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Brandon Blue&Gold

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  1. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to SpeedFlex27 in The Star Trek Thread!   
    Anson Mount has done a great job. I guess his time is coming to an end. 
  2. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Bigblue204 in Canadian Politics   
    liberals and ndp aren't socialist though...in the same way the PC's aren't actually free market capitalists.

    Also, everyone hates socialism until they need the cops/hospitals etc. And on the flip side, everyone hates capitalism until they want new technology or more income. Both have played a large role in your life whether you like it or not. Stop being ignorant and understand that there are nuances in everything.
  3. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to 17to85 in Canadian Politics   
    Can we stop pretending that our society isn't already socialist? 
    It's certainly not capitalist, even those mighty capitalists get plenty of government assistance. 
  4. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Mark H. in Canadian Politics   
    I know about that.  When you go the extreme right or the extreme left, you get something like The German Labour Front or Russian Communism.
    I don't have a problem saying that Nazi Germany was an extreme form of socialism - because it was.  But Hitler's policies are also found on the extreme right - fascism.  
    The political spectrum is really a circle.
  5. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Wideleft in Canadian Politics   
    I'll see that and raise you the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.  First word.  Present day North Korea.  Sometimes names aren't chosen for their accuracy.
  6. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to bigg jay in Wrestling   
    Agreed that 60 minutes was definitely not anywhere near long enough to come close cover everything.  His story is still being written though so maybe one day they'll be able to do a part two.
    Loved the AJ footage, especially his dig at the WWE!  My wife's favorite part was getting some screen time at end when they were showing stuff from Kenny's birthday! 😂
  7. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to The Unknown Poster in Wrestling   
    From my perspective being involved, I knew the focus was the Golden Lovers but not entirely sure how they'd fit everything in.  And the answer is, they really couldnt.  It really begs for a 90 minute or 120 minute version.  They filmed a lot on Kenny's early days in Winnipeg, his going to WWE, his returning from WWE (there was a whole potential story thread about that).  And they really loved the footage they got from Kenny's return to Winnipeg last October but barely could squeeze it in (might be something in the works on this).
    There were many people who provided interviews who were left on the cutting room floor unfortunately.  Although they asked many of us similar questions so it of course, they used the best ones.  Mike Angels and Jason Geiger in particular were very, very good interviews.  
    And now I can reveal a stupid mistake on my part...the day of my interview, I think I was scheduled for...5PM, something like that.  I was really excited and then, for some reason, had an allergy attack.  Felt aweful.  Stuffed up, watery eyes, everything.  So I fumble around the medicine cabinet and take a couple pills.  A few minutes later my gf says "you didnt take these, did you?"   Yes, I said, why?  "They're nighttime pills!"   Oh no...I drank a ton of coffee and when I arrived, I got pushed back til...maybe 9pm.  I was super wired but also tired. lol
    And also message to all aspiring Doc makers, sitting on a milk crate looks cool.  It does not feel cool.  Give me a comfy chair! lol
    Jokes aside, it was a great experience and I am humbled to have played a small part.  I received a message from one of the producers, the guy who really pushed the project from the beginning, telling me that without me there was no project due to the footage, contacts, explanations etc.  Very nice to say, totally humbled at that (it's not true but its nice to hear).  
    Im so proud of Kenny.  And when I think about the last 17 years and SO much crap in local wrestling (even today), this made it worth it.  Seeing so many great guys I worked with locally (Kenny, Angels, Geiger, Tatum, Skillz, Nate, London's and whomever else sneaked in that I missed) on a TSN Documentary...its really an amazing thing.  And they all deserve the recognition for their hard work.
    Kenny might have been the one guy in PCW to really make it, but you can't have a promotion with one guy.  It takes a lot of guys to create an environment where talent like Kenny can develop and grow.  All the boys deserve the credit.  To the boys!
  8. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Goalie in The RIP 2019 Thread   
    Great on Twitter. **** Cancer
  9. Agree
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to The Unknown Poster in The Star Trek Thread!   
    I agree.  I could handle some "slower" episodes of Discovery with more room to breath.  But the episodes that referenced past events or had an impact on everything were always the best.  Which is what DS9 did the best.  And what Voyager did the worst (since every episode they'd get beat up and reset everything at the end).
    When TNG did Best of Both Worlds and followed that up with Picard going home, it was totally out of the norm for that show and awesome!
  10. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to SpeedFlex27 in The Star Trek Thread!   
    DS9 was the best Star Trek series by far. 
  11. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to The Unknown Poster in Wrestling   
    Like I said, Im not a fan of airing the negatives in public.  But there has been some obvious (to anyone paying attention) and not so-obvious (behind the scenes things) that have resulted in a lot of negativity.
    To address your points, historically in wrestling at this level, its not really like you described.  Im not a big band guy but in my experience, i've seen local bands pretty cheaply, including for free.  Once you ask a regular wrestling fan to pay $20 a show 3 times in two weeks, that's an uphill battle.  In fact, I'd suggest that the three shows in the last two weeks with "names" on them all drew less than anticipated.
    In the past, it was when there was more promotions and more shows that it was harder to draw.  There is not any sense of camaraderie in local wrestling historically.  What happens instead is, someone runs a show near you and charges half the price and then spreads negative "news" about you or buries you or your talent online.  Its long been a situation where promotions, especially (almost entirely) the bad ones and/or new ones would rather tear down the others than try to build themselves up.  Im not saying that about WPW, just explaining how its been historically.
    PCW's best drawing era was probably 2004-2008 (with highs and lows at other various times).  And during that time, save a few periods where AWE/WFX cropped up, you essentially had all the top talent working for PCW and everyone pulling on the rope in the same direction.  You had some other shows crop up, but never good and never sustained.  In wrestling, MORE promotions all fighting for the same market has not made the local scene better or created new fans.  
    In theory, creating a new fan is creating a new fan for everyone.  It doesnt work that way and never has.  If you go to CWE or PCW now, you see the vast, vast majority of difference faces at each show.  I've worked with promotions in the past when we actively ran angles to support each others shows and still couldn't get cross over fans.  There was a time when we had three shows per week and couldn't get cross over fans (we even rented busses to take regular fans from one venue to another and it didnt make them come out to the other shows).
    Plus, if you go to a WPW show, to be honest, any idea that new fans are being created, I would react dubiously.  If one new fan is created and they come to a PCW show for the first time, that's great!  And I appreciate that.  As Im sure Danny at CWE would as well.  But you also have to balance the good/bad in creating that one new fan.  Usually, issues arent due to "on-screen", but what happens behind the scenes anyway.
    Ernie (CWF) would have been correct in his feelings that MORE competition would be bad.  He was right, it was bad for him because the competition was better than what he was doing and the promoters were more respected than him.  The CWF was the top promotion in Winnipeg for awhile, with great shows at Le Rendezvous and really good talent in Robby Royce, Assisted Suicide etc (they even had Paul Diamond for an extended period when he lived in Winnipeg).
    But unlike most promoters, Ernie wasn't a wrestler.  He owned a local trucking business and was a fan and so when he bought into the CWF, he entered the business as the boss without a lot of knowledge of how things worked, but thinking he did.  
     When things were good, it was because he was surrounded by talented veterans.  But his personality was always his biggest issue.  Guys were always looking to create new promotions to compete.  A promotion called Power Pro was started by former CWF wrestlers who wanted to leave (and that was when the CWF was really good).  They ran 2 or 3 shows and collapsed (because its never as easy as people thing), making a deal to go back to the CWF.  But Ernie agreed to bring them back with a push doing a sort of invasion angle (Ernie's favourite) and making the Power Pro promoter the booker of the CWF.  That angered the CWF guys who had stayed loyal to Ernie so they in turn left to start up (some elements of which were part of Ring Masters later on).
    There was a rival promotion called RCW but they were sort of the "young prospects" roster compared to the CWF and had an on-again, off-again relationship with Ernie.  When RCW decided to sell in 2000, they made a deal with Bobby Jay, who had also left the CWF.  But Bobby, wanting peace, called Ernie to tell him he was buying RCW and intended their rivalry to be friendly.  Ernie immediately called RCW and made a deal to poach the promotion from under Bobby.  Ernie's intention was to eliminate competition.  But since Bobby was already well into his own planning stage and so many guys didnt want to work for Ernie, he started TRCW.
    TRCW & CWF had exclusive rosters and very very heated rivalries.  In fact, in 2001 when the top guys in CWF all quit (known locally as the Garage Sale Massacre because they went to Ernie's house while he was holding a garage sale and told him they were all going to TRCW), the guys in TRCW refused to work with them because the CWF guys had publicly crapped on them for so long and that helped create a rift where many TRCW guys wanted to leave (hence, PCW).
    So while you mostly had the best workers split between CWF & TRCW, you still had promotions like RCW cropping up though they mostly made deals with the big two to use their talent and then augmented the roster with their own "trainees" or talent not good enough for the big rosters.  When the garage sale massacre happened, it effectively ended the CWF's reign as a top promotion.  Ernie ran for a long time though and the CWF was a major player.  But he basically focused on out of town tours at that time, occasionally running Winnipeg because you sort of had to, to maintain any sort of local crew.   But TRCW was THE promotion from 2000-2002.
    PCW started up for many of the same reasons TRCW did - a lot of talent who didnt want to be there anymore.
    PCW didnt create poaching.  If you look at the history of wrestling in Winnipeg back to the 30's, it was always competitive, always with rivalries, always with exclusive rosters and guys jumping, dirty tricks etc.  Some guys who are part of the modern era think its a new thing...what was new was message boards and social media, but everything else was the same.  Its what happens when you have a grass roots business with lots of egos (you'll always have egos and pride in a business that is competitive and performance-based).  
    When PCW started, our day one crew were all former TRCW wrestlers and left them with about 5 or 6 guys, most notably Robby Royce & Vance Nevada, both of whom had personal issues with our then-booker Mike and were not invited to join us.  Nevada left town shortly thereafter.  One thing we wanted to do was feature the best talent so fans didnt have to be split.  If you wanted to see the best roster in 2002, you went to PCW.  If you were a fan of Royce (and many were), you'd have to go to TRCW.   But even then, we both drew our own audiences.
    PCW was almost a necessity.  TRCW had lost their main venue and werent going to get it back (PCW was able to).  The booking and management of TRCW alienated a lot of their crew who were looking to leave whether PCW existed or not.  So we brought stability to the local scene.
    Ring Masters was another group of former CWF wrestlers who didnt want to work for TRCW and honestly, most would not have been invited to join PCW.  So when you have promotions that reasonably can carry 20 or so guys but you have 60 wrestlers in the market, what happens?  The top 20-30 find a soft landing spot.  The bottom 30 end up running their own shows that arent very good.  And if anything that hurts the local market because if a fan goes to their first show and its awful, how will anyone else get that fan to spend money?
    The only time since PCW started that there was really a talent split was when our booker quit and started AWE/WFX.  Before that, like I said, 90% of the best talent all worked for us.  So it wasnt much of a split.   PCW was always the target for start ups (TRCW was a fierce rivalry and guys did jump back and forth for a few months before TRCW shut down following a serious injury that almost got everyone shut down).  When AWE/WFX started (they sort of started, did a show, took a long hiatus, started up again, so on and so on).  But that split the roster to a degree.  Though in a way it helped things because when Mike quit in 2003, he took "his" guys which were the guys getting pushed on top and that left "my" guys to move up...Kenny Omega et al.
    Thats a good point.  I know some guys still like to rail against the idea of being exclusive but it was always a thing in wrestling, not just here, and not just recently.  The business case for it is to create a unique roster to draw fans.  If fans want to see CWE guys, they have to go to CWE.  Same with PCW.  If one promotion has all the talent and the other has half, as a fan Im more likely to go to the one with all the guys.  So if you're looking at the business aspect, you want to be protective.  Of course, you dont have to be a control freak and run into the trouble Ernie did.
    Historically a start up would reach out and make a deal with a promotion (or promotions) to use their regular roster because 1) they want the best talent and 2) the existing promotions have put in the work, time, effort, money and so deserve some respect and deference.  One argument I've often disagreed with is the idea there is a PCW universe and a CWE universe and so on.  There isnt.  Its not like 20 years ago when fans wouldn't know where guys worked the night before.  Its all out there.  I think it can create a better experience for the fan to embrace that.  If you see a guy from CWE or HIW or RCW or wherever, in PCW and he's a champion, we'll acknowledge that.  I think thats a win-win and since wrestling is a work, unless you're a lousy booker, its not hard to work around "restrictions" guys might have because they're champions or top guys with another group.
    It wasnt long ago (2000-ish) that guys had contracts so were barred from jumping, though they still did and some were sued.  No one has a contract so its really about where they have fun and get development opportunities.  But it works both ways.  A wrestler has the right to work anywhere that wants him.  A promoter has the right to book or not book anyone he wants.  For example, if a wrestler makes homophobic remarks on social media, they arent welcome in PCW and wont be booked.  And, in fact, talent would be strong encouraged not to work for any promotion that thinks thats okay.
    On the flip side, if I decided I only wanted to run the big money shows, I could decide to run 3 shows a year and make lots of money and rely on someone else to run more often, help build the community, create a good place for the talent to develop.  But then when I went to that someone, I wouldn't expect them to actively help me leverage their efforts to make money for myself especially if I was also slandering their group and disrespecting their talent.
    I was once the young guy full of piss & vinegar wanting to take on the world, so I get it.  But over 17 years, experience teaches you things you never knew and allows you to impart that knowledge on others if they're willing to take it.  I know specifically that CWE's biggest concern when anyone starting up is that it doesnt disrupt the positive relationships in the local scene.  ie. there is peace and harmony so if you mess with that, it causes unhappiness.
    To bring this novel back around, I was good friends with one of the guys in WPW (At least I think I was) so I was very supportive.  But I think if you have a group ownership that lacks experience, they're inevitably going to run into trouble.  Not insurmountable trouble.  But if you actually say you're going to show the established promotions the right way to do wrestling, you cant be surprised when you get met with less than enthusiastic support...lol
    Generally, good communication can overcome that.  Time will tell.
  12. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to iHeart in The Star Trek Thread!   
  13. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to JCon in The Environment Thread   
    The play is... Add the carbon tax now but return the proceeds back via a credit. Slowly lower that credit and leave only the tax. 
    Why not take any carbon tax revenue and invest heavily in existing and emerging "green" technology? We quickly catch up to Europe and develop technology that we can export. In a relatively short time, we replace the worse carbon polluting technology. 
    I mean, if they were TRULY serious. 
  14. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Eternal optimist in The Environment Thread   
    From a purely economic perspective, a carbon tax (a.k.a end user tax) is the most logical way to do it. People will be forced to use less, as a direct result of the goods that are taxed costing more. The exact same logic has been used by our government in the past with so-called "sin-taxes" (tobacco tax, which adds about 50% to the cost of cigarettes, and additional levies on alcohol, for example). Of course, the disadvantages of applying this to carbon, is it's often an additional tax on essentials - such as your Hydro bill... this hurts the working poor the most. As always, raising taxes is also generally an unpopular move by politicians.
    The other problem with the current plan is lots of commercial emitters are exempt, which to be honest kind of defeats the purpose. The Liberals have implemented the Carbon Action Incentive (CAI) on personal tax returns - which gives money back to people on their taxes, to offset against increased expenses from the incoming carbon tax levies. The CAI is a blatant attempt at buying votes by the Liberals, and further muddies the water with where Trudeau really stands on climate change.
    The last thing that makes carbon tax schemes so difficult is determining how much carbon actually went into an item... for example, if an organic widget is home-grown in Winnipeg, and no trucks etc. are used to bring it to market (also in Winnipeg), it could conceivably have produced less carbon than a similar organic widget trucked into Winnipeg from North Dakota. However, if that same widget was made more efficiently in North Dakota, it could actually have less of a carbon footprint. How do you even track that? It get particularly problematic when you consider imports from overseas, especially with foreign countries that don't currently have a carbon plan.
    tldr; I don't know how to fairly tax it best - but economists generally agree that a tax like this curbs consumer usage, which is the supposed goal.
  15. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to 17to85 in Upcoming Movies   
    HISHE is a bit hit or miss for me, but honest trailers I find is usually spot on.
  16. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Goalie in Around The NHL 2018/2019   
    Im a canes fan now
  17. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Blueandgold in Bomber News: 2019 Off Season   
    Jones is a good player and far better in coverage than Loffler..
    I don’t understand the hate towards him, maybe because he doesn’t have the big hits and highlight plays that Loffler does.
  18. Agree
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Noeller in Bomber News: 2019 Off Season   
    I think I might be the only person on the planet that really likes Derek Jones and thinks he could start no problem... 
  19. Haha
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to WBBFanWest in Bomber News: 2019 Off Season   
    Addison Richards waves hi and sprains his wrist
  20. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to bigg jay in Winnipeg Ice   
    100%.  I haven't been to a single Moose game since they've been back but I've driven out to Brandon to watch the Wheaties play a few times. 
    I'll probably still take the occasional trip out there but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing games here.
  21. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to The Unknown Poster in The Star Trek Thread!   
    I enjoyed it over-all.  Thought it came across fully baked as opposed to last season's early episodes that were clearly hampered by the change in show runner.  The one thing, the show will always be hurt by the lousy premise that Michael started the war when she really didnt.  That was something they just were never able to make right last season.  Better to move on and forget it.
    The negatives:
    - Portrayal of Sarek.  I think the writers' reverence for the character hurts the portrayal.  He was always portrayed as cold, emotionally distance and a bit of an *******.  But we see none of that.  What was good about TOS was the moments that showed us he was more than that (his obvious love for Amanda, his confronting Kirk over Spock's katra, his approval of Spock's friends etc) were special *because* of how cold he was.  The JJ films made this same mistake.  Its almost like they're trying to retcon Spock's issues with his father from Sarek to Michael.   We really need to see some more coldness from him.
    - Humor.  Dial it back just a bit.  My advice to them is, ask yourself if a professional military would behave that way before airing a "goofy" scene.  In particular Im talking about Tilly's first scene on the bridge where she compliments....was it communications?  And then back and forth on the pods.  At least on the pods, Pike interjected to tell them to knock it off and they did (similar to STID where Spock & Uhura were bickering during an important away missions but they ignored Kirk's order to knock it off).
    - Pods.  Yeah....I know some fans are raving about it as an exciting sci fi scene.  I sort of glazed over a bit.  But Im not a fan of adding crazy elements to something for dramatic effect...like in STID when Kirk & Khan are hurtling themselves through space from one ship to another and have to hit a tiny little mark...thats not dramatic enough so add in asteroids.  Same thing here.  A bit too insane.  But not bad...just, hard to care about for me personally.  And you knew the blue shirt (ha!) was going to die.
    - Humor.  Other then above, it was well done.  Tilly is very charming.  Dont force it.  I didnt mind her interactions with Pike either but I would have liked a scene or line where she expresses admiration for him so that her super awkwardness was a bit more grounded.  But the episode was long.  She's an ensign on command track.  He's a legendary Captain and who happens to be heroic, charming & handsome.  Perfect foil for Tilly but I'd like to hear it.  We KNOW he's a legend because of canon but Tilly would be the perfect character for us to see through her eyes.  Almost have her say "everything is going to be okay.  Captain Pike is here."
    - Cinematic feel.  Amazing.  It looks and feels like a movie.  The SFX are top notch.  The wide screen is great.  How it's directed.  Cinematography.  Everything.   Star Trek has never looked so good.  Oh and more traditional sound effects were added too...the background ship sounds and the door swoosh on Enterprise etc.  Also seems the space shots have been toned down as far as the overly blue, foggy look goes.  Looks more like traditional Star Trek (rendered by modern SFX).
    - Acting.  Pike has been a great addition.  The rest are top notch as always.  Even when given little to do (Stamets) they hint at a lot of depth.  They just have to reconcile how the senior bridge crew have so far done little compared to the stars who mainly arent bridge crew.  And it seems they will by giving the bridge officers more to do.  Some good actors there too.
    They love love love Michelle so she's here to stay (especially with her own show coming).  
  22. Thanks
    Brandon Blue&Gold got a reaction from HardCoreBlue in Halfway point of 2018/19   
    Going by these numbers from capfriendly it will be very tough next season.
  23. Haha
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to bigg jay in A Rider Fan in Belen, New Mexico U.S.A.?   
    And get them to pay for it!
  24. Agree
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Floyd in Game 31 : Oil Tanker Train   
    I don't care about draft picks... I just still hate the Oilers because we're Jets fans and that's what we're supposed to do.
  25. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to bigg jay in Around the League: 2018 Season   
    When you consider that visible minorities make up less than 20% of Canada's population, it's not a surprise that the majority of players are white. 
    But why dont you go tell Chungh, Harris, Demski and all the other non-white Canadians, on our team alone, that they need to embrace the game more 🙄
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