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Captain Blue

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Everything posted by Captain Blue

  1. Ya I'm not so sure this is the last move as it relates to Bellefuille.
  2. These past few days I cannot get the Joker "And here we go" gif out of my head. We are one hell of an entertaining gongshow.
  3. Well at least we're bringing in someone familiar with the CFL. It is hard to keep track of all the reports and rumours, but if Crowton has had play calls taken away from him, and Bellefuille has a history as an offensive coordinator....well connect the dots. With Mack out I wonder if Burke really wanted a CFL guy at OC. Not really a fan of his though. Edit: I swear though if I have to watch Buck Pierce play more this season I am going to flip my ****.
  4. We are going to see a lot of "reports" in the coming days from "sources." We have to give it time to separate the real reports and the "throwing crap at the wall" stuff.
  5. Buck is awful. Can we please not put this to argument to bed already?
  6. To be completely honest, Miller scares me. I want the CEO to be hands off when it comes to the team decisions. Apart from hiring the GM that is.
  7. At this point simply watching an exciting game is a boost to my CFL morale.
  8. You had me all the way up to Burke staying. Can't get on board with that. He's just too awful at head coach. One of the bright spots in this gong show is that for once we have the opportunity to rebuild the right way - the CEO will pick his GM and the GM will pick his HC. Everyone on the same page with the same vision. Too often teams fire one guy and have the new hire inherit other pieces.
  9. There are very few if any things that could make me question my fandom but Troy Westwood being relied on to provide an educated decision on the future of the Bombers would be near the top of the list.
  10. Not really high on Tate. So many injuries and honestly he's played so sporadically that I'm not sure he'll still be a really good QB.
  11. Why the heck is Buchko getting so much ****? He speaks to the BOD. He followed the process correctly. Whoever the leak is should resign immediately. Hopefully he gets caught.
  12. Sign me up for either Murphy. Even if Mike's resume is similar to Mack's, if Mack could have figured out QB and HC then he'd be fine. They are the two biggest challenges.
  13. Goltz will be evaluated by two different standards. For the CFL, his performances have been middling so far, with a share of positive and negative signs. By Bomber standards, this is the best quarterbacking we've had in two years. We've had to watch Pierce play the last four years - and brutally suck the last two seasons - so maybe we should give Goltz a little time before we turn the pitchforks on him. People always say "The Bombers should develop a QB" and then turn on young prospects after a few games. If we're going to be awful this year (and most likely this season isn't going to be pretty) then why not at least stick with a young QB and let him work out some kinks?
  14. Is that the one about the Pope, Bomber player and Irish man walk into a bar? Or was it the one where the bear poops in the woods? Wait, is this a knock-knock joke?
  15. Hopefully we ride out the season with Goltz so the next regime can know whether to keep him or not. We were at least competitive (so I guess that counts as improvement) but still way too many mistakes. Offensively we were okay in the first then fell off completely in the second. Not really sure what happened to having Goltz pull the handoff and roll out on the zone read. Maybe he didn't want to run on his ankle? Defensively we were good (good being a relative term at this point), but teams are attacking our soft coverage. Cauchy's getting moved all over the place by opposing QBs and Markett is never anywhere near the receivers. Hopefully we're a little healthier after the bye. Hamilton is a team in our weight class.
  16. I am 80% sure we're going to get crushed, 15% sure we might be able to stay close and about 5% confident we can actually win. But I'm excited nonetheless. Just hope we get to see more of our offense, hopefully with some new schemes for Goltz.
  17. We've only had two GMs in recent Bomber history...not sure where you're getting all these "neophyte wannabees."
  18. Most general managers have backgrounds as personnel men. That's what makes them good candidates for the position.
  19. I truly have no idea who I'd want. Out of that list, I'd probably take Mack... Kyle Walters is an intriguing option, though I wouldn't endorse it. The hope would be that he could handle the Canadian stuff well, and take on the regular responsibilities of the GM, and still use some of the American connections he has hopefully picked up this year. But a big risky hire with a paper-thin resumé is not what we need right now. Let's face it - most of us don't have the best grasp of the CFL's middle management tier so it's hard to give names that haven't been thrown out before. Stuff like John Murphy, Roy Shivers, etc... I wouldn't completely hate Murphy I guess.
  20. What is with fans' fascination with having as many people as possible speak to the media?! Sheesh.
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