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Posts posted by MOBomberFan


    That was a picture from February when there was some flooding in Europe. Yup. Floods happen sometimes. Trying to represent that that picture is what Venice "looks like" on an everyday basis now due to man-made climate change is just plain fraudulent. 



    I guess I'm just a big fat phony! LOL!


    I don't recall saying this is happening due to man-made climate change. In fact, it's something called Acqua Alta, and it has been going on since, oh about 600 AD or so. That pictures is from St Marks square, one of the lowest lying areas of the city. Nobody is surprised that Venice floods, it always has and always will.


    However, what used to occur only 5-6 times a year during the winter months (high sea levels has turned into an every day fact of life. What used to be temporary platforms on sidewalks are now permanent fixtures. Vendors make a killing selling rubber booties to ill-prepared tourists. If the sea levels continue to rise, Venice will experience Acqua Alta with increasing frequency and severity. The whole point is that nobody takes notice or gives a damn until it affects them in their back yard. It's pretty easy to say 'so what' when it's happening on the other side of the world.


    Interesting piece (no, I don't get all my news from Vice, it's just a great show)



    I'm not a scientist {collective gasp} but it seems to my untrained hippie eyes that the industrial revolution had some sort of clearly measurable impact on global temperatures and sea levels... I can't think it's just a coincidence, or easily dismissed as anecdotal evidence.



    edited for bitchiness



    Below, this picture is modern day Venice... every day, from now on, for as long as anyone posting here today will be alive. But hey, these guys are smiling, so why worry? It's not like the island nation of Kiribati is now completely under water or the island of Papa New Guinea has been split in two by rising sea levels. Someone else will surely come up with a solution to all our make-believe problems.

    the problem is people who believe the earth has ever been or ever will be static. Climate has been changing since the Earth began, it is a dynamic system and it is always changing. It just happens so slowly we tend not to notice it until it's happened. 


    I fully accept that the world has experienced climate change long before man existed. I don't accept that man-made CO2 emissions have nothing to do with accelerating or exacerbating climate change.

  3. Ice is melting at unprecedented levels in Greenland 27 feet a year.. The arctic is also starting to catch up.. We are something like 5 years ahead of nasa's doomsday scenario for melting ice and higher ocean water levels..


    (Courtesy of ViCE news)




    15 minutes long. Despite how scary the prospect of sea levels rising is, this footage is breathtaking. Ever seen an apartment building sized chunk of ice fall hundreds of feet into the ocean? You can here.


    Below, this picture is modern day Venice... every day, from now on, for as long as anyone posting here today will be alive. But hey, these guys are smiling, so why worry? It's not like the island nation of Kiribati is now completely under water or the island of Papa New Guinea has been split in two by rising sea levels. Someone else will surely come up with a solution to all our make-believe problems.




    Michael Ray Garvin is the name that caught my eye ... I've read about him before, he's an ELITE athlete. He was a NCAA champion sprinter, he had legit 4.2 speed in college. He's also immediately one of the most physically fit players on a CFL roster, he's absolutely shredded.


    But can he play football ......


    BloiDei Dorzon 2.0 ?


    My immediate thought as well.

  5. I don't have the ticket stubs to confirm, but I'm 99% sure this was the first Jets game I saw when I was 8 years old.




    Waaaaay up in the nosebleeds, second row from the top I'm pretty sure. Teemu scored! I can remember people saying that without Mario Lemieux on the ice the Penguins weren't worth a damn. A few days later Lemieux announced he had to take time off to witness the birth of his child fight cancer.


    I honestly don't remember my first Bomber game. Football was a sport everyone in my family loved that I just never understood. Never saw the appeal until I was old enough to play. Alas, my fragile bird bones were having none of that...

  6. My dad told stories about him and his buddies riding their bikes all the way from North Kildonan to the Dairy Whip on Marion (he called it 'Mikes Dairy Whip', I suppose after the owner at the time?). I have to say they make a really good chili burger. I also recommend 'The Burger Place' at Portage and Rutland; get a double-deluxe with cheese and a poutine if you like fat-boy style burgers, long naps, and have little regard for your own well being.

  7. What was the name of the guy in charge of the construction of the stadium? He was on the Bomber Board, I think. That's the guy who should be blamed. Buchko's problem was his guaranteeing that the Bombers would be playing at IGF in 2012 when it didn't happen.

    Ossama AbouZeid


    He was the interim CEO prior to Buchko, and continued in his role a stadium project manager when Buchko arrived on the scene. He is now on the board of directors.


    I have been Santa Lucia fan for some time, but I recently tried Gondola pizza... wow, was that ever good! Not over-heaped with toppings like at Santa Lucia, so you don't have to eat it with a fork and knife. I think it's the sauce that makes it stand out to me. And they have this in-house shredded salami salad with oil and vinegar dressing... to die for. I strongly recommend Gondola next time you do delivery.

    Who eats pizza with a fork and knife.  Psshhh...you girl.  And stop changing your name...for a while I was like...where did that guy come from.  Ya weirdo.   ;)


    And gondola is good, I like that too.


    When the guy from Qo'nos calls you weirdo it should be taken as a compliment  ;) . I changed it to match my twitter handle, but since I discovered how much twitter sucks I'm considering changing back.

  9. I have been Santa Lucia fan for some time, but I recently tried Gondola pizza... wow, was that ever good! Not over-heaped with toppings like at Santa Lucia, so you don't have to eat it with a fork and knife. I think it's the sauce that makes it stand out to me. And they have this in-house shredded salami salad with oil and vinegar dressing... to die for. I strongly recommend Gondola next time you do delivery.

  10. it's what we do these last few years when a player wants to try his luck down south. i have mixed feelings on this... but Barker has been consistent on this and it seems that players know it and respect it.


    can't blame Khalif for wanting to give it one last try for the big money (he's 29). hope he gets a bigass contract down there... but if not, i hope he remembers that we did right by him.

    I'm sure he will, and that's got to factor in to the decision to let him go in the first place. I don't recall if we let Vega out of his contract a little early, but he came right back to Winnipeg with positive things to say upon his return.

  11. Crazy talk! Tim Burke has been and will likely continue to be among the best DC's in the league. 4 consecutive seasons in the GC, winning two of them? Our most successful season in the past 5 years was the one year he was our DC from start to finish.


    BUT... the situation in Winnipeg would never have worked for Burke or the Bombers. Nobody wants to get unceremoniously demoted and told to work for the next guy in line, and the incoming staff wanted to show they were heading in a completely new direction; that meant shedding basically the entire coaching staff, including Burke.


    but if you commit a crime while drunk you don't get to use the techinicality that you weren't in your right state of mind, you get held responsible for your actions. 



    I thought the argument is that he shouldn't be released because there is a chance he could re-offend. But drunk drivers do get released from jail once they've served their time. To borrow an idea from Iso, can anyone guarantee these guys won't get wasted and hop behind the wheel the moment they get the chance?

  13. easy solution - let all the Victor Li's out into society but then also make it mandatory that all adults carry a weapon to defend themselves from being eaten. It basically then just turns society into an episode of the Walking Dead.

    Personally, I'd like to go back to carrying around swords on our hips. Less innocent bystanders that way. That and I was a fencer in high school, so I think I'd have... an edge B)

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