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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. Are any of those sources people who play football and have been coached by Miles?
  2. Well by that logic, wouldn't they just announce it when they have the big names wearing them at an introduction presser or something...?
  3. He's right though. It's not totally uncommon for someone to show up big in a playoff game and then dwindle out and never really make a big impact again. Hopefully Matthews doesn't let that happen.
  4. should be interesting to see how they use Harris. Cortez is a run first type of OC isn't he?
  5. I'm surprised by this. I thought he would get some interest from teams around the league. I really didn't see him resigning in CGY.
  6. I suppose hypothetically it could be. In reality it almost certainly won't be. don't burst my bubble!!! not until TC anyway
  7. so it could look like heenan neuf picard morley greaves....goosen as 6th. january on 6 game.
  8. Zilch. We need a starting left tackle and there aren't many Canadians in the league who can play that position Isn't Heenan a tackle? I wouldn't be confident with Heenan penciled in at left tackle. If anything, you could go to camp with the plan to have him at guard or right tackle and if he steals the blind side spot, great, but you don't assume. obviously. I'm just thinking best possible situation after camp.
  9. Zilch. We need a starting left tackle and there aren't many Canadians in the league who can play that position Isn't Heenan a tackle?
  10. It will take a lot of dollars to pry him away from his home and his farm. Still....he is entering FA for a reason. Likely it's to make the RIders pay top dollar for him. However, at the end of the day even this approach shows that he cares about the money. If he was content with the off-field stuff and the money was secondary his name would be on the dotted line already. Yeah I think he's looking to cash in and will go with the highest bidder. Regardless of where it is. It would likely only be for 2-3 seasons if that. So why not go for the cash!?!
  11. Lets just hope MB's scheme sees some changes as well.
  12. if we sign heenan or holmes what are the chances of us starting 5 cnd olinemen this year?
  13. pff Mike Pereira isn't some expert!! Sorry if it wasn't obvious in my last post, but I think it was PI and was just as surprised the flag was picked up
  14. What are you guys talking about?!?!?! They made the right call when they picked up that flag. No penalty for the ball hitting you in the shoulder, and the rec made first contact with the LB. No call needed!! Cowboys win! SUCK IT LIONS!!!! p.s....I may be a bit of a cowboy fan.
  15. Don't know if anyone has brought this up, but MTL has signed Bear woods to an extension.
  16. What's Eddie Steele's status? He's a manitoban and I know he wants to play back here if given the chance. He had a decent year in edm last year....wouldn't mind bringing him in.
  17. total leaps of faith in the interpretation....
  18. I'm aware. My point is outside of nostalgic reminiscing, reserved for guys like Mike Riley and Cal Murphy and a few select others, there have not been any coordinators that I can think of that have not been met with complaints from a not insignificant number of people. People argue that Lapo should have been fired on his first go-around as OC because in the second year the offence dropped to 4th in the league. 4th. The grass is always greener until it's planted on our yard. Whomever is hired is just going to be the next guy some people will demand we should fire. That's what happens when you go decades without a championship. Most people are tired of 7th or 8th place finishes that are eventually followed by 1st or 2nd finishes only to see the team completely collapse again. Also I don't remember anyone every bitching about burke as a DC. He ran a great D while here as a DC his trouble started when he took a role he isn't good at.
  19. While I was hoping that MB would be gone before etch...or just both gone. After reading some comments I'm hoping you guys are right...that we're a reciever here away plus having cotton and better online talent will help along with Willy being in the same system. But I still can't help but think that we will give up a league high # of sacks...something that Marcel lead Offenses have done multiple times. If we weren't hosting the GC I would feel much better about this. but I JUST WANT TO WIN IT ONCE!!!!!!!!!! And Marcel doesn't make me feel like he will get the job done.
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