reminder that 12 teams in CFL history have won 15 or more games in a season, only 5 of them went on to win the Grey Cup.
  10. In terms of concert sales right now, I’d put Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Es Sheeran and Elton John way ahead of Foo Fighters, and for actual bands being bigger, right now Coldplay, U2, Springsteen, and even Guns and Roses are bigger box office draws. I don’t think Motley Crüe or even Metallica would appeal to a football audience en masse.
  11. Well, that, and the gaslighting, name dropping, name-calling and character attacks on players, coaches, and disagreeing posters, and constant resume reminders that smack of “do you know who I am?”. I think Noeller put it best when he said there’s a good debate to be had somewhere, but the extreme positions taken have made it lose all context.
  12. Yes, I was. Actually it can stand for whatever you want it to. Could be “too long, didn’t read”, “terrifically detailed logical reply”, or “tiresome loudmouth droning repeatedly” - whatever suits your mood.
  13. Curious as to what turned you off? And how you would rank the Bond movies, and what you look for in them.
  14. Thank you for validating what I have always believed…….that you have no idea what you are talking about. Just kidding. To each their own, but Skyfall is generally recognized as one of the, if not the best, Bond films ever made.
  15. Did that bother you more than seeing Milt Stegall get hurt in 2002 in a meaningless game before the playoffs? Or imagine if Kevin Glenn’s broken arm happened in garbage time or in an unimportant tune-up? Which is worse?
  16. Did not realize he had ALS. Living on borrowed time already, very sad.
  17. And how would you react as a fan if we were “forced” to play an Oliviera, Collaros, Schoen, Lawler, Jefferson, etc. in a nothing game and we lost them to a season-ending injury heading into the playoffs?
  18. Who says they are doing it for 6 games? And if they do, they earned that right. We benched Collaros effectively for two games in 2021, again strangely silent here. And if a Calgary or Montreal opponent complained that we made their games easier, would we say “rightfully so” or say “why should we put our players at risk in a nothing game so that Ottawa or Hamilton or Saskatchewan don’t feel ripped off? Pretty sure I know what the answer would be with the shoe on the other foot.
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