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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. ✔️There's your check mark again, TLB, and to save you 20 minutes looking again....this is on my iPad Air.
  2. Rocket Robin Hood was one of the worst cartoon shows ever.
  3. They should have invited the media...
  4. Can you list some of them? All I've seen you say is that there are facts. But nor what they are. What has you upset with Harper?I was answering K's post, but I know you really don't have to ask that question. Start with the fact that this will be a r e a l l y long election. And costly. Why?But you know as well as I do, that if I list anything against Harper, it will just be dismissed as propaganda and "fear-mongering" so I only encourage Canadians to do their own homework before voting...you certainly have enough time.
  5. Them's the facts as they are KBF...spin them any way you want.
  6. I'm not pushing anybody's agenda...just pointing out the what we know about Harper, and most of all the information isn't good. This differs from your fear of what the other parties "might" do. There is plenty of evidence out there about what Harper is all about, all you have to do is look.
  7. LOL? That quote is exactly right. Especially with what we know of Harper for 10+ years. We know what Harper has done...and people still want to vote for him? That is what is irrational.
  8. Hey Logan, I don't like re-doing the deck thing...that's work. But if you don't mind stain...as opposed to moving, that's fine too.
  9. It started 2nd and 8...they got 6 yards, but there was a holding penalty, so if they declined the penalties (there were 2 calls) and moved the ball 10 yards for 2nd and 18. They got back 16, then Lulay rushed the pass, and the ball was turned over. Bad call? I don't think so. It would have been 3rd and 2 in the 1st place.
  10. Read again KBF...but you do have an irrational fear of those 3 letters...
  11. You could have stopped at agree to disagree, but you have added your own anti-NDP gobblegook. Your anti NDP stance, notwithstanding, you must realize that there are enough facts to hang Harper..unless you did get bribed by his latest wealth re-distribution. Or were you just appointed to the fed. agency that helps decide if oil and gas pipelines go forward...like Calgary-based petroleum executive Steven Kelly was on Friday?It's not all babble-speak, now is it? But I will step out now, and just hope people vote on what's best for Canada...whomever that may be.
  12. ... such that Harper is the best of a pretty bad lot. There is no proof in that statement..just opinion. There is more than enough evidence to show that Harper is a morally corrupt leader and someone we shouldn't settle for because of prejudices against the other parties. I don't usually comment in politics...but that particular person just has to go.
  13. I'm very surprised that people are still considering Harper as a viable candidate for our PM.
  14. It's mind boggling that the game plan wasn't to run those two RB beasts. They did have a nice short game passing plan for Smith, but that should have complemented the running game. 6 rushes for the O-line to manage - 6....unbelievable.
  15. Yep, and you can say that's 3 games Calgary has won by the skin of their teeth. How would 1-5 look on the Stamps?
  16. Besides, in 2 years time, or less, we'd be questioning Jacque-man's football IQ and his propensity to run vanilla offences. And his failure to use the running attack or why he doesn't spread the ball around more, or....
  17. Paul LaPolice did a nice job of explaining Edmonton's gap cancellation techniques in the Edm-Sask pre game. And he used live bodies...belonging to the Winnipeg Rifles. And this brings up the question of game planning to offset what Edmonton is doing. We did not have a successful plan, but that could not have been answered anyways, when Brohm was in there. Sask. had a short week to prepare for Edm. (played Sun.) and while Chapedaine did employ short passes (mostly to Messam out of the backfield, 6-58yds.) and they worked, I'm left to wander how they couldn't use their two powerful running backs N/South, off tackle, or something like that to help their rookie QB. Surely, if any team could run against Edm., it should have been the Riders. 30 passes vs running Messam 3 times and Allen 3 times (QBs had 4 rushes - or rather, panic running) So, why didn't they run more? Or at least try?
  18. Brett Smith has a long way to go before he can look good, but he did make a few plays. However, there is nothing he can do about that horrible throwing motion. He draws back and then flings the ball pushing forward as he does it, and that's not good.
  19. Now I know why you need help doing homework...you can't even copy names right!!
  20. They'll be like that Rawhide theme song - rolling, rolling, rolling. They might get dizzy.
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