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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I suspect that many of us had hit the "mute" button for most of the telecast.
  2. To me it looked like Reilly was banged up- at the end of the game he was rubbing his left shoulder after every play. Might have made a difference in the game.
  3. Dickenson deservedly the coach of the year. The Stamps look like a juggernaut.
  4. Cummings was good but not irreplaceable. Corney got better and better as the season wore on. Butcher is an unknown quantity but has the size, God knows.
  5. That part is easy. Use the same technique as I did in picking up girls. I would ask them, "Does this smell like Chloroform to you?"
  6. Money and fans who actually care about their team?
  7. I was surprised to find that Bass was as big as he was, but he simply did not get the job done at MLB. Wild was just not the same player after his injuries, and both should be challenged in training camp.
  8. Uncle Miltie was a once in a generation athlete who did not let his personal life get so messy that it became a distraction. We are still looking for that combination of intelligence, athletic ability and drive.
  9. Well, "kine" means "cattle" so, we may be looking for a farmhand who funds cattle.
  10. Nichols is no Bo-Levi Mitchell, and may not be as good as Jennings or Reilly, but with a good supporting cast, I think he is good enough to challenge for the Grey Cup. I would like to see him take off 2-3 times per game if the play is there to shake up the opposition.
  11. I have been optimistic about Bennett since they have signed him. He has size, a very good arm and runs like a deer. Don't know how coachable or smart he is, though.
  12. I had thought that Jones had the smarts to keep Durant, possibly at a lower pay scale, but it is starting to look like Jones' ego will not allow that. Some people in holes do not know that the first step to getting out is to stop digging.
  13. Apparently the Esks have signed DeMarco, so maybe Reilly isn't 100%.
  14. In this case, the team lost two fo the last three games, and the two they lost were critical. One of the games, if won would have given the Bombers a home playoff game and the other would have allowed the team to advance to the western final. Both were winnable (in my opinion) but the current edition was just not good enough. Are we going to be content with "almosts"?
  15. There is a significant difference between "best we've seen in years" and "good enough".
  16. On 1290 radio this afternoon, Darren Bauming said that Medlock had told O'Shea that his limit was 57 yards.
  17. The good news is that Couture looked very promising in his limited time. It would still sukh to lose Chungh but we are not without a decent option. I do like Chungh's take-no-prisoners attitude.
  18. And this means we will get more of the same next year- for better or worse.
  19. From Arash Madani on 3downnation: Madani: You can’t do that Mike O’Shea Posted on November 14, 2016 by Arash Madani // 5 Comments You just can’t do that, Mike O’Shea. You just can’t. You can’t send your kicker out – no matter how lights out, how dominant, how game-changing he’s been – for a 61-yard field goal attempt, with your season on the line. You have third and four with 36 seconds left? You go for it. You send out your quarterback, who turned your season around and had completed eight of his last nine throws. You send out your tailback, who remains one of the league’s most bruising threats, who rarely gets taken down on the first smack of contact. You have Ryan Smith, money all afternoon. You went out and gave Weston Dressler big money in the off-season for moments like these. You take one glance over and you see that for the first time this season Justin Medlock has reached for a tee, and you have to realize this is going to go awry. You know in your heart of hearts when you see that, even this ask is too much for the best kicker the CFL has had since Lawrence Tynes had a cup of coffee here more than a decade ago. You make that decision, and here’s what happens: going into the off-season suddenly your players may have doubt for the first time. You now allow them to wonder that perhaps the stoic, unwavering coach, who hadn’t flinched in three years suddenly panicked.
  20. I think its pretty obvious where I am going with this. I believe that O'Shea has shown that he does not have the good judgement to take the team to the Cup. Three years into his tenure and he makes a very bad rookie decision that costs the team the victory. Yes, the players love him, but have we not heard the same laments after each head coach has been gassed for good reason?
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