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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Everything posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. What happened to the term that was being thrown around....oh yeah..."Quarterback Whisperer"... Man, that had a nice ring to it.
  2. Re-up coordinators as you like. If they prove to be that good at their job, each would be considered for future head coaching positions regardless of their contract. As such, I'm pretty sure that the team wouldn't/couldn't stand in the way of their advancement. No reasonable coordinators salary would match their goal of helming their own team.
  3. I don't know if they shouldn't continue with the "one inductee per home game" next year as well; just so that we can have a nice base of 18 before moving to one annual entry. We are pretty late to the dance in (ring of honour type awards) compared to other teams, and if you only bring on one per year after 2016, it will seem pretty scant for a long time. Many of us could easily come up with another 9 inductees with close to the same cachet as this year's inaugural members in order to flesh out the group of 18.
  4. Other than going Zapruder on this thing, the only additional comment I can make on the Harris play is...look to his left hand. Is there enough evidence to suggest that the left hand was not in play on the ball.
  5. ...and they didn't have Bakari Grant...and we didn't have Darvin Adams...and they didn't have Junior what-his-name...and we didn't have Ian Wild...and
  6. Por supuesto es usted perro. ¿Cuántos otros Sammys Slingin ¿te parece que hay en esta ciudad? El nuestro es un gigante entre los hombres y un verdadero testimonio del compromiso de que sólo un cartel valorado de su estatura podría proporcionar.
  7. It's great to identify the improvement on the field this year, but it's equally Important to gauge the position of the team moving forward into next season with a stable and consistent management group. We as a team have so many dynamic players and reasons for optimism that another year with the same system will pay fantastic dividends.
  8. Congrats in advance to you & the bride... and wishing a safe arrival for little Khari
  9. Professor Heath is too busy in the classroom educating the D on tendencies of the T.O. offense.
  10. I requested one on a date once, and got reefed upside the melon.
  11. Bless you...and your father-in-law, Slingin Sammy!
  12. By CFL standards, recent developments are huge as far as mid season trades go. However, I seem to remember another blockbuster between Wpg and T.O from 1980 or so. All I can recall is that we got Nick Bastaja and maybe another O-lineman, but I can't find record of who we gave up....just a vague recollection that we made out like bandits and that there may have been a QB involved. Do any of you grey-beards remember this?
  13. It doesn't hurt to add a player of Heath's calibre when you consider some of the QBs we'll be facing as we head into the playoffs. I agree with the others who say the next move will be for a receiver.
  14. 2 coffee, a scratchamaballs, and my morning constitutional completed. Feeling good about a BB win.
  15. Good old Nelson "It's not like I raped a nun." Skalbania....one of the more colourful members of the CFL ownership rogues gallery. He signed the big-name NFL guys to varying degrees of success....then eventually folded the team. Als have always loved the names. ...Although Johnny Rodgers was legit for them in the '70s
  16. ....especially with all of you yelling while I'm trying to watch Rat Patrol at the Mclaren
  17. Inside tip: There's a great sports bar called the Mclaren Htl. on Main & Rupert. It used to open to a decent crowd at 0900. They've always been very welcoming to visitors.
  18. Looking forward to a home n' away against a team with a much older roster...can call it the Bingo Bowl.
  19. They're like Bathroom Readers, only without the need for paper or privacy.
  20. On the rivalry front; the lack of stability within our own conference has been a huge difference maker for us. If the BB hadn't floated back and forth between West-East...(has it been 2 or 3 times)? we would have maintained our traditional primary rivalry with Sasky. If you were to poll the 30-40 year old Rider fans, I bet many would identify Calgary or Edmonton as their main rival. To me it is because they (and we) found a different enemy when we moved out of the western division. You can't maintain a decades long rivalry unless there is continuity over the generations.
  21. I actually feel a little skeezy bringing this up because I believe charity looks best when it's anonymous. However, when I hear about "Canada's Team" and the "Best Fans in the League"....and then I notice where they sit next to others regarding the Purolater tackle hunger initiative.....I have to shake my head. BTW kudos to the Tabbies!
  22. 1981; Alouettes stroll into Wpg Stadium with a bevy of NFL stars (Vince Ferragamo, David Overstreet, and White Shoes Johnson.) Ralph Brock says "sorry...not today" and eviscerates them 58-2. PS 1981 Wpg rookie of the year.....Pete Catan
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