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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. A player wants to explore his options and everyone now wants to make it personal? U would rather get the LaBatte BS about really wanting to be here and then leave? Don't fault a guy for being honest whether you like it or not. If you don't want to hear the answer don't ask him the question.
  2. When will people realize that it would be crazy to trade your QB depth before the end of the season? It has been shown that theQB depth has been a much needed asset this season.
  3. FA starts long before the CBA even expires. In the past the CBA has even been carried over into the following season until an agreement has been reached. Why would anyone even trade a box of tape for Henoc when you know the kid is going to go to test the FA market?
  4. 30 yds means a 45 yd punt lands on the goal line. 40 yds means you are trying. 42 yd fg and where did Palardy miss from? Oh that's right it wasn't Palardy. It was his older brother /Sandro the upgrade.
  5. So some has declared Marcel the next HC when the GM has not been established? How does that work? My first question in interviewing Marcel is? Who is your staff? That is paramount in identifying what and who he brings to the table.
  6. It has been presented that Goltz was Mack's guy. Another example of athletisim not translating into being a player, especially at the QB spot. Why do you think he played QB at Occidental College?
  7. And I assume that Burke then actually made a sound decision for a change ? Or you sent in the call?
  8. It's football it isn't rocket science, the cure for cancer or an egg soufflé . The comment had already been made about running Ford to the wide side as an option. That play was clearly available. So lets not blame a play book especially given you bring two tackles in and prep them in 4 days.
  9. Fans and objectivity are not synonymous. Hence the derivation of the term fan. Burke's argument was he had an ill prepared QB with just above zero playtime in the game with 25 sec. He made an objective decision. No one has commented on Burke's decision to play defence first in OT? A decision I am sure was also objective providing his QB more time to prepare. Perhaps the counter argument could easily be he should have rested and calmed the D after giving up the td for the tie. Isn't hindsight from an armchair wonderful.
  10. Well ucan't blame Crowton for the play calling now. So who do we blame?
  11. Well he has poured a ton of dough into TO. But he has also reaped the benefits of hosting a number if Grey Cups, including 2014 I believe. My fear is those idiots at MLSE buy the Argos with the notion of leveraging that into an NFL franchise down the road. Perhaps a pipe dream but still not good for our league.
  12. Ultimately if this team is going to play an import at safety he better be a huge upgrade from JJ back there.
  13. Kowalczuk lasted one game at centre. Not sure guard will be any easier.
  14. Import OT . The critical element is long arms and foot speed. You have to deal more with outside speed rushers with moves than inside bull-power rushers.
  15. Too many players feeling sorry for themselves and thinking they can hide out on the IR.
  16. Did Lawless ask Forde when his GM interview is?
  17. If it is in fact Boyd. I hope they got him cheap. I think this is another band aid on a fractured leg at this point.
  18. No one in there right mind would trade for Muamba at this time. His agent is an absolute idiot - he will wait and hit the open market, be it the CFL or chasing the NFL. Why there is a reference to the CBA is a mystery? He will be a FA long before anything is done with the CBA. Historically the season has even started with no new CBA in place. Unless Tillman can trade for Henoc it doesn't seem likely at all.
  19. I beg at at who gets the most out of their QB.
  20. Mack's influence was on personnel......not football ops LOL.
  21. Green is purely a ST player even forbid if he gets in a game at a position......they tried him at FB and he doesn't know left from right. Plus he takes enough penalties on ST.
  22. You want to be in professional sports act professionally and treat your employees publicly the same way. Calling out players individually is something to be done either one on one or in a team meeting. I think most people do their best in trying to refrain on commenting on other teams and their organization. When you do it usually comes back to bite joy in the ass. James West famous saying"same thing that makes u laugh makes you cry"
  23. The problem will now become when teams get their byes. Obviously as in the past , it may not be at the most opportunistic time ie. who wants a bye week 2?
  24. Well Jaxon based on your theory you don't think the volume of players in an area increases both the level of competition and the number of diamonds out there? I guess there are better diamonds in the US then in Canada. Must be the water.
  25. That is why they have not eliminated the bye week when there was an even number of teams, in anticipation of the rotating byes required to facilitate scheduling for 9 teams next year.
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