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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Everything posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. Lankford hasn't attained the daily double of global shittienous of being an ineffectual player while simultaneously racking up multiple bone-headed roughing penalties like EJ. Lankford stinks, but Kuale was gold standard ass.
  2. Much appreciated. Will i need to wear beekeper gear at banjo bowl to save myself from the wasps?
  3. Wasn't Roc Carmichael a lounge singer on The Flintstones?
  4. I'm a 22 year old guy pulling in 144,000 fish US for 20 weeks on a practice squad? Three things I'm thinking about: 1) the choin 2) the big leagues 3) babes Three things I'm not thinking about: 1) Grey Cups 2) fading into obscurity 3) improving my unicycle skills I'm sure my family will understand.
  5. When we win, one if the big reasons will be because we out coached them.
  6. Ticats could take a page out of the book on what swarming black and gold pests should look like.
  7. Also; expect some hi-jinks. If today's practice is any indication, some player's roles could be expanded. There were some routes run that I haven't seen before.
  8. Thorpe running with second team. Coates in. no sign of D'Costa Rican (or Palliser) C. Johnson off to the side with Focketi. Didn't see him scrimmage at all, but may have missed it, or with second team. Dressler looks as crisp as an autumn day. Arms fully extended and pulling in darts. Nil evidence of any loss of step. Loffler sitting out much of practice. He did manage to make it into scrimmage long enough to jump a route on Denmark. Hardrick wearing one of those wide brimmed Tilley hat things chasing Loffler around the field was a sight. He looked like a very large, but insane beekeeper. Beautiful INT. by Fogg. Very similar to Randle's OT snag against Mont. Dbs. flying around. Westerman, Okpalaugo, and Jeffcoat working the crowd. This team is LOOSE. An aside: #82 (?) gained some reps with second squad as did #80 Wolitarsky. They were also periodically pumping in the crowd noise.... Loud, unrelenting, but with no substance or purpose other than to be distracting.....A perfect simulation for all things Priders. Wasn't able to stay for the whole practice as the wasps were wicked in the stands. I finally got nailed at the 45 min mark.
  9. Is this the game where Dressler makes his return? Will Johnson be back in the middle and why was he pulled last game? Jeffcoat or Okpalaugo? So many questions...
  10. ...and I hope you continue. It's a great nicker. D'CostaRican doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
  11. http://edmontonjournal.com/sports/football/cfl/edmonton-eskimos/terry-jones-eskimos-pick-wrong-time-to-fall-on-their-faces Just read Terry Jones' comments in the Edmonton Journal. As much as I despise the Priders, there's no way that you can't give them some props for the win. Terry Jones doesn't. Softening Sasky's win for me is the knowledge that Jones and the rest of the City of Chumps just got kicked in the teeth. I forgot how much I've always detested the Eskies, because of my dislike for the Gappers. It's good to regain that perspective.
  12. Exactly; although Wells would absolutely murder Feoli-Guidino's name. I don't think he pronounced Lyall Woznesensky the same way twice. Good times.
  13. You could have stopped after the conversation topic sentence. This is ******* funny ****. Please give us more in the future.
  14. I sort of agree with you and yet, it wasn't unusual for him to single out overall play...just because. As in "today I'm giving the HH to the Defense." More often though, I remember his choices as the types you identify.
  15. Madam I 'm Adam...Gosh, these palindrome thingys are tougher than them haikus.
  16. I don't think the BB received any hands to face penalties this game. Nice.
  17. For authenticity sake, you will need to prime the pump for a few hours prior to your musings. Since one of Cactus' favorite watering holes,"The Paddock" is no longer standing, you will have to improvise by going to Olive Garden (now sits on the spot). I recommend sitting in their parking lot with a thermos of Sidecars while you develop your deal.
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