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Everything posted by MOBomberFan

  1. Travis Bond was a pretty solid find in 2016. I'd argue he'd be one top notch offensive player (if the only one)
  2. It's always going to be a numbers game. For every good Canadian there must be a hundred as-good Americans. Wouldn't be surprised if it's even more. What we really need is more loopholes for guys like Ben Cahoon and Drew Wolitarsky to slip through and become eligible "Canadians" Interestingly, Wolitarsky (my favourite Canadian on our team right behind Andrew Harris) wasn't born here, didn't go to school here, and didn't grow up here. It's his ability to play ball I like, even more than his shiny new passport.
  3. I'd argue the only American players we can't seem to find with the same success as other teams is at receiver. We do a pretty good job digging up DB's (Walker, Alexander), LB's (Santos-Knox), even RB's (Marshall, Flanders) since Walters took over.
  4. That same random Canadian kid (and every kid thereafter) could also be looking at a 14k/season pay raise if Ambrosie gets his way. It is Ambrosie suggesting the minimum salary be raised, isn't it?
  5. Dickinson on Roy Finch, when discussing his April 2018 arrest: “Roy has to be proactive. He’s texted with (running backs coach) Marc Mueller and he’s called him. I really enjoy talking to him. To me, he’s not a violent man at all." This quote from January 9th, 2019... the same week Finch allegedly kidnapped and punched this woman in his motel room. Finch. What a hero 🙄
  6. I always liked Marshall. He was a tough and balanced runner, he can block and catch. Nothing about him screams all-star but he was good enough to get look-sees in the NFL after we signed Andrew Harris. I recall he had a couple good games with the rump riders splitting touches.
  7. Pretty much this. If he needs to limp to walk on flat ground there's no way he's climbing stairs at a steady pace. If anything, he's trying to put on a nonchalant swagger when he walks on and off the ice.
  8. Hard to picture Matt getting more $$$ than we already agreed to give him, and hard to picture the Bombers extending him at any significant cost when the club previously built an out-clause for 2020 into his contract... very intriguing. Want some deets.
  9. Used sparingly as a red zone threat Manny would probably be pretty darn effective... but who are we kidding, the Riders will barely see the red zone to begin with.
  10. In only 3 games with Nichols as his QB back in 2015, Walker tallied 31 receptions for 470 yards and a TD. That works for me.
  11. Not the usual content of character associated with our locker room I think. Surprisingly good as a DE though. One of Jones' headscratchers actually paid off.
  12. I'd like to make a distinction between 'letting a guy walk' and a guy 'wanting to test the market'. Letting a guy walk is when a team doesn't bother making a reasonable offer to keep a guy around. I bet we have. A guy testing the market is when that same guy thinks he's worth more than a reasonable offer. I bet that's happening right now.
  13. I'd be happy to see BJ Cunningham in the mix. Anyone that can produce in that dogshit offence is worth a look.
  14. https://www.cfl.ca/2018/05/02/lions-acquire-first-round-selection-pick-swap-bombers/ We traded with BC in 2018... we gave up our 2018 first round pick (7th) and 2nd round pick (16th) in return for their 2019 first round pick (and their 2018 2nd round pick(12th)) Not too shabby.
  15. Nothing, CFL teams do it already. Josh Bartell leaps to mind. Getting these players more exposure will probably lead to even more signings from around the world. I really don't see the drawbacks to any of this. It's not like CFL players are getting siphoned away to Europe... sounds more likely the opposite will happen, if anything happens at all.
  16. Reminds me a bit of how Americans look down their noses at the CFL... before getting to know anything about it. Their loss, and they don't even know it.
  17. https://www.tsn.ca/ambrosie-secures-four-more-international-deals-1.1253829 Other elements of the agreement include: — Developing additional coaching exchanges. — Finding ways for doctors and physical therapists on both sides to share knowledge and practices. — Seeking joint business opportunities in broadcast, digital and gaming circles, That includes the potential development of a Nordic edition of the 'CFL Football Frenzy,' app. "There is so much we can do together and learn from one another," said Lars Carlsen, Athletic Director of the Danish football federation. Carlsen, the head coach of Denmark's national team, attended the B.C. Lions' training camp last year. "There are opportunities to grow the game across the board," added Jorgen Benestad-Johansen, Sports Manager of the Norwegian football federation who also served as a guest coach with the Western Mustangs. The four federations boast 149 clubs and 10,900 total players.
  18. ^^^ That's F'n crazy. Sometimes coaches really don't know what's best.
  19. That article references Andrew Harris making just under 200k
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