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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. It's not that he was cut that's shady. It's that they said he asked to be released. When McCallum came out and Said he didn't. That's why this is so fun to watch.
  2. lol at all of this! Nice to see it not a WPG tweeter feed this time
  3. I'm looking forward to Feoli-Gudino's break out year this year. You're probably gonna be waiting a while
  4. Yup, they can be an unpredictable bunch. No one thought after they started off 0-5 in 2011 that they'd end up winning the cup! They're still the most logical choice of team to miss the playoffs in the West though, so I won't hold my breath. This, they are putting their season on a damaged shoulder. One hit is all it takes and Lulay is done again.
  5. I believe there is a Greaves trade thread no? Lets keep this one about TC today.
  6. Damn this guy just can't catch a break.
  7. Wow...didn't see that coming at all. Going to hurt that Offence especially with Carter gone now too They have Stamps and Lewis they are good for this season uhhh yep. As a bomber fan I'm glad they have stamps and lewis. Lewis is no longer a threat, and stamps is likely on the back side of a great career. Anyway you look at this, it's a big lose for that team.
  8. Wow...didn't see that coming at all. Going to hurt that Offence especially with Carter gone now too
  9. Does anyone ever call them out on that?
  10. Reddit wpg has an account for the free press. I signed in with that back in April and haven't had a problem since.
  11. Anyone have any other updates on the day?
  12. This is what happens when there is no fodder to chew on. I vote we reinstate Tuscaloosa! But would Tuscaloosa come back?? Even if we asked nicely? No....no I would not..ooooopss
  13. It's training camp. This happens every year. Players get nicked up, and take a day or two off. Especially Oline Vets. I'm not concerned.
  14. 1. That's pretty much the reason we have the internet isn't it? 2. Yeah Brandon, he's slightly more famous than you!! RESPECT HIM!!!! Unless of course you don't give a ****...then carry on.
  15. Is that a serious comment? If so why? And not just, he's too green. I want to know why you think it's 5 years
  16. Yeah I can't see it being on 1290. CJOB is the rights holder
  17. I don't know, I thought we missed the sure hands guy on O last year. Moore (when playing) and denmark could stretch the D when needed.
  18. Yeah I went this past weekend again. Thought I'd be able to get a decent deal on something. But no luck. "sale" prices weren't worth it, mostly because I didn't want anything they had on sale, which wasnt much. I was pretty underwhelmed with the whole thing.
  19. Yes, let's all congratulate the Christians for keeping their stupid, dumb,backwards mouths shut for once, so we don't need to tell them how intolerant they are! "the ignorant" instead of "christian". Plenty of Christians have no issue with others sexual orientation. Sorry I just don't like lumping everyone in the same category.
  20. Huh? They didn't want people there. It wasn't that no one went. It was for fan/player etc safety. It had zero to do with the relevance of the sport.
  21. Went to the store in Polo, pretty decent selection on everything. Bought a hat. Will likely go back and get another this weekend.
  22. Plus the signings of Hurl and Briggs. This off season could be a major change of pace for this club when you talk about CND talent.
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