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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. And there you have it. Messam and Allen split 16 carries for 142 yards, in the rainy conditions. Which, of course, begs the question, why didn't they run them at least 16 times more? It looked like they could run the ball all night.
  2. I must admit, I was not pro-Messam at that particular time, but it looks to me like he has put in the necessary effort to get to where he is now...a really good back. Congratulations to him and those working with him.
  3. Through 4 games, it's becoming clear that Brad Sinopolli is Ottawa's best FA receiver signing.
  4. Back to back Black - there may be no limit...
  5. Interesting game up there in Montreal. And finally, there is another team (Hamilton) that has a long losing streak in a CFL city (Montreal) other than us in Calgary! Edmonton, Regina..... Flag fest. 26 penalties called. The veteran, Peter Dyakowski, illegally proceeded 5 times alone. Overall, penalties, I thought, teeter-tottered in Hamilton's favour. Cato got pretty good pass protection again last night, but when he didn't, he scrambled pretty good. He was the only one who could run for Montreal. Sutton 6 carries - 2 yards. Collaros can still scramble too...he had to. -Cox - still love/hate that guy, gets the 1st turnover on a gift....leads to 3 points. -Offsides, a too many men penalty allows Hamilton to continue a TD drive. Points lost, on a lost turnover during this drive - 7 against Montreal. -That next interception leads to 0 points on a great goal-line stand by Hamilton. But really, who goes straight up the gut, 3 times against that defensive line? -Montreal, at one point had 1 for 8 in 2nd down conversions. Must have been watching old Bomber game tapes. -SJ green may drop 1 or 2 but man that guy, he caught game. -Hefney...he looked good. -Did somebody wave smelling salts under Stamps' nose, and wake him up? -Strong defensive game by both teams. Maybe now our defence, and for that matter, our offence, can garner a wee more respect after watching these teams we have recently played?
  6. If Montreal can learn one thing from this game...it's not to run the ball, sneak the ball, up the middle...against that defensive front four.
  7. “From what we know of him last year, we just can’t keep him on the sidelines,” O’Shea said. “He has the potential for a big play every single time he touches the ball. There’s only so many of those athletes in the league. He’s one....(O'shea statement on Troy S.) Oh Please - what a joke this sorry talking coach is!... check out the stats-Veltung is #!1 on KR in all of Canuck VilleHe has outdone Troy. period! Nothing against Troy... but give this boy his dues... eh! You boys banter about your favorite players, well me too. You talk about tall receivers... Veltung has a vertical of 42.6 inches... have you watched his box jump. I hope they put him on the practice squad so another team can pick him up and get away from the gutless special team coach and Mr. special teams guru Osh....t God how I hate stupidity What the hell are you talking (copying and pasting) about?
  8. Excited to see that trio of DT's.... now if only someone could beat peach out at End we'd be pretty well off... Hoping Fraser's the man Peach is fine where he is, he's playing hard and making plays. Fraser or whomever, just has to supplement him and make some big plays too. Right now, I'd take Peach over Alex Hall for instance.
  9. He dove, belly-flopped on him....a wee bit after the play.
  10. 18 in 18. No, not 18 pars in a round of golf. Something much tougher. Brandon Banks says that he will be looking for 18 punt return touchdowns in 18 games. More than 3 times the best throughout the year as it now stands. (5 - shared by Williams, both Gizmo and Chris) I'd say that is a bit much. "I feel like our system is clicking and that guys are believing in me. I think we've hit our stride." - Banks A perfect reason for me to pick Montreal over Hamilton this week....on a fumble by Brandon Banks.
  11. S'cuse me, newbies aren't supposed to put forth opinion pieces.
  12. Keep him away from Watson during practice. Doesn't Watson play for the Eskimos? Yep, forgot that the Riders got rid of him before he even played a down for them. They moved him further (from) West.
  13. Well in that case it could be "well he was close to the goal line and even kicked the corner marker over, probably good enough to call it in and review it to be sure" I just don't see how a lot of stuff like that isn't just called and left up to replay. It's just one way for the refs to be lazier. Yeah, and that's your interpretation. I don't agree with the lazy part. Inept, maybe. On that goal line play, the Ref did bail and made a call while off balance. I don't see how he could have seen a portion of the ball crossing the line, but who really knows? Only him. It's the reverse of what happened to the Bombers a few years ago, against Montreal I believe, where Brink? was obviously over the goal line (his knees were at the goal line) and because they couldn't actually see the ball, it wasn't ruled a TD even though there was no other place for the ball to be.
  14. Of course there are different degrees in the quality of officiating, but I disagree that the referees will just take a stab at a call and rely on reviews to 'correct' the call. You have to believe that each official takes their job seriously and want to make the right call. It's a hell of a lot different being on the field of play, in the middle of the action, and making that call based on what you've seen. Nowhere do I see there is enough time to think about it, shrug, and "it's ok, it will be caught on review".
  15. I wouldn't mind at all if the Bombers made 2 point conversions "our thing", especially in the 1st half of the games. We have the potential, with the personnel packages we could employ, to own this two-point thing.
  16. AutoCorrect - software feature that replaces a mistaken word with a suggested correct word. I would suggest this is the explanation for what the universe is doing as a suggestion to correct the mistake, that is the Riders' and their fan base's belief, that they are entitled, simply because they believe they are.
  17. Replay is mostly for the fans, and personally, I enjoy it. It can also be a valuable tool for officials, not to second guess...but to get it right. Replay is mostly for the fans, and personally, I enjoy it. It can also be a valuable tool for officials, not to second guess...but to get it right.
  18. I have to agree with the TB's post. They misuse the "unsportsmanlike conduct" penalty and have allowed it to include the infamous flag gesture. I don't particularly like it when they try to take emotional responses out of the game. Cut it off should it get excessive, but they could easily eliminate the fluff calls. I compare these to the stupid NHL "puck over the glass" rule. Useless penalties. Get rid of fluff calls and stick to finding real penalties...like the ones right in front of you that might actually hurt somebody.
  19. If not for miss here, a bad pass there, a lucky bounce, or questionable Coaching decisions, the Riders could well be 3-0. Do they deserve to be 3-0? Hell no. It's the fan base, if it wasn't for them, - nope, they'd still be 0-3. Besides, it looks so much better in the standings. (and on their fan forum)
  20. Is this to mean that you don't like the 4 guys on the DL right now or that you're upset that Walters hasn't replaced the three guys left over from Mack? Same with LBs are you not happy with the guys you have? It's a different defense than what they ran when LaPolice was in charge, more of a 4-2 front with a hybrid of Dime defense with Randle playing as a rover at times. I don't mean to single out just you 17to85 but would like to know what parts of the roster folks don't like here. You'd think it'd be happier around here with the Bombers holding down first place in the West, having a 1-0 record in the division and beat Saskatchewan once already this year. Plus you could still have this roster - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Winnipeg_Blue_Bombers_season#Roster Ew, why did you make me look at that lineup? That's unbelievable.
  21. Replay: Bomber online was outmuscled out there by a a tenacious Dline...part of Montreal's strength. Our O-line still looking confused but with 4 new guys playing together...it will take time. Bear Woods missing from the lineup and this new guy Ellsworth calmly goes in, gets 11 tackles and look like he's been there all year. Envy Of course their LB crew is not weak with Venable and Cox out there. Their front four are a scourge - Bowman, Cash, Irvin, Knapton -strong group Credit them for forcing FGs instead of TDs How about that Bowman - walks off injured 3 or 4 times, comes back in and makes big plays. How big was that play to force Cato (who wasn't thinking) out of bounds to stop the clock at the half? Welcome back Maurice Leggett. Nick Moore, Kohlert and Denmark gave our offence a chance. Darwin Adams needs to show up - we need total team production. Crompton gets the bench...The Alouettes have found their QB. Would you say that that TD call for the Alouettes was just plane.....awful?
  22. The only thing that bothers me is Ellsworth - new guy, had 11 tackles while Hurl had 2. Now, saying that, we have to take into account the different style of defences each plays, and how long those players on each team have played under those defences and of course, the veteran presence. A win, while our defence is still progressing, can do wonders for us.
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