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Posts posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. Here is my hope for Pencer.  


    When he does eventually get put in, he knocks a defender to the ground, and tells them that they can stop bringing the house every down, because they will have to pick a defender up off the field after every play.


    Our O-Line needs to get meaner, knock someone on their ass, and show them that they are tired of having defences running rough-shod all over them.

    Our OL wasn't bad once Douglas went out.  Way fewer blitzes as the game wore on and Goltz made some throws.  The big problem for our OL is that there is no respect for our QB's so teams are sending more than they can block, hard to get a good run block, can't pass block more than 4-5 without someone coming free.  That only changes when the QB in there makes some throws and forces the defence to spread out.

  2. Hall is going to have a hell of a time moving the offence.  You can't run any read option stuff with him because he can't run.  They are just going to stack the LOS and challenge him to make throws, he'll have to be on right from the start, and whether he can make the necessary throws is questionable.  I don't see a lot of upside for Hall, I'd rather use these wasted games to see if Goltz can become more refined as a passer.

  3. The cost difference between our stadium and Hamilton's are two steel trusses and a couple jumbotrons that aren't used for much more than advertising.  Personally, I'd give up the steel trusses for more seats between the goal-lines and a proper concourse.  Ours is visually pretty (as long as you don't look at the concrete and the sloppy cuts for egress to the field), theirs will be functional.


    The Bisons game last night was very well produced.  Actually got to see some replays, and the camera work was actually better than the Bomber game, where they can't seem to figure out how to get a wide shot of the field rather than extreme close-ups.


    Looks like Ottawa will be tight to get finished, don't look at all close to getting a field down and the shell (supports) of the stadium isn't complete.  Wonder when they'll have to decide whether or not they'll play in 2014.

  4. If Collaros looks good does Toronto re-sign him and protect him?  This is going to be interesting.


    Also have to start questioning Ray's durability.  Their backup (if they keep Ray) next season likely won't be of high quality unless they make a move, so can you operate with an aging QB who has missed 4+ starts in back to back seasons?  Is it a trend or a blip?



    Anyone that's friends with Kelly, I want no part of, and it makes sense why he'd bounce around (people don't like him...)


    Yeah, that's a bit of a stretch dude. Can't due the guilt by association thing. 


    I'm just saying there seems to be more proof to back it up...with the bouncing around from org to org......maybe he's an ******* personality, as with Kelly, and nobody likes him?? I'm not saying "for sure!!"....just "maybe?" ....


    Greg Marshall was part of the "Eskimo Way" wave in the off-season.  Being on 1 or at most 2 year deals, assistant coaches are easy scapegoats and somewhat interchangeable.




    Two head coaches have not had confidence in his ability to hit kicks over 40 yards.  


    I'm not going to disagree with your overall sentiments, but is this because they didn't have faith in the kicker or because they (in Lapos case moreso, it's pretty clear Burke didn't like Palardy) had so much faith in the defense that they preferred to try and pin teams deep?


    The bigger concern is that the miss becomes a TD the other way.  One of the worst decisions Lapo made was sending Palardy out for a 48 yarder into the wind at Canad Inns at the end of a half vs the Argos in 2010.  Owens fielded the attempt at the 5 yard line and ran it back.  Punting from inside your own 45 is not a good situation for pinning anybody (unless there is a significant wind).  Punters don't practice shanking punts, they can't use their proper technique to hit that kick, and it has just as good of a chance of going into the endzone.


    When you watch kickers in warmup or practice, most of them go out to 55-60 yards and hit kicks.  They probably couldn't do it in a game against the rush, but you can see them do it off a stand.  Palardy could barely get it to the posts from 45-50.



    Wasn't that Serna?



    No it was the end of October 2010.


    Here's an Owens quote from CP:


    Receiver Chad Owens scored his fourth kick-return touchdown of the season with four seconds left in the first half after Bomber kicker Justin Palardy was short on a field-goal attempt into the wind.

    "Licking my chops," said Owens. "I kind of anticipated it being short.

    "So as soon as he hit it, I knew it was going to be short so when I caught it, I just wanted to hesitate a sec (to let the blockers) get around and do their job and I just ran. It was pretty simple."



    Three of Owens' kick-return scores have been against the Bombers, including another off a missed Alexis Serna field-goal attempt and one from a punt return. His other was on a punt return against Calgary.


  7. I'm annoyed that with our lack of Canadian defensive back depth we didn't get Ryan Hinds.  He didn't pan out as a starting corner for Hamilton but guaranteed he would be better depth than Dan West at safety and would have pushed Cauchy as well.

    Why is that guaranteed?  Hinds couldn't even stick as a special teamer and depth in Hamilton and lost his job to an Ontario junior player.


    Two head coaches have not had confidence in his ability to hit kicks over 40 yards.  


    I'm not going to disagree with your overall sentiments, but is this because they didn't have faith in the kicker or because they (in Lapos case moreso, it's pretty clear Burke didn't like Palardy) had so much faith in the defense that they preferred to try and pin teams deep?


    The bigger concern is that the miss becomes a TD the other way.  One of the worst decisions Lapo made was sending Palardy out for a 48 yarder into the wind at Canad Inns at the end of a half vs the Argos in 2010.  Owens fielded the attempt at the 5 yard line and ran it back.  Punting from inside your own 45 is not a good situation for pinning anybody (unless there is a significant wind).  Punters don't practice shanking punts, they can't use their proper technique to hit that kick, and it has just as good of a chance of going into the endzone.


    When you watch kickers in warmup or practice, most of them go out to 55-60 yards and hit kicks.  They probably couldn't do it in a game against the rush, but you can see them do it off a stand.  Palardy could barely get it to the posts from 45-50.

  9. Perhaps he would benefit from some specialist coaching, he is after all only 25. The problem is ST coaches are not actually kicking coaches. Unlike hockey where goaltender coaches are also sound fundamental teachers.

    I am just concerned that it is difficult to find a nip kicker. The transition from CIS to the CFL seems dramatic. I am not aware of any nips in the NCAA system right now. Hopefully there is.


    Craig Dickenson is a kicking coach.  Palardy has not improved his leg strength or kickoff placement in 4 seasons.  Two head coaches have not had confidence in his ability to hit kicks over 40 yards.  He's a below average kicker.  There are enough below average and NI prospects around for everyone to attempt to develop.  Palardy will be available, Schiavone (accurate, not big leg), Alix (big leg, accuracy bad), Austin Anderson (good leg), Cameron (punter), Pavlopolous, Lirim Hajrullahu, Johnny Mark (good leg, accurate) is in the next draft, Tyler Crapigna (accurate, not big leg) in 2015 Hamilton has Brett Lauther (big leg) in the pipeline,


    Deangelis might last a few more years.






    He's a journeyman. Most journeymen don't amount to much, I'm afraid.



    Haven't we been pining for free agents and guys who have been in the CFL?



    Too true.


    Sorry, but Boltus is not my idea of a great free agent signing, c'mon. Now, Graham Harrell if he's available... THAT'S a free agent worth pursuing. Or one of the CFL young buck back up qbs. THOSE are free agents.



    What has Graham Harrell ever done?  He just lost his job to Vince Young, who is basically the off the couch Michael Bishop of the NFL.  Harrell is at about the same level as Boltus as a pro.



    Boltus never made the NFL so debatable.



    Alex Brink was drafted by the NFL.  Don't know why we cut him.

  11. MSW was at one point the lead dog receiver on the Jags.  2009 he had 63 rec. for 869 yds and 7 TD's.  2010 43 rec., 562 yds and 7 TD's.  Didn't do much in 2011 and was out of the NFL in 2012. 


    Signing in the CFL indicates he may still have some fire in his belly.  At a minimum, when you score 7 TD's a year for the woeful Jags, you know your way around the end zone.  Love this signing.  We have to take some shots to get better.  Hope MSW pays off!

    Or he's broke.




    He's a journeyman. Most journeymen don't amount to much, I'm afraid.



    Haven't we been pining for free agents and guys who have been in the CFL?



    Too true.


    Sorry, but Boltus is not my idea of a great free agent signing, c'mon. Now, Graham Harrell if he's available... THAT'S a free agent worth pursuing. Or one of the CFL young buck back up qbs. THOSE are free agents.



    What has Graham Harrell ever done?  He just lost his job to Vince Young, who is basically the off the couch Michael Bishop of the NFL.  Harrell is at about the same level as Boltus as a pro.


    The only upside with Walters is that he's the head cheese now, maybe players will respond differently to him than dead man walking. From a coaching stand point though, this does nothing to improve evaluating players as some are suggesting that get rid of Burke would accomplish.

    Based on what we've seen so far this year, I don't think there's anything this group would respond to. Other than a few vets who act like pros (Edwards, Simpson, January, A.Hall...) every single one of them has played as uninspiring as I've ever seen.

    Not sure I saw Lewis' comments mentioned on here, but he's absolutely right. This team mailed it in weeks ago.

    We're damned if we do, damned if we don't. But, as next year is priority #1, I wouldn't can Burke and bring in someone who's just going to be replaced at years end anyway. Unless Marcel wants the gig in the interim, all the power to him.


    How does Hall make the list?  He's got more offsides than sacks in his two years here, and he refuses the substitution when the coach tries to hold him accountable.  Burke should have called a timeout right there and reamed him out.  Everyone wants to win, but when you construct a team around selfish talent you get 1-7.


    Greg Carr? Or is he under contract somewhere?

    Presumably Marcel likes this boltus kid since he playing in Hamilton. Ill reserve judgement. Maybe he can play.

    He's a journeyman. Most journeymen don't amount to much, I'm afraid.


    Haven't we been pining for free agents and guys who have been in the CFL?

  15. From the sounds of it, Crowton's O involved both the rec and QBs making multiple reads...  While I don't think this is an excuse for sucking, I don't really see the benefit of bringing in two (import?) receivers to compete...


    I mean insert Woods if you want to change things up...?  To me, it seems like we're looking at Woods at RB more than SB right now... which is worrisome.


    Try Carter or Miles... or give DPierce another chance - the guy played with three diff QBs last game... its ridiculous.


    Every offence in pro football involves receivers and QB's making reads...most high school offences do too.  If the corner takes a 10 yard drop into his zone, why would the #1 receiver run a 10 yard hook, even if that's the call?  The whole game is about reading and adjusting.



    Our receivers need to be upgraded to fix our offense just as bad as our DB's need to be upgraded to fix our defense.


    It's pretty tough on our QB's when they don't have a reliable receiver to throw to. Right now, the QB is scrambling and the receivers are still running their route's instead of coming back and opening up for the QB. The only smart and reliable receiver we have right now is Edwards. If we had legitimate depth at receiver, I wouldn't even be playing Denmark. He takes the night off and goes invisible WAY too often.


    You bring in a guy like Ellingson or Chiles, who have been dominant in their first year (like Matthews last year) and our offense would be WAY better off.


    Where should the receivers come back to?  The defence is sitting is short zones and daring our QB's to hit a window, which they've done few times.  If we had a QB who could make a read and a throw, you could put the receivers down.  There is nowhere for receivers to come back to.  We don't throw deep, our veteran QB can't handle a blitz and teams are just sitting in the middle of the field and short zones daring someone to beat them, which makes it almost impossible to run the ball without tossing in everyone to block.  We're probably the easiest team to defend in recent CFL history.



    Word on the street (ok, heard it from Rick Ralph) is none of our receivers are running the correct routes, and TE is the only one actually performing on game day like he does in practice.  Haven't watched many of the games (only listened) so can't judge. 


    Is it really the vet QB can't handle a blitz or our OL is just that awful?  



    The point of the blitz is that they are sending more guys than we can block.  In that game on the weekend, Hamilton was routinely bringing 7 vs 5 or 6.  It makes the OL look really bad because guys are coming through free, but that is by design.  Any functional offence is going to beat this enough times to make it pointless for a defence to send a blitz (particularly a rush of more than 5) on a passing down more than about 1/3 of the time.  The QB needs to read the blitz pre-snap (especially when it is not being disguised) and designate a receiver to replace the space where a blitzer(s) is coming from, a hot route.  This is football 101, one of the first things young passers learn on either side of the border.  Pierce is not reading anything until the ball is snapped, and by then it is too late.  He needs to know where the ball is going before it is even snapped.  If any other QB in the league faced that blitz he'd throw for 400 yards.

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