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Posts posted by Judd

  1. 21 hours ago, Brandon said:

    The Jets would be insane to not make the trade if by some magical reason New Jersey offered Corey straight up for Helle.   

    The future goalie is Comrie,  Helle is a 3 year stop gap if that unless he turns it around...

    How do you figure? Hellebuyck has way out performed Comrie at the same points in their careers. Helle played on an equally sucky Moose team.

  2. 20 minutes ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:


    he's one year away from UFA. There's no guarantee he re-signs with us anyway. Besides, what would it cost? Our first + comrie+ one of connor/roslovic? It's not a deal we can afford to make.

    Sure would make us legit though!

  3. Couldn't be happier for all the homers and talking heads of TSN/sportsnet to be shut up for the rest of the year. The leafs had a decent run but there's no guarantee they still 99% healthy like they did this year. They're an exciting young team but it's hard to like them with all the daily TSN bullcrap biased articles and constant leaf info shoved down our gullets. That said, go ottawa!

  4. 1 hour ago, Floyd said:

    Calgary is one forward and one goalie away from being a legit contender... as close or closer than the Jets.  Same youth movement, same problems.

    Nick Bonino or Dwight King would probably do it.  I could see Scott Darling ending up here too.

    Sign Iggy to a 1-1.5 mill contract for leadership...



    A 35 point 3rd line center, Scott Darling and Iggy maybe gets the Flames out of the first round, not contender status.

  5. It's nice being able to glance over and read other team's fans opinions of their team as well as how they value other players throughout the league. It's hard to try enjoy discussion with Rider fans because they live in an echo chamber with morons like Pederson pomppomping and don't have any other professional sports teams to cheer for so a lot of them have disillusions about their own team, but it is still very valuable resource. Hopefully they get it figured out soon. It would be nice if every team had an online presence, honestly.

  6. I think Hellebuyck should be given one more season to solidify himself. 

    Trouba sat 20(ish) games, Little out for over 2 months, Myers missing 70 games, 30 games in 62 nights. Jets were behind the 8 ball right off the hop. 
    Not to mention Buff has had an off year and we've been playing and AHL d for 2 weeks now effecting everyone's performance. 

    Helle hasn't done himself too many favours, but he's at .906 on the year with just a shitstorm of a team this year in his first year as a starter. Patience is wearing thin amongst the fanbase, but there is definitely reason to think that Helle could continue his progression. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Atomic said:

    We may have a future starter but his name ain't Hellebuyck, it's Comrie.  And he's not ready.  So we have some room to sign a starter for some money and term.  Sure, Helle can backup (so could any number of other goalies).  Best goalie coach in the world isn't fixing that kid.  He is a career backup.

    Why the Comrie love? Hellebuyck has definitely outperformed Comrie in their junior and AHL careers.
    The only thing Comrie has on Helle is draft position but so what. That said, Chevy has to find a way to shore up the position next year. Hopefully we can sign a FA like Darling to take the load off and possibly steal the job. 

  8. 24 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Not convinced about Hellebuyck. I remember Marc Behrend. He was supposed to be the first great American goalie for the Jets 1.0 & he fizzled out in the 80's. Now we've got The Next One in Connor Hellebuyck. As I said before, I've never seen anything from Helle that shows me he has the potential to be the quality starting goalie long term that a couple of you guys keep saying he is. He doesn't need a quality backup behind him. He needs to be the backup or belongs in the AHL. We need to do something at that position. Fast.

    Marc Behrend


    That's just myopic. 

    Not even his franchise record 175 minute home shut out streak?

    He started off the season with a 1.92 GAA and a .937 over 10 home games. Yes, that is somewhat cherry picked stats, but it shows that he's not chopped liver. Now I'm not proclaiming him some saviour, but he is actually following the development curve almost exactly. He needs a to be a part of a 1A, 1B until he can prove he can play night in, night out, but that is not his fault.

  9. 11/14 .786% for Pav.

    To me this has to spell the end of Maurice. Too many men penalties, Laine playing on the 4th line while continuously trotting out Stafford. Laine's turnover was a CENTER ice interception where Pav left in a total softy on. Oh and I'm really glad Lowry line was playing more than Little's. Give me a break, Mo. This is basic stuff.

    Heck, chances are Helle only gets next game cause Pav got injured.

    Julien is going to cost $3 million at least, but honestly do they even have a choice but to pay the man? I'm officially on the fire Mo bandwagon.

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