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the watcher

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    the watcher reacted to JCon in US Politics   
    You can't abort a child. You can only abort fetuses, which are not children. 
    This predator and psychopath is one of the top clerics in the US Fundamentalist state. 
  2. Like
    the watcher reacted to rebusrankin in US Politics   
    What a tool.
  3. Haha
    the watcher reacted to TrueBlue4ever in Random News Items   
  4. Like
    the watcher reacted to Mark F in Random News Items   
    how much coaching did it take to get the girls to NOT mention names. maybe some money helped them.  
    Sometimes the lawlessness and impunity of the wealthy and powerful is right out in the open, (like this case)
    and we are so brainwashed, and under attack from every side, that it just draws a collective yawn.
    absolutely astounding that Not one of the male predators  has even sniffed being charged.
    it is impossible to keep track of the lawlessness of those people.
    Joe Biden is going to go begging to the murderer crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.
    In our world, There really is a large international group of people who are subject to no laws whatsoever.
    dont know what to say, i though ghislaine would lever a deal with her secrets.
  5. Thanks
    the watcher reacted to Tracker in Random News Items   
    But you may notice that NONE of the pedophile customers have been named.
  6. Like
    the watcher reacted to blue_gold_84 in Canadian Politics   
    **** the Covidiot Clown Convoy and **** anyone and everyone who supports it. They are a stain on this country.
  7. Like
    the watcher reacted to Mark F in US Politics   
    whatever branch she belongs to. the others, only if there is no conflict with hers. 
    probably as long as  muslims, hindus, jews, atheists, buddists  have no rignts shed be ok with things.
    she seems to have handily walked away from the steaming pile of excrement that is her past record.
    symptom of the steep decline. 
    The Thomas character seems to hold a grudge for a looonnng time. Brady must be envious..
  8. Like
    the watcher reacted to rebusrankin in US Politics   
    As a Christian, which branch or branches of Christianity does she mean? Catholics? Baptists? Mennonites? Lutherans? Pentacostals? Christian and Missionary Alliance? Non denominational Christian churches? Who speaks for them?
  9. Confused
    the watcher reacted to Tracker in US Politics   
  10. Sad
    the watcher got a reaction from Noeller in Back 2 Back CHAMPS at Arblows Early Chat   
    The Argos owners were worried if they played on the weekend a crowd might show up and ruin their vision of the league and it's ultimate demise.
  11. Like
    the watcher reacted to do or die in US Politics   
    After today, it is going to be very hard...... to put the ketchup back into the bottle......
  12. Agree
    the watcher reacted to JCon in Back 2 Back CHAMPS at Arblows Early Chat   
    So, I was thinking of a way to bring this thread back to discussing Monday night's game and I went to the Argo twitter account for some material. 
    They haven't sent a tweet since late Saturday night, early Sunday morning with the final score. 
    Nothing. How can their social media be so unengaged?? 
    Hey, Tanenbaum, the problems are coming from inside your own house!!
  13. Haha
    the watcher got a reaction from Tracker in Back 2 Back CHAMPS at Arblows Early Chat   
    The Argos owners were worried if they played on the weekend a crowd might show up and ruin their vision of the league and it's ultimate demise.
  14. Haha
    the watcher reacted to Booch in 2022 CFL Season - Non Back 2 Back Champs News   
    this right here...why the Faj isnt a leader and a guy to take you to the top, also most likely a team mindset and narrative as for why they got spanked...."the chips were already against us"....?!?!...like cmon man....what a cop out and no accountability
  15. Haha
    the watcher reacted to BBlink in 2022 CFL Season - Non Back 2 Back Champs News   
    "I told all of you that we were going to lose" 
  16. Like
    the watcher reacted to Tracker in US Politics   
    Why Roe’s demise pushed the US even closer to violent civil conflict: author
    The United States was a deeply divided country long before Friday, June 24, 2022, when the U.S. Supreme Court’s hard-right majority overturned Roe v. Wade with its decision in Dobbs v. Women’s Health Organization. But the Dobbs ruling will only intensify the United States’ bitter, ugly divisions, and some political science professors, authors and journalists fear that the tensions will lead to even more violence than the country has already suffered.
    In a disturbing article published by The Guardian on June 26, Stephen Marche — author of the book “The Next Civil War: Dispatches from the American Future” — predicts that the overturning of Roe v. Wade will do a lot to bring about a major “civil conflict.” And Marche’s warning is similar to what political science professors Steven Levitsky and Lucan Way have been warning about. Levitsky and Way don’t believe that an outright civil war like the one that occurred in the 1860s is on the horizon, but they do fear that the U.S. is heading for a period of prolonged violent conflict comparable to The Troubles in Northern Ireland.
    “The cracks in the foundations of the United States are widening, rapidly and on several fronts,” Marche warns in his Guardian article. “The overturning of Roe v. Wade has provoked a legitimacy crisis no matter what your politics. For the right, the leaking of the draft memo last month revealed the breakdown of bipartisanship and common purpose within the institution. For the left, it demonstrated the will of dubiously selected Republican justices to overturn established rights that have somewhere near 70% to 80% political support.”
    Marche continues, “Accelerating political violence, like the attack in Buffalo, increasingly blurs the line between the mainstream political conservative movement and outright murderous insanity. The question is no longer whether there will be a civil conflict in the United States. The question is how the sides will divide, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how those strengths and weaknesses will determine the outcome.”
    The author/journalist points out that in the U.S., the far right has “been imagining a civil war, publicly, since at least the Obama Administration,” adding that “the possibility of civil war has long been a mainstay of right-wing talk radio.” And Marche, in parts of his article, is somewhat critical of Democrats, who, he argues, naively act as though the Republican Party still embraces pluralism.
    “The left-wing American political class, incredibly, continues to cling to its defunct institutional ideals,” Marche writes. “Democrats under (President Joe) Biden have wasted the past two years on fictions of bipartisanship and forlorn hopes of some kind of restoration of American trust. When violence like Buffalo hits, they can do little more than plead with the other side to reconsider the horror they’re unleashing, and offer obvious lectures about the poison of White supremacy.”
    Marche stresses that “incipient civil conflict in the United States won’t be formal armies struggling for territory.”
    “The techniques of both sides are clarifying,” Marche explains. “Republican officials will use the Supreme Court, or whatever other political institutions they control, to push their agenda no matter how unpopular with the American people. Meanwhile, their calls for violence, while never direct, create a climate of rage that solidifies into regular physical assaults on their enemies. The technical term for this process is stochastic terrorism; the attack in Buffalo is a textbook example.”
  17. Thanks
    the watcher got a reaction from Tracker in US Politics   
    On that very subject.
    And this 
  18. Like
    the watcher got a reaction from JCon in US Politics   
    I guess unless you are a gun toting, neo Nazi, white supremacist, you have no right to protest.
  19. Thanks
    the watcher got a reaction from Mark F in US Politics   
    On that very subject.
    And this 
  20. Like
    the watcher reacted to HardCoreBlue in US Politics   
    This is what Biden/Garland etc want their legacy to be while their country burns to the ground around them.
  21. Like
    the watcher reacted to Mark F in US Politics   
    starting  to think biden pelosi schumer et al are not up to the task they have been given.
    biden still living in the bipartisan world of thirty years ago. guy lives in a dream world.
  22. Like
    the watcher reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in Canadian Politics   
    Good on Canada!
    Gotta give some props to Trudeau and Freeland.... 
  23. Agree
    the watcher got a reaction from Deiter Fan in Back 2 Back Losers at BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS GDT   
    Legs best game as a Bomber 
  24. Agree
    the watcher got a reaction from WildPath in US Politics   
    Personal rights and wants over rule everything else. It's  not a good recipe for a functional society.
  25. Like
    the watcher got a reaction from Spud Grant in Back 2 Back Losers at BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS GDT   
    Legs best game as a Bomber 
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