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Posts posted by tacklewasher

  1. 11 hours ago, iHeart said:

    man I never thought that Starbucks could be effected that badly


    I have a under 5 minute commute to work. If I want to add a couple minutes to it, I have a choice of 3 Starbucks I could visit. All without getting out of my truck.

    I'm not  sure this isn't just the inevitable rationalizing of stores. Maybe sped up a bit by Covid, but coming anyway.

  2. 5 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    Imagine the guidance on certain issues being given by Biden's handlers right now. 

    But I want to let people know . . .. Shhhhh Joe as they point over to the deranged idiot blustering away with his lies and mental instability.


    I'd still like him to come out and state what he would do. Not attack the prick, but put a reasonable plan together so he doesn't come across as just waiting and watching.

    The US needs real leadership right now. I'm afraid if Biden doesn't show some, he's going to be ignored at the polls. "Not Trump" should be enough to get him elected, but there's still a horrible potential for apathy if he doesn't seem to stand for anything.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    Trump Was Reportedly Rushed To Underground Bunker For Protection During D.C. Protests
    Melania and Barron Trump reportedly accompanied him.


    As anti-racist protests continued for a fourth night in Washington, D.C., the Secret Service rushed President Donald Trump to an underground bunker, according to a number of media reports.

    Trump and his family were never in any real danger on Friday when they were relocated but the incident rattled them, sources told The New York Times, which was the first news outlet to report the extraordinary safety measure.


    (Trump flaunts his courage)

    Can they leave him there? Like just "accidentally" lock the door and come back upstairs?

  4. 15 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    I can't figure out what his endgame with this drug is... far as I am aware there are generic versions out there so it's not like people are going to get rich selling it.... and he's potentially killing his supporters... is it purely to try and prove himself right and the scientists wrong? Cause if that's the case good lord what a small petty insecure man. 

    Discussing it on a different forum, and it's pretty much that he can't admit to being wrong so will continue to double down on his idiocy. Why he got on the topic in the first place is a question mark, but he's gone all in on this one. Just be glad he hasn't continued to suggest injecting disinfectants.

  5. 9 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Didn't like her at all. I still think that Elnor, the Romulan Samurai was a waste of a character.  The writers could have had him save Hugh but instead decided to kill off another beloved Star Trek character just because they could. 

    Agreed. Hugh was a much more interesting character. Especially at this point. The Romluan was just another whiny mopey character.

  6. 3 hours ago, JCon said:


    I'm thinking reality is a bit worse than this. I know we were close to laying off 80 people who are now being paid for 40 hours a week to sit at home. We are relying on the CEWS to keep people employed, but they are not working.

  7. On 2020-05-03 at 8:37 PM, Brandon said:

    Sounds like a lot of grey area....  fortunately Trudeau is an expert on this and will make the judgement rather then consulting with others. .

    Trudeau won't be the one relying on the greyness. It will be the RCMP. They will use this to remove as many guns as possible, whether they fit a general idea of assault weapons or not.

    Like others here, I don't own any guns and the only time I've shot anything was at a range in Vegas. For me, it was fun but I doubt I'd bother again. But I didn't like the long gun registery and I'm not happy with the vagueness of what the Liberals have done. Define what they are wanting removed clearly, and I could be behind it.

  8. 1 hour ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Are camp grounds closed for a period of time?  I wonder about beaches...for example will they actively prevent people from using Grand Beach.  If you're a cabin owner, can you go?  If they do re-open or allow gathering, beaches will see a lot of people with everything cancelled, I would think.

    I don't know about MB, but in BC they are through the end of May.

    I've got fathers day weekend booked and am just waiting to hear if it will be open or not.

  9. 6 hours ago, J5V said:

    It's just wild how all these PHDs, professors, biologists, and scientists that have the credentials, tenure, and support of so many and have dedicated their lives to helping people are just a bunch of conspiracy theorist crackpots. I don't know how you guys just know this to be fact.

    The safe thing to do is to just trust in our governments, the big corporations, and the mass media because they always tell us the truth and if they aren't, well, it's for our own good. Right?

    Seems a good reason to question their knowledge is who makes posts supporting them.....

  10. 2 hours ago, Mark H. said:

    Here's my experience with conspiracy theories:

    First, I'll list a few off the top of my head:

    1. All our computers will crash when the year 2000 arrives
    2. 911 was an inside job

    3.  The Titanic didn't really sink, they sunk another ship to claim the insurance on Titanic

    4. No one has ever landed on the moon - it was all trick photography

    There are 100s of others, but I will stop there.  Just looking at those four - they have all been disproven

    My question is simply this: can you give us something that was originally labelled a conspiracy theory, that was later proven to be legit?


    While I agree 1 through 3, the truth is that 4 was staged. Nasa hired Stanley Kubrick to do the filming, the only issue is he demanded it be filmed on location




  11. 1 minute ago, Noeller said:

    right from the very beginning, officials said "If this works, it's going to look like it was an overreaction" and that's exactly what we should all be hoping for. If everyone does their part and just STAYS HOME, this will be over that much sooner and we can get back to normal. 

    Nope. If we do as suggested, it will be drawn out by a month or two, but in drawing it out we will not overtax our healthcare and will not see a death rate like Italy.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    I don't know about the provincial process, but I heard that since the federal payment program opened, they've been processing 1,000 applications per minute (!!!) which I can't even wrap my head around...

    I know this is a bit of an aside from the Covid topic, but it does amaze me that they got this system up and running so quickly when a year ago they had trouble paying employees with the Phoenix system. I really expected this to be a cluster-f

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