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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. We began the Bomber revival by hiring Walters and it peaked (so far) with the emergence of Nichols as a bona fide starter. The reality is that we are one hit away from being in the same win/loss category as the hapless Riders. I hope and pray that we will have a legit backup who can step in and at lease not throw the game away. Maybe, just maybe, Glenn will find his way back here again.
  2. We're number 5! We're number 5! We're number 5! All together now!
  3. I think Stafford is better than he is believed to be and ought to be a good fit here- he already has a street named after him.
  4. As good as this news is, I hope that Walters does not rest on his laurels when considering our QB position.
  5. And just look how well that is working for the Jets 2.0
  6. This should be a very interesting season in Regina. Spectacularly implosive.
  7. The signing ought to carry a lot of weight with the club.
  8. Speak for yourself. I enjoy wallowing in schadenfreude.
  9. God cares about NFL football??? And if Mulumba gets cut, does that mean that Mulumba has been shunned by God???
  10. Hmmm.."surprised when he was traded" after the dismal performances of the prior season and a half and after his "understudy" stepped up and galvanized the team into a win streak. That does call into question his grip on reality.
  11. BC is too cavernous for fans to feel close to the team- even Winnipeg's stadium is on the verge of being too big.
  12. FWIW: yesterday on 1290 radio, Lawless reported that the Bombers and Nichols were "making progress towards a contract".
  13. There will be a few mostly minor signings but the big ones usually get announced later.
  14. The only problem with this scenario is that the Esks may have an overinflated sense of his value and we would probably not be the only suitors.
  15. As has been mentioned before, there is one obvious place the team can save a big chunk of change by moving Mr. Hurl and Mr. Neufeld.
  16. And don't forget about Kwanzaa and Festivus!!1
  17. A "Coup?" Like the Conservatives and Reform untied to oust the Liberals? If it was the sole pressure of the opposition, then why did not Harper impose a fiscally conservative budget regimen each year when he had a clear majority?
  18. Except that Harper didn't have a minority government for three of the five deficit years, and clung to power only by asking the pliable governor-general to do something never done before in Canadian history- prorogue Parliament when there was every reason to believe that Harper was going to lose a non-confidence motion.
  19. Unlike say, Harper, who ran deficits 5 of the seven years he was in power. He didn't raise taxes, but borrowed to pass the debt down to the next government. It has been the wont of Tories to make token tax cuts after bewailing the state of affairs and then reward themselves and their cronies while slashing vital government services to people like veterans. Government is supposed to balance the needs of all parts of the society they have a mandate to govern and not favour one over another as a matter of policy.
  20. Think again. The PCs in Alberta lost due to their own stupidity, corruption, mismanagement and intolerance. Harper lost because of much the same reason. How many of the things that make Canada a great place to live (UIC, universal healthcare, CPP, the Bill of Rights, etc) have been the result of the Tories? I will give you a hint- the answer is : NONE!
  21. Jolly good, i say. Jolly good! Pip pip hooray and all that.
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