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Captain Blue

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Everything posted by Captain Blue

  1. Not happening. And if it did, I'm not sure I could get over the hiring.
  2. I don't know, I feel like this permanent promotion probably reduces chances of a trade. They'll give Goltz the season, and they like Hall, so why not see what you have in Goltz before bringing someone in?
  3. I think he's a terrible coach. But I also think you have to give a guy at least a season to see if he can do the job. Wouldn't have hired him in the first place but I wouldn't have fired him now either.
  4. WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO! Finally a move that makes sense.
  5. If we are interested in Collaros then his price just shot up. I didn't get to watch much of the game yesterday but his stats were good. Still I'm not sure how significant the gap is between Collaros and Goltz. Milanovich and that offense may very well have bumped up how good he looks. If the two QBs switched places I'd bet there performances would be different.
  6. I strongly believe we could be successful with him if we ran a heavy zone-read, college-like system (or any variant run by pro teams such as the Niners). Heck if I was particularly ambitious I think Goltz could fit into a Chip Kelly style offense quite well. We already use several of the principles, just not as much as I wish. Edit: And by successful, I mean successful offensively. I have no idea whether this team can win games.
  7. Personally I wouldn't have fired either Berry or LaPo. I often wonder how things would have turned out had we not canned either so quickly.
  8. I'd rather roll with Goltz than deal with Tate. We should give Goltz a little time before we decide he's not the guy for us.
  9. It's either the starting QB or the OC that will take the blame from fans. Crowton called a good game, his offense just didn't have the ball enough.
  10. What impressed me about Dickenson was that they put Mitchell in easy situations, playing to his strengths. To some extent Crowton did that with Goltz with the zone read, but I would have kept it going all game. This is going to get worse next week before it gets better but I do not think we're as bad as we're making it out. I trust Burke and Creehan to fix the defense, it's just a matter of how quickly and how much of an improvement it can make. Pair it with the Goltz offense and we'll at least be competitive.
  11. Goltz was 9/15 for 95 yards and 2 TDs at the half and the offense was moving the ball well in the second quarter. Simpson also had 40 yards of total offense (most of his receiving yards are on short dump offs - basically extended hand offs). Crowton would be getting killed here either way, no matter if he passes or throws.
  12. Goltz was far and away better than Pierce. We have a helluva lot of problems, and yes our QB play to be better, but the Goltz-Pierce debate seems pretty easy right now.
  13. Goltz > Pierce. Why are we even talking about this? And why the hell are we trying to connect the QBs and defense?
  14. I'm not completely sure of that. If Goltz looks bad but we win will Burke stick with him? I wish I had more confidence in Burke...
  15. I really want a win, but the most important thing for me is to see Goltz, and to see him hopefully show signs for the future. I cannot imagine watching more Buck this year. It pains my soul.
  16. Kavis Reed is an awful coach. They should have two shots at the 1 to punch it in and blew it. Sure a review probably should have been called, but you don't get to decide that. Have to be prepared to go.
  17. I'd laugh but I watched Buck Pierce and our offense for four weeks...
  18. Exactly - we have to judge Goltz on what he can control. On that play he made the right read, even if Pierce and Simpson ended up screwing it up.
  19. I really thought his decision was great on a second/third viewing. I was extremely impressed by it. On some plays he made some great reads and others just didn't make the play. Easy one was the 2nd and 9 or 10 and he hit a quick checkdown to Simpson. Simpson already had 7-8 yards and easily could have plowed forward to get the first (or very close to it) but went sideways and didn't get the yard. Goltz will surely have his growing pains and Bomber fans are going to have to be patient. Right now though the fact that he is making smart decisions bodes well for him.
  20. So. Unbelievably. Excited. Buck is dressing Friday, which is a bit of a plot twist. Maybe he's the third qb just in case.
  21. I can't believe we lost to Hamilton. That loss looks even worse now. Any half decent QB and offense should have blown them apart.
  22. I really hate the Lions. What a bunch of clowns.
  23. I think our players are a combination of youth and sttupidity. When you see a trend that extends through LaPolice and Burke, two coaches with two very different styles, you have to think that it's not the coaches who aren't communicating but that the players just aren't behaving.
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