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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Insulting the opposition team, their fans and their city is par for the course. For example, when I was passing through Regina a few months ago, we stopped at Costco there for gas and to stretch our legs. The wife (she who will be obeyed) found an item she liked and we lined up at the cashier. The lady ahead of us was a pretty average (for Saskatchewan) looking gal but when she got to the checkout she smiled at the cashier, the scanner immediately rang up a set of cookware..
  2. I vote for "misguided loyalty mixed with rigid thinking"
  3. The problem is not just Hall, but the fact that O'Shea will not replace him. And now the offence has gone MIA.
  4. Remember that this Ottawa offence thrashed the Bomber defence. Goes to show you how bad Hall's defence is and also that Stubler is not senile just yet.
  5. There had better be some changes. The offence has been flaccid for too long and the Bomber offence will be facing one of the best defensive coaches in the CFL
  6. Its not just the losses that have put O'Shea on the hot seat. Its the downward trajectory this year, two consecutive blowouts going into the LDC/Banjo Bowl series, his (at least perceived) unwillingness to dump unproductive coaches and players and questionable player management. None of these are fatal by themselves but they do add up to problems. If the Bombers get blown out in Regina and lose again in the Banjo Bowl, O'Shea and Co. are in trouble.
  7. I think this will be an entertaining game.Montreal has nothing to lose.
  8. By comparison to the rest of the Riser O-line, yes. However, unless I am mistaken, the Riders have allowed the second-lowest number of QB sacks, remarkable given the quarterback situation there.
  9. Yes, unless there's a bone sticking through his skin.
  10. There's a weird sort of symmetry at work here- we're can't make mid-game adjustments and we can't make mid-season additions to the team.
  11. I wonder if there is a league stat about when a QB pressure actually disrupted a play where the down was lost.
  12. There is a big difference between "better" and "good", particularly when you compare the Bomber track record over the past few years to say, Ottawa, Toronto and Hamilton. How many years of "better" are you prepared to accept?
  13. My beef is not and has never been with this management. The problems with the team appear to be with the coaching and possibly player recruitment. The point is that a rookie GM and a rookie head coach at the same time taking over a troubled and talent-poor team is pretty much a recipe for struggle.
  14. I would love to know that it is injury- then we would have reason to expect that he will get better.
  15. This is what is concerning me about the upcoming game- Riders have an anemic offence but a good defence and the past couple of game have shown that we have neither at the moment.
  16. If Nichols has not learned it yet, he had better understand that if you bathe in the accolades, you perforce must accept the criticism when it is given honestly.
  17. Best news I've heard all day!!!!! Welcome home, son.
  18. I hope that the refs call the holding both ways consistently. Sask O-line cannot compete with out a lot of grabbing.
  19. No way is Burnham going to be moved. Receivers of his caliber are very difficult to find.
  20. Disagree. Collaros is no Bo Levi even though he has some very good receivers to work with. I expect that most of the Bomber troubles will come from the Rider D-line and linebackers. Rider defensive backfield is suspect but I do not think that Nichols is good enough at this point to take advantage of that. I suspect a grinding low-scoring game with at least one QB carried off the field.
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