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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. There is discussions at the CFL level to make juniors part of the draft. As it stands Wpg is at a disadvantage having only one team to protect players from. BC has a huge advantage because of the wealth of teams and level of competition of the junior program there.
  2. The dispersal draft for Ottawa is December. That has nothing to do with free agents. Players currently under contract become free agents on Feb. 15th.
  3. This thread seemed to get detoured way off topic.
  4. Feb. will be the tell tale and players figuring this will be a big FA payday. More so with a further depleted number of NIMPs and an additional team.
  5. Perhaps it's time to move DelMonaco. Oh for the Bob Wylie coaching days.
  6. I agree but they get on something and go on and on and on. I know they need to fill air time but mix it up a it guys.
  7. I would say this trade might indicate there is concern about Etienne or Kohlert returning home to Sask when they become FAs.
  8. Glad to see some of Ken Moll's scouting work being brought in. Not having to battle with .....
  9. Are people getting tired off hearing the TSN blow Sheets' horn. I think reality is starting to kick in for him. He oiled up a whack of yards early on against teams with poor run defences. Then all this mathematical projection crap started. Well his numbers are now decreasing per game and while he is a good back lets calm down. On a similar note I am also tired off one catch per game Geroy Simon for prime minister. His past days are gone. Sure he is a veteran presence but is no longer the go to guy. Donald Narcisse dragged this one catch per game streak on way to long. My stars any receiver worth his salt should get one reception per game or people should question why the guy is on the roster.
  10. Paranteau is and has always been a sixth man. Tillman signed the guy off the Bomber pr and gave him a ridiculous signing bonus. He then became an overpaid utility guy that has never panned out as a worthy starter. Barker has younger, better and cheaper guys. If he couldn't beat out Jeff Keeping in TO at centre that should tell people something. He may unfortunately truly be an upgrade to Morley et al.
  11. The knock on Carr when he was released from the Chargers way back when was he was soft. He has outstanding ability but I would say he hasn't demonstrated both the physical and mental toughness to keep him at the elite level. Other teams see the ability and hope he will change. Sadly what you see is what you get.
  12. His agent is an idiot so far as to say Barker won't even draft any one he represents. Who knows how much air he has blown up Henoc's butt.
  13. Goltz worries me in that he is a good athlete that needs to show progress as a QB. Teams will start to spy him to contain his ability to run. At some point he needs to show true ability as a passer. As to obtaining another QB at this point it would seem unlikely before the end of the season. Other teams will want to keep there depth due to the high injure rate at the QB spot. Hence BCtrading for Pierce and giving up a guy they have given up on.
  14. His contract was not renewed after the 2012 season. Under Taman he did both CIS and NFL scouting. Under Mack he managed the football ops, SMS and budget. He also tracked NIMPs that were available when injuries happened. He brought in a number of current and past players both IMPs and non imports.
  15. The challenge will be resigning them...I think all of those mentioned except aging Edwards and Watson will be FA.
  16. Lets bring guys in that want to be here. Not guys that see this as a fall back plan.
  17. He had problems last season with a foot injury. Missed a lot of practice and often had to come out of a game for a spell. If he has an issue with turf toe it often never completely goes away.
  18. Goltz gets to play against a bad defence everyday at practice....then when he plays against a good one it's tough.
  19. The moral to this story is don't bring a guy in unless he has agreed to a contract in advance. Somebody may have dropped the ball on this one.
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