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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Everything posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. Double entendre Who's playing for the Bombers? Jenna Jameson?
  2. My bold prediction Redemption song for Roc C. White ghost eats black crow?
  3. Like the cherry tree Resilient after a gale Storm awaits Boatmen
  4. Maybe not worst, but very confusing. I remember that his hiring was supported by Cal and that he really didn't have a clue about the CFL. He was very "Bart Andrus", but with a better record and more boring hair.
  5. Extra points for saying screw you, to the rules of Haiku. Nice one DoD.
  6. Nippon poetry useful in describing Jones Seppuku for Coach?
  7. I didn't even know it had happened until I saw it on BBC.
  8. Green is the colour that shade always means envy I feel Japanese
  9. Maybe the thinking is that Poblah, Waggoner (not Richards), and now Wolitarsky, were plucked in the supplemental draft, and the first two had less than stellar careers? You can find plenty to criticize Addison (throw down those shackles) Richards, but being a supp. draft bust isn't one of them.
  10. Demski will look terrific in Blue and Gold.
  11. I was waiting to see who would bite on that one.
  12. Let's see if Tracker and Mr. Dee can restrain themselves from stating the obvious on this one.
  13. List looks good, ....until my boy A. Richards throws down his crutches and begins an award filled 10 year career for the BB.
  14. Not a ruse but an excuse. An excuse by the team; so that when they cut his sorry ass, they (and he) can claim his release is injury related and not due to poor play.
  15. Yes, the "dumb brute" rap hung heavily on him. Thanks for the insight on Jauch's mentorship, I wasn't aware of that side of things. Do you remember him as a HC/QB coach while working with Wilkinson and Lemmerman in Edmonton?
  16. The Baylor Bowling Ball was probably one of the worst nicknames of all time, but he was great...reminded me of Chad Kackert (sp.)
  17. Onterrio Smith Remember when (as a Viking) he tried to make it through customs and was caught with The Original Whizzinator? Highlarious article: http://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=2061794
  18. I wonder if anyone has news about the other teams in the league?
  19. On 1290, Lee Jones (CTV Regina) was telling Rick Ralph about Rider practice today. He mentioned that a Sports Illustrated reporter was asking who #5 was. The reporter said that KG "was the best player on the field; offense or defense." ?!?
  20. They mortgaged their immediate future...That coupled with ineptitude made it four years (and counting).
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