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Posts posted by Judd

  1. 10 minutes ago, Nash00 said:

    We are one of the few teams to be able to find and develop a true star calibre QB in recent years.
    We are the only team in the league with consistent turnover at the position since Glenn left. Someone should start a QB jersey similar to the one that the Browns have, I imagine it would look very similar.

    I have NO problem with NOT "developing" our own qb. Many of the starters in the league started off somewhere else and gained an opportunity when they've proven themselves. But my god it's getting ridiculous already. If Nichols doesn't bring us to the promised land this year I see no way he could in the future. This defence isn't going to last years and field-goaling everyone to death isn't a recipe for success. 

  2. Just now, LimJahey said:

    Willy and Kevin Glenn are nothing alike, Willy is 29 years old so there's no way in any world he will ever throw for anywhere close to 40,000 yards.


    Just now, LimJahey said:

    Willy and Kevin Glenn are nothing alike, Willy is 29 years old so there's no way in any world he will ever throw for anywhere close to 40,000 yards.

    Obviously. But in ability. Mediocrity.

  3. Willy is a reclamation project. I doubt he will ever reach superstardom, but if there's anywhere he could thrive, it's Toronto. He's thrown for 300+ a bunch of times, USED to have a good touch on a deep ball, and has seen lots of CFL defences by now. He beats a raw prospect, no doubt.

    I see Willy having a long, capable Kevin Glenn-ish type career, in all honesty. But you know what, I don't want Kevin Glenn-ish anymore. We're tired of that. I want the next goddamn superstar qb. Yeah, we've hitched our wagon to Nichols, and I'd sell my soul for a one-off grey cup with him, (I'm 25 so I've never witnessed a championship) but fingers crossed Bryan Bennett (or whoever) is our long term ace. I'm so desperate, guys. So desperate 

  4. People can be such jerks. What benefit is there for actions such as this? And not to deflect from this incident, but I had my car windows smashed in Regina for the football game for no particular reason. I didn't even have anything in my car. No bodily harm or anything but a total "you've got to be kidding me" moment.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Jpan85 said:

    What has impressed me is when we needed a drive Nichols has led the team down the field. 

    Exactly. In the Labour Day game right after SASK tied it up Nichols drove the field pretty well resulting in a field goal (albeit long one), stopping their momentum. Obviously I can't play the what if game but I can't help but feel if that was a 2 and out they would've ran train over us with the momentum they had. I can't help but feel Willy would've panicked and went 2 and out (again, I understand that's a pretty ridiculous feeling)

    Then in the Banjo Bowl our D makes a great turnover and Nichols made a long bomb with JFG, then capped off the drive with a couple of runs himself. Stopping the other teams momentum is something Nichols does well with his cool demeanour - something thats unquantifiable. 

  6. Just happened to be looking at career numbers of Willy and Nichols. As it stands today they've both thrown 36 touchdowns in their careers. Willy has thrown 28 interceptions to Nichols 26. They both came into the league in 2012 and over that time Willy has accumulated 972 attempts with 650 completions and Nichols has 495 completions on 799 attempts.
    Willy averages 8.3 yards per completion to Nichols 8.0, though.

    OBVIOUSLY there are so many other factors at play here, but I just thought it was a quick little bit of interesting info. Nichols isn't flashy, but he throws a heck a lot more TD's than Willy. I've been a Willy supporter and have his jersey, and although I don't believe Matt Nichols is the answer, he does seem to be more effective in scoring TD's in his time on the field. 

    Also I didn't know where else to put this and didn't feel it needed it's own thread.

  7. 17 minutes ago, MyDogHasScheifeles said:

    Like the way this organization rushed burmi and to an extent Kane rushing Connor will also be a mistake. We dont need to pull an Oilers and rush talent into the show and then years later ask why they never learned how to play without the puck. The fact that the roster is loaded with options and this kid is far from having a complete game(unlike Vessey) let him round out his game in the A for a while.

    Except this management has no history of rushing its prospects. That was Atlanta management that rushed those players. Chevy and co. are exceptionally patient and let the prospects cook in the oven until they're toasty brown.

  8. Wiecek said on 1290 that if Willy doesn't get off to a good start next week someone within the organization (must be Walters, I s'pose?) said they'll pull him in favour of Nichols.

    A move I think most people approve of, but an unfortunate one. I never thought it would come to this, to be honest. Will a slap in the face be what Willy needs, or will he crumble?

  9. Chamblin would be the absolute worst thing we could do. That would be such a typical bombers move, though. O'shea survives the year because no interim coach would magically turn us into GC Champs. But the HC next year could be Thorpe, that seems logical to me. I'm in the extreme minority but I like O'Shea and wouldn't be as suicidal as most people if he gets another chance with us. I firmly believe he hasn't lost the room. Kyle Walters has been a dud on every level including GM, in my mind. We just have no depth anywhere besides maybe linebacker, who haven't lived up to expectations either. For some "canadian guru" he's had pretty weak second round selections in his time and Waggoner is certainly nothing special (although it's still early for him). We just should've just overpaid for Muamba (which is something I never thought I'd say)

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