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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. Willy's stats on Saturday did include a couple of throws that were deliberately thrown out of bounds. I believe there's progress in that alone, because last year, he just didn't seem to recognize that.
  2. I had thought about what the games this weekend meant to any kind of rankings, and no matter how you spin it, the Bombers played 3 pretty good games, won 2, lost 1 close one and stunk out 2 others without our starting QB. We can be ranked no worse than 7th right now.
  3. I don't think anybody can hire anybody because everybody knows somebody, and that fact alone should disqualify anyone in your Rolodex.
  4. That Chris Jones is quite the despicable little man. And classless. There is absolutely no reason to keep the gas pedal down on offence right until the end, nor sending blitzes when obviously, the game is over.Putz.The reality is that it was a third-string quarterback who did that to us. If the situation were reversed and say, Marve was in there with Willy out and Brohm ineffective (as usual), I would have no problem giving my third stringer all the experience he could stand even if it was already 48-0.And I guess HE didn't run up the score, but it wasn't the third string QB either. It was more our own ineptitude.- Punt return (53 yards) to the Wpg. 3 TD run By Lynch - pass interception (on a questionable non-call interference) leads to aTD - interception at the Wpg. 17 leads to a TD. But that doen's excuse blitzing until the end.
  5. That Chris Jones is quite the despicable little man. And classless. There is absolutely no reason to keep the gas pedal down on offence right until the end, nor sending blitzes when obviously, the game is over. Putz.
  6. Now imagine what he could accomplish with a real OC. Oh, I don't know about that. Willy has made a lot of progress in how he handles himself in games and I gotta believe a lot of that is the influence of MB. Don't like him as an OC? That's fine. But I want our #1 QB to show progress..and he has. Now, if he only do something about those backups.
  7. If I had Marcel telling me how to play QB, I wouldn't listen either. It's lucky then, that Willy has been listening, we have the 2 wins because he listened and Drew's numbers suggest it is the right thing to have done.
  8. I saw a lot more than one player playing football in a very tough battle in the 1st half. Westerman led the way, but we did have Dline pressure, good coverage and Lirim was punting well. Willy is slowly learning when to throw the ball away and to move around, so that he isn't a stationary target...and he slid feet first. But the biggest positive for me is....I'm POSITIVE Brian Brohm is not the answer to come into the game after the #1 goes down. I gotta believe Domique Davis, our 4th string QB couldn't have done any worse.
  9. Cool - that's fine. We all have our opinions don't forget. I just find it funny how people here forget how bad the Bombers (generally) play here. I personally have no idea why. Though the best game I ever saw at Commonwealth was the introduction to Khari Jones - who came in in the second quarter for an injured Kerwin Bell and played great. Though Dan Crowley - a THIRD STRINGER - for Edmonton had close to 500 yards passing and 5 TD passes in that game as Edmonton won 51 to 49 or something like that. I was very entertained but even then - third stringer = Warren Moon in this stadium for whatever reason. I have a feeling Nichols, who has been under a lot of heat here - is going to have a coming out party today. …………Perhaps you've heard of this album…you seem to be living it. And you could be right about Nichols coming out…perhaps by the 3rd quarter.
  10. The past means nothing, tomorrow cannot be known, it is what they do today that counts. Bombers can win this game. Will they? How the hell do I know? If I could tell that, I'd be a rich man. The point is, I'm looking at this game as a chance to win a big game. I really don't care what you expect.
  11. Yes, it caught my attention too. 2nd and 11 ball at Cal. 40 - 1:28 left...forced kick. But Calgary catches another break...roughing the kicker gives them the ball back. Then a Calgary fumble at the Ottawa 51...leads to a 2 and out for Ottawa. Williams drops a catchable ball. Both BLM and the Huffer missed the impending time count violation, but, for them, it happened in the 1st half. Still... Also, in the next game, there was another close time count violation, but the Scotts-man (Milanovich) caught it..in time. That one, however wasn't as crucial...1st and 10, 1:16 left on the clock, ball at BC's 25 yard line. It could have given BC more time for their drive though. And that 3rd gamble by Tedford? You can take the man out of Amer. football...but not the thinking. The decision to gamble at that point of the game was beyond questionable and allowed Toronto back in the game. I sincerely hope Tedford has similar brain farts next week when BC visits IGF.
  12. Hey Calgary, how do YOU like losing in the last moments? Hamilton spots Calgary 5 drop passes but Ernest Jackson, Ellingson and Sinopoli deliver for Burris. Burris - started like sh t , but locked on later. Still don't like Cindy Williams' overall performance as a receiver. Entertaining game...even with Rod Black.. Pretty quick game..even with the OT. I'm pretty sure I understand the 2 point convert-fumble ruling, I just wish the hands-up-in-the-air ref did.. What run game? 86 passes thrown - 51 completions. Love the win for the Ottawa fans... Hey Jovon, looking good!!
  13. I'm with Noeller on this one. With the eyes of Lyle Bauer (never mind that evil goatee) upon him, Taman didn't have too many choices. When Taman took "a break from football", I'm pretty sure he meant - take a break from Bauer. (Kelly was coming)
  14. Some loose stats on this week's games. Calgary @ Ottawa - overwhelming Calgary picks. MBB - 85.7% Calgary Around the league - 91% Calgary Toronto @ BC - MBB - 65% BC Around the league - 51% BC Winnipeg @ Edmonton - MBB - 55% Edmonton Around the league - 56% Edmonton Hamilton @ Saskatchewan - MBB - 55% Hamilton Around the league - 54% Saskatchewan ****Sample size - Around the league 67 votes...........MBB - ??? Get your votes in soon.
  15. Even better, Bucknor was swiped from Hamilton for Johnny Aprile back in a '14 trade. He was undrafted though.
  16. Winning teams can have fun, work hard, be humble, can visit the edge of strutting their stuff and be talked about. It's part of the package. When you do well, it's OK for the team to enjoy success, be slap happy, that's part of sports. Arrogance? No, but spectacular enthusiasm works for me.
  17. I still maintain it's not the new rules at all that are the problem, in fact, I rather enjoy the receivers not getting mugged as they run their routes. Take a look, it is still the lowly offsides, procedure and holdings that are still the bane of the flow in the games. And IMO, that's not going to change anytime soon.
  18. That's a pretty fair assessment and recap iso..
  19. But that's just the point, Marve hasn't proven anything yet.
  20. AND...Was their 1st TD offside?? Couldn't get the video to work. It is what it is, I guess.
  21. Lirim is not excused on that blocked punt. He has to be aware of the blockers and the rushers. Lirim doesn't have that "feel" for oncoming rushers. Very few punters do. He spent that split second turning the ball and that was too much time. A hurried bad punt is better than a blocked punt.
  22. Seems to me the Coaching staff had a good look at the situation and decided Brohm did the QB sneak better than Marve. And they were right. Brohm made the sneaks looks look easy last night. I'd say that was a good decision. That doesn't mean Marve is ruled out in different situations.
  23. Let's see. We go into Calgary, tough team even with injuries, and are on the road to smack them, when a gawk-awful turnover changes the game completely, and let's Calgary back in the game. We lost, but were they the superior team today? We're improving...turtle slowly, but improving. Mistakes. But mistakes can be corrected. There were a lot of good things out there that should offset what we did wrong. 2 and 2 - I figure we're about right where we ought to be. And trending upwards.
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