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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. OMG, you are...your…avatar. Sadly no. I wanted Kelly gone 1/2 thought the season. I dispised him with a passion. My avatar was changed out of my immense displeasure with the circus that has grown around these parts since last offseason and thought this season, I love the bombers, but after the abusive relationship we've had the past couple of seasons I begun to secretly hate them without being able to leave them.. This sounds like a very bad couples' relationship.
  2. To try to put this thread onto a more positive note- this matchup is one of the best that could have happened to the CFL. Like them or not, the Rider fans are the most ardent in the league and probably the most numerous ex-pat group you could imagine. Hamilton has suffered with a decrepit stadium and pathetic teams for what seems like decades and they have had a core of diehard fans who make up in enthusiasm what they lack in numbers. Both teams were underdogs and since this happening in Pile O Bones, the amount of media attention ought to be contagious for the rest of the CFL. We are all hoping for an entertaining game, and the edge has to to be given to the Riders unless they choke under the pressure. If they get behind early, the fans will be merciless. Go CFL!!!
  3. Berry has been the best head coach we've had since Dave Richie and has done a very good job getting rookie QB Smith in Montreal up to speed in the CFL. He didn't help himself by getting into a public hissing contest with a certain kicker. I would welcome him back, particularly since he is now available.
  4. And when Kelly was here, we thought it couldn't get any worse. At least we haven't had any more coaches or GMs in the docket. Small comfort, but sometimes you have to take what you can get.
  5. 1 for 1 so far. Now let's see if Kevie does his usual choke and the Riders walk in to the GC.... So far, the Calgary defence's collars look tight....
  6. This would really crank up the drama, wouldn't it? For both the Ticats and the Riders to win they would have to have awesome running games and harass the heck out of Ray and Glenn/whomever respectively.
  7. Apparently Dunigan had two strikes against him in Calgary- he was forced to play the owner's son at QB and he was credibly reported as not even having developed a playbook for the team. Ouch. Doesn't mean that Khari won't do better- Khari seems to be a good deal brighter than Matty.
  8. This is the single biggest "but" against Khari. He is bright, personable, and when he was a quarterback, he was my kind of player who had good but not great physical tools and relied on preparation and smarts to win games. Describes Huffer and Wally to a tee.
  9. Any hesitancy about Khari as head coach is probably due to the very real crisis in Bomberville. We have had a series of bad coaches and at least one bad, very bad GM, and there is little room for error. One more round of debacles and the team would be looking at bankruptcy. Let us all pray hard that Wade Miller is the right man at the right time.
  10. Creehan is gone & he knows it. I won't miss that nutbar on the sidelines. Apparently all the assistant coaches have been dismissed.
  11. This drive looks promising. Otherwise, its an NFL game.
  12. On a semi-related note, Paul Wiecek of the Freep says he's betting that the Bombers will start next year with Glenn and Collaros behind center.
  13. As much as we like Henoc Muamba's play this year, Shea Emery is defintiely a notch above. This is like watching midgets fighting with Nerf bats.
  14. What has Goltz shown since he was handed the starting job mid-season? He just kept getting more and more ineffective and displayed an uncanny ability to choke in clutch situations, so buh-bye.
  15. My first reaction is that Khari's lack of HC experience would be a liability, but with good, experienced assistant coaches, it might be all that bad. Khari has banked a lot of goodwill here in the 'Peg and is both intelligent and presents himself well. So, maybe....
  16. Makes sense. He was a great player, and for the last 20 years has been a pharmaceutical sales rep. Therefore he's ready for professional coaching. Well, maybe Walby could bring along the right kind of party favours to perk players up?
  17. Doesn't sound like his knee will hold up. Too bad- all kinds of talent but bum wheels will do that- like Reggie Slack.
  18. Lordy. This is starting to sound like a soap opera script. A bad one.
  19. Yeah, that trip to the Grey Cup was ******* BRUTAL... The Grey Cup appearance was a fluke. The Bombers were deteriorating through much of that year,and stumbled into the payoffs carried by a stellar defence while the opposition in the Eastern Conference was struggling. The real Blue Bombers were exposed in the Grey Cup game as pretenders and were thoroughly humiliated. That was a clear signal that things were going downhill and quickly. The trend continued from there onward to date. I would rather the Bombers had not made the Cup final than looking that bad. It ranked right up there (but not quite) with the Roughies' 13th man debacle.
  20. Actually, you can't separate this season from the two that came before- all under Mack's watch. Cumulatively, they have to be the worst three years in my memory.
  21. The season ended in June. The problem was that Mack wasn't fired before he hired Burke. If there is justice in this world, the closest Mack will ever get to pro football again would be to work as a hot dog vender in the stands.
  22. And that's game over. Goodnight, Gracie. We've been out-coached and out-played once again.
  23. If there are stats for futile offenses, this team would set all kinds of records.
  24. Lets leave Walters as GM but offer Tom Higgins the job of Head Coach and Director of Player Personnel. That would work.
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