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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Everything posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. Exactly; although Wells would absolutely murder Feoli-Guidino's name. I don't think he pronounced Lyall Woznesensky the same way twice. Good times.
  2. You could have stopped after the conversation topic sentence. This is ******* funny ****. Please give us more in the future.
  3. I sort of agree with you and yet, it wasn't unusual for him to single out overall play...just because. As in "today I'm giving the HH to the Defense." More often though, I remember his choices as the types you identify.
  4. Madam I 'm Adam...Gosh, these palindrome thingys are tougher than them haikus.
  5. I don't think the BB received any hands to face penalties this game. Nice.
  6. For authenticity sake, you will need to prime the pump for a few hours prior to your musings. Since one of Cactus' favorite watering holes,"The Paddock" is no longer standing, you will have to improvise by going to Olive Garden (now sits on the spot). I recommend sitting in their parking lot with a thermos of Sidecars while you develop your deal.
  7. HH to Captain Blue for dumping the plane on it's side, but returning it to it's wheels before too many people noticed.
  8. Spending a victorious summer evening with 30,000 of my closest friends.....Priceless
  9. I could have sworn I heard that speech at the end of "Dunkirk".
  10. I was critical of his long ball accuracy, and agree with you. But having watched Jennings yesterday, I am now very willing to live with this.
  11. One of the few things he has missing from the other two is the inability to hit the 50/50 pass.
  12. johnzo's a bit of a pill pigskin poetry gives him a thrill first I felt like a dink now we're all spreading ink somebody pass me my quill
  13. I refuse to believe this fake news. AR will be back!!!
  14. Or loop it with video from last year of the two Rider DBs who ran into each other while trying to unsuccessfully defend a TD....Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk
  15. I too, have been watching for over 40. I am pleased to note that unlike many prior years, how refreshing it is not to spend my time holding my face in my hands.
  16. What...no love for "Armani" Schultz?
  17. Carmichael also hit the block that sprung Randle around the end for the TD
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