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Everything posted by Arnold_Palmer

  1. Hopefully we’ll rested and motivated! This could actually benefit us down the stretch as crazy as that sounds.
  2. Astounding for someone who’s been around for that long to be completely terrible at angling. The guy refuses to learn he likes to see his ball go 60 yards in the air but he’s doing a dis service to his team mates for being selfish. Makes you appreciate Medlock who’s worked hard to become one of the best precision punters in the whole league.
  3. And your point? It’s just interesting that someone who has missed a quarter of the season is still number two in passing touchdowns. I know injuries to other quarterbacks play a role that’s kind of the point.
  4. Nichols is still tied for second in the league in passing Touchdowns even though he’s missed three games. Funny.
  5. Mo was a monster for the Bombers. Wish we could get the Mo Leggett of 2016. But a las he’s old, and never fully recovered from his injury. No matter how great you are time or injuries will catch up with you eventually. No shame in that. He was an all time great and a play maker in every sense of the word but time to let it go.
  6. Sitting out on my patio with my girl friend, about to bbq some burgers, having a rye and coke before watching the bombers beat down the riders. Life is GOOD!
  7. That was one of the best games I’ve ever been to in my life. We absolutely owned Hamilton that day.
  8. Really disappointed with Matthews. I remember him talking about wanting to be a leader and to be here for years to come in an interview. But actions speak louder then words. He looked slow on the field, and although I want fault him for some of the tough catches he didn’t come down with, you’d expect a guy you’re paying nearly 200 thousand dollars to, to come up with those catches, between the bar fight, and the injuries this doesn’t really surprise me. I think we’ll be just fine.
  9. Pretty immature of all these other players going at him knowing full well it could have been them. He got caught and has to deal with the consequences but these players would be wise to keep their mouth shut.
  10. I thought so too. I’ve personally seen him do other illegal activies, rhymes with poke! He should keep his mouth shut.
  11. I’m not down playing the severity of it but come on. Most players in the CFL are taking steroids, anything to get that extra edge, that extra pay cheque. When I played high school and junior football everyone around me was doping. Oh well. He got caught. He has to pay the consequences.
  12. Man I love this team! From the depth, to the Canadians, to the playmakers, to the role players stepping up, this was another TEAM WIN. 8-2 baby!!
  13. Why Sask let him get away... come on man! Pay this man. He’s a game breaker in a way that not many defensive players can be. Glad he’s on our side.
  14. Gotta give some serious love for Medlock who was automatical. Making 50 yard field goals look easyyy.
  15. I actually believe the exact opposite. If Streveler is mediocre and were hovering around 500 we’ll realize how important Nichols really is. The man simply wins football games.
  16. He wouldn’t even sign a deal with Denver worth millions of dollars to fight for a starting position. The dude is pretentious. No way he comes to the CFL.
  17. True but we also didn’t allow 4 TD’s and nearly 400 yards to Arbuckle either!
  18. Uncle Rico could throw a pigskin a quarter of a mile. Not doubt in my mind.
  19. Guys I’m kidding! Get a sense of humour. However I’ll always appreciate KG for our 07 run
  20. If Nichols is out for an extended period of time, wouldn’t mind seeing one of my favourite Blue Bomber QB’s make a third appearance with the blue and gold. I’d be more then okay letting big Chris showcase what he has but having an experienced backup wouldn’t be the worst plan in the world. 😁
  21. I’m excited to see what we can cook up for Streveler next week. He should be able to help us open up the playbook a little more.
  22. 3 turnovers, lost our Q.B, and we still win by 16 points! I thik we’ll be just fine. 7-2 is 7-2!
  23. Didn’t get to watch the game because of work but how about a star/hm to Canadian ham and egger Jake Thomas for his two sacks!
  24. Everybody breathe.. 6-2 not 2-6, let’s go! In years past we would have 100 percent lost this game against Calgary. How many last minute games have we lost to them over the years? Let’s take care of business next week and we’re sitting pretty at 7-2!
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