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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Historically, every year we get our hopes up and then.......nothing. Or nearly nothing.
  2. A dork must be true to himself and not deny his dorkishness.
  3. The draft has always been a crap-shoot in every sport and in the CFL, we have added complication of the NFL lurking to shower any promising player with money to migrate southward. Still, we desperately need a homebrew premier receiver more than we need another promising quarterback.
  4. It may not be as nutty as it first seems. Reilly would command a helluva price in a trade, and he is doubtless making mega bucks. Reilly has also been taking a real beating and I'm pretty sure all of his parts are not working like they used to. If Franklin is oozing potential, making a lot less money and is less beaten-up, a deal may make sense.
  5. Like it or nor, this probably gospel. Whether or not he gets a smoking hot offer to go back to his home province, that we cannot control. Walters wants O'Shea back, Period. And I do not consider how popular a coach is as a measure of how good as coach he is.
  6. Would that explain all those slow starts this season?
  7. Alert: the Argos also thought that Willy was the messiah and turfed their whole receiving corps, as well as readying themselves to sack their coach.
  8. I would be very comfortable with Glenn and Franklin should Nichols be unreasonable as to his value; we could sign both Glenn and Franklin to contracts that the starter eats steak, the backup eats tube steak.
  9. How dare you question the great and powerful Oz?
  10. Talk is that Burris is going to go out on top, so he's off the market if this is so. I would put the same offer simultaneously to both Nichols and Durant with the understanding that whoever accepts first gets the contract.
  11. Put away the Ambien. Bennett is a goner with hardly a ripple.
  12. I would bet Elimimien is going nowhere.
  13. With so many dismal, non-competitive teams this year, it would not be a surprise. There has to be drama to games, and butt-kickings are only good for the team on top.
  14. To tell the truth, I don't think we would lose much with Glenn behind center. All we need then is a promising backup or two and we are set.
  15. Aw, come on. I'm sure if we pooled our Canadian Tire money....
  16. And we could have had Taylor Reed for free when Calgary cut him.
  17. No matter who you were rooting for, its was entertaining as heck. Gotta love the CFL. Next year,Bombers
  18. Bo Levi choked on his last three throws. Plain and simple, when the game was on the line, he choked.
  19. Goes to shown you that the regular season record can mean nothing. It sure looks like the Stamps are having a hard time swallowing right now.
  20. Dynasty....hmmmm....well, the Stamps look like they're dying, and it is nasty (for Calgary).
  21. I would love to see the Stamps lose, even if it means Burris crows some more.
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