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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Collaros doing a credible impression of a quarterback
  2. Do you not think that if O'Shea cannot see or deal with Hall's horrid defence, he is unfit to be a head coach?
  3. Agreed. DeWayne Casey, former coach of the Raptors, was fired because although the team did well in the regular season, it stalled repeatedly in the playoffs. O'Shea is a good guy but he has had ample time to produce even one playoff win and has not.
  4. The game was a perfect shitstorm. The coaches, offence and defence all had massive brain cramps. Special teams were respectable but that's all.
  5. I think the flaw in your logic may be that you are assuming that Nichols will perform better than Streveler and at this point, that is highly debatable.
  6. And if you believe that, there is some oceanfront property in Florida you might be interested in.
  7. Agreed that experience is valuable for receivers, but Simonise's forte was supposed to be speed, and since some here were saying that we do not have the deep threat(s) we need, maybe he is an answer as a replacement for Lankford. Realistically, Lankford should not be that difficult to replace.
  8. I din't think Ottawa did, either, but.....
  9. As screwed-up as the Riders are, I am starting to dread the upcoming home-and-home series with them. The Riders have an excellent defence and for all his failings, Jones is a very good DC, so our stumbling offence could get their lunches eaten big time. And if our defence plays as they did Friday,even a popgun offence might be good enough to beat them. We need reason to hope.
  10. The Bomber malaise is not all on Nichols but in tough times, teams look to their leaders and that has to be Nichols, who is not doing well at the present. Some of the blame also has to fall on the defence as a whole and the coaches.
  11. How will ever find out how good Peterman, Simonise and Washington are if O'Shea keeps trotting Lankford out?
  12. And dumb luck will beat skill every time.
  13. Snowball's chance in Hell for the Alouettes. There is no part of their team that is working well, from the GM to the coaching to the players, but this is the Crazy Football League. Pitkin will have to walk on water to avoid a blowout.
  14. The problem is that there is no way for the fans to vent at coaching decisions without having some that scorn falling onto the players. Booing is a pretty broad brush that gets poop on everyone involved, and sometimes that is richly deserved. Fans deserve the right to criticize they team that they are financially supporting. When they do not care enough to get angry, that is the time to worry. I hope that we do not get to the grim resignation stage.
  15. Agreed. That made me furious and was a damning condemnation of the defence. It wasn't like the Ottawa offence had the whole field to spread out- just the end zone and a bit and the Bombers still could not stop them even once. This game could be the turning point of the Bombers' season and the end of some coaches' careers.
  16. Unless Nichols is able to shake off whatever ails him real soon, the logical thing to do would be to swallow hard and take the growing pains of starting Streveler for the rest of the season. However, with O'Shea being who he is, I cannot see that happening unless Nichols is dismembered.
  17. I do not question O'Shea's intelligence, but his stubbornness and rigid thinking is a continuing concern.
  18. A quick but pessimistic look ahead tells me that we have a shot at two, maybe three wins at our current level of performance. That would put us at or near the .500 mark for the year. Simon says: take a biiig step backwards.
  19. That might solve some of the Bomber problems but not all.
  20. I have no confidence that LaPolice is the answer at head coach. He cannot seem to adapt the offence, so what would he do as head coach?
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